Care must be taken when upgrading from Hamcrest 1.3 or earlier. Due to the change in packaging, the version conflict resolution that happens in dependency management tools won’t happen automatically. A common example is projects that depend upon JUnit 4. JUnit 4 declares a transitive dependency upon hamcrest-core-1.3.jar. Because hamcrest-core is not the same artifact as hamcrest, it will not be upgraded.
### Submitter checklist
- [ ] Make sure you are opening from a **topic/feature/bugfix branch** (right side) and not your main branch!
- [ ] Ensure that the pull request title represents the desired changelog entry
- [ ] Please describe what you did
- [ ] Link to relevant issues in GitHub or Jira
- [ ] Link to relevant pull requests, esp. upstream and downstream changes
- [ ] Ensure you have provided tests - that demonstrates feature works or fixes the issue
Prior to this junit 4.x was bringing in hamcrest-core, causing to fail:
See the docs:
Testing done
I've tested with a snapshot version of the pom: