jenkinsci / uipath-automation-package-plugin

A Jenkins plugin for packaging UiPath project and deploying it to UiPath Orchestrator
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UiPathPack output package doesn't have lib directory, the package cannot run on uipath cloud #153

Open ppengkkang opened 1 year ago

ppengkkang commented 1 year ago

Jenkins and plugins versions report

Environment ```text latest plugin ```

What Operating System are you using (both controller, and any agents involved in the problem)?

windows10, no agent involved

Reproduction steps

stage ('Pack') {
  steps {
    UiPathPack (
      outputPath: "Output\\${env.BUILD_NUMBER}",
      projectJsonPath: "project.json",
      version: [$class: 'ManualVersionEntry', version: "${MAJOR}.${MINOR}.${env.BUILD_NUMBER}"],
      useOrchestrator: true,
      traceLevel: "None",
      orchestratorAddress: "xxxx/DefaultTenant",
      orchestratorTenant: "DefaultTenant",
      credentials: [$class: 'UserPassAuthenticationEntry', credentialsId: 'ocadmin']

Expected Results

the output package can run on uipath cloud

Actual Results

failed when running on uipath cloud

Anything else?

I guess the reason could be the missing lib directory in the output package. I built with uipath studio cli, the output package has lib directory(sub directory something like net6.0-windows7.0 containing dll files)

bsloan-icl commented 1 year ago

Experiencing the same issue with:

Jenkins 2.387.3
uipath-automation-package-plugin 3.0 

When building the project via Studio or the uipath.cli (23.2.8467.25277) the package is as follows: image

But when building via the UiPath plugin the package contents differ: image

When attempting to run the package in Orchestrator the following error occurs: image