jenkinsci / report-jtreg-plugin

Jenkins plugin to show JCK reports
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links brainstorming #26

Open judovana opened 3 months ago

judovana commented 3 months ago

links from comaprator

The need of liks as in grown. With simple comparator, it is easy:

Later in each cell of table, the X should have to point to that test (based on row)(in jtreg results) of the build (the build) of the job

With diff, it gets more interesting:

Later in each cell of table, the number, or numbers must provide many links:

My only idea how to fulfil that is soe floating tooltip with set of links above each number:(

links in jtreg-results jelly page

Currently each test have exapnd and track link. Expand will need to remain hardcoded. Howevert the (track) would be needed to be changed to dynamic.

Similarly as per-page links are generated, an mechanism to generate per-test links will need to be created. The track will be jsut one of the user-set links. (well documented as example). Other link here should be the call to stack-trace comparator targetted on that single test only

judovana commented 3 months ago

From top of my head

    public void printTable(String[][] table, int rowSize, int columnSize);
    public String generateTableHeaderItem(String mainLine, List<String> otherLines);

Would need quite an extension. Especially if there are supposed to be several numbers, each of its own set of links... Maybe instead if String, a Object of Cell which may contain list of CellItems, where each cell item can have one primary link, and set of pupu links?

patrikcerbak commented 3 months ago

links from comparator of results

Ok, I agree.

links from comparing stack traces

Either way, floating tooltip or the details/summary tags with set of links makes sense to me, both will be usable I think.

links in jtreg-results jelly

So as I understand it, you will be able to set the track link in jenkins settings? Similary to the setting there already is? And there will be one more button to compare stack traces of the test?

Cell, CellItems

I'm for this (or similar) approach, since the table generator is now really ugly, this would make it more "prettier".