jenkinsci / xray-connector-plugin

Xray Test Management Connector for Jenkins
MIT License
16 stars 13 forks source link

Steps are not included in Jira issue after importing Cucumber feature files to Jira issue #60

Closed jinlxz closed 2 years ago

jinlxz commented 2 years ago

Jenkins and plugins versions report

Environment ```text Jenkins: 2.319.1 OS: Linux - 4.15.0-45-generic --- Office-365-Connector:4.15.2 ace-editor:1.1 active-directory:2.25 ant:1.12 antisamy-markup-formatter:2.4 apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api:4.5.13-1.0 authentication-tokens:1.4 authorize-project:1.4.0 bootstrap4-api:4.6.0-3 bootstrap5-api:5.1.1-1 bouncycastle-api:2.25 branch-api:2.7.0 build-timeout:1.20 caffeine-api:2.9.2-29.v717aac953ff3 checks-api:1.7.2 cloudbees-folder:6.16 command-launcher:1.6 credentials:2.6.1 credentials-binding:1.27 cucumber-living-documentation:3.2 cucumber-reports:5.6.1 cucumber-trends-report:1.3 display-url-api:2.3.5 docker-commons:1.17 docker-java-api: docker-plugin:1.2.3 docker-slaves:1.0.7 docker-workflow:1.26 durable-task:1.39 echarts-api:5.2.1-2 email-ext:2.84 external-monitor-job:1.7 font-awesome-api:5.15.4-1 generic-webhook-trigger:1.77 git:4.9.0 git-client:3.10.0 git-server:1.10 github-api:1.133 gitlab-plugin:1.5.22 gradle:1.37.1 handlebars:3.0.8 handy-uri-templates-2-api:2.1.8-1.0 jackson2-api:2.13.0-230.v59243c64b0a5 javadoc:1.6 jaxb:2.3.0 jdk-tool:1.5 jjwt-api:0.11.2-9.c8b45b8bb173 jquery:1.12.4-1 jquery3-api:3.6.0-2 jsch: junit:1.53 kubernetes:1.30.5 kubernetes-client-api:5.4.1 kubernetes-credentials:0.9.0 ldap:2.7 lockable-resources:2.12 mailer:1.34 matrix-auth:2.6.8 matrix-project:1.19 maven-plugin:3.16 mercurial:2.15 metrics: momentjs:1.1.1 okhttp-api:3.14.9 pam-auth:1.6 pipeline-build-step:2.15 pipeline-graph-analysis:1.11 pipeline-input-step:2.12 pipeline-milestone-step:1.3.2 pipeline-model-api:1.9.2 pipeline-model-definition:1.9.2 pipeline-model-extensions:1.9.2 pipeline-rest-api:2.19 pipeline-stage-step:2.5 pipeline-stage-tags-metadata:1.9.2 pipeline-stage-view:2.19 plain-credentials:1.7 plugin-util-api:2.5.0 popper-api:1.16.1-2 popper2-api:2.10.2-1 rebuild:1.32 resource-disposer:0.16 role-strategy:3.2.0 scm-api:2.6.5 script-security:1.78 snakeyaml-api:1.29.1 ssh-credentials:1.19 ssh-slaves:1.33.0 sshd:3.1.0 structs:1.23 timestamper:1.13 token-macro:267.vcdaea6462991 trilead-api:1.0.13 variant:1.4 windows-slaves:1.8 workflow-aggregator:2.6 workflow-api:2.47 workflow-basic-steps:2.24 workflow-cps:2.94 workflow-cps-global-lib:2.21 workflow-durable-task-step:2.40 workflow-job:2.42 workflow-multibranch:2.26 workflow-scm-step:2.13 workflow-step-api:2.24 workflow-support:3.8 ws-cleanup:0.39 xray-connector:2.5.3 ```

What Operating System are you using (both controller, and any agents involved in the problem)?

Controller OS: Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS agent OS: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS

Reproduction steps

use the plugin to import the below feature file to Jira

Feature: Xray interation tests
  @id:3 @xray_tests
  Scenario: XRay interation test1
    Given [Virtual] test cases create by script.
    When  [Virtual] user navigates to sign in page.
    * [Virtual] user enters correct user name and pasword, then click the button submit.
    Then [Virtual] the user should be logged in.
  @id:4 @xray_tests
  Scenario: XRay interation test2
    Given [Virtual] test cases create by script.
    When  [Virtual] user navigates to sign in page.
    * [Virtual] user enters correct user name and pasword, then click the button submit.
    Then [Virtual] the user should be logged in.
  @id:5 @xray_tests
  Scenario: XRay interation test3
    Given [Virtual] test cases create by script.
    When  [Virtual] user navigates to sign in page.
    * [Virtual] user enters correct user name and pasword, then click the button submit.
    Then [Virtual] the user should be logged in.

plugin configuration is as follows: image

Expected Results

3 Test issues should be created, the issues should have summary, steps included as in the feature file, labels should include the file path, the following link describe the full behaviors

Actual Results

the issues are created, but the test type is Generic, instead of Cucumber, also the steps are not included in the issues. labels of the issues don't include the file path.

Anything else?

No response

Russell616 commented 2 years ago

Hi @jinlxz!

This plugin just sends the file to your Xray instance with all the fields, meaning that all the processing is done inside Xray, not in Jenkins/connector plugin.

If you can see the issues being created in your Jira instance, this means that the problem is probably related to the file being imported and/or some Xray configuration.

I suggest you contact Xray's support team so they can better investigate why you are seeing generic tests instead of cucumber ones.