jenkinsci / opentelemetry-plugin

Monitor and observe Jenkins with OpenTelemetry.
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Send Logs To Loki while Still Preserving Console Output #841

Open BbBaboo42 opened 1 month ago

BbBaboo42 commented 1 month ago

What feature do you want to see added?

In the Grafana Visualization Observability Backend, you currently must choose between:

  1. Don't store pipeline logs in Loki
  2. Store pipeline logs In Loki and visualize logs exclusively in Grafana (logs no longer visible through Jenkins screens)

While I do want the logs to be sent to Loki, I still need for the Console Output to exist, for other Jenkins plugins such as BlueOcean, Pipeline Overview and others.

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chewrocca commented 1 month ago

I believe this may be related.

BbBaboo42 commented 1 month ago

I now see that configuring otel.logs.mirror_to_disk=true in the plugin configuration does achieve my goal. However, It is very strange that for me to collect the build logs to loki, I have to add a Grafana Visualization Backend, and under its advanced option choose: Store pipeline logs in Loki and visualize logs exclusively in Grafana (logs no longer visible through Jenkins Controler)

Which I then supposed to cancel out with the configuration otel.logs.mirror_to_disk=true

cyrille-leclerc commented 2 weeks ago


PR above is about mirroring pipeline logs in Jenkins and Loki. A subsequent improvement would be to display in Jenkins logs stored in Loki so we no longer need to mirror logs in order to display logs in Jenkins GUIs

cyrille-leclerc commented 1 week ago

FYI PR above is merged and released

FYI New feature in progress to close the gap: