[ ] Test download of otel-contrib + node_exporter from web (eg. using a mock http server)
[ ] Test upload of otel-contrib + node_exporter from Jenkins plugin resources
[ ] Test use of otel-contrib + node_exporter present on the agent PATH
[ ] Test Grafana link
No link is present, if onMonit() is not used
Verify that a job using the onMonit() step has the link to the Jenkins settings (if Grafana link is not configured)
Verify that a job using the onMonit() step has the link to the Grafana dashboard (if configured in Jenkins settings)
Check that parameters are set correctly
[ ] Test upload of metrics
Verify that host metrics are sent, in the test we could start a supporting otel collector that pushes metrics to InfluxDB, using InfluxDB Module - Testcontainers for Java and then assert after the test pipeline runs that metrics arrived in this DB.
Verify that custom OTEL config can be configured in Jenkins settings (eg. to use a custom label)
[ ] Using two onMonit() in parallel on the same node works
What feature do you want to see added?
Currently this plugin does not have tests.
Add the following tests:
Upstream changes
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