jenkinsci / slack-plugin

A Jenkins plugin for posting notifications to a Slack channel
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Modify `getChannelId` and `convertChannelNameToId` for efficient channel ID retrieval #977

Closed KojiNakamaru closed 1 month ago

KojiNakamaru commented 1 month ago

With the latest plugin ( ), the following slackUploadFile() cannot finish in my environment, which has roughly 5300 public/private channels. slackUploadFile() internally causes Rate limited by Slack, retrying in 30000ms many times.

pipeline {
    agent {
        node {
            label 'master'
    stages {
        stage('send') {
            steps {
                script {
                    sh 'echo hello > hello.txt'
                    slackUploadFile(channel: 'GXXXXXXXXXX', filePath: 'hello.txt', initialComment: "test")

If a channel is specified by its ID, getChannelId() can avoid many conversations.list calls. 894f6ead46a7308e9535b75e2da1c459fb4f09cf allows getChannelId() to return immediately if channelName matches the pattern of ID.

I also experimentally found that conversations.list with types=public_channel,private_channel requires much more API calls than conversations.list with two separate types=public_channel and types=private_channel. 48d915242234f74ac046fd866d066130f359166d splits convertChannelNameToId() into two methods, one for types=public_channel and another for types=private_channel. A new parameter limit=999 is also added to reduce API calls further.

Testing done

The code was packaged by mvn package and passed existing tests. The resulting hpi was installed on a jenkins server (version 2.460) and was confirmed to run correctly.

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