[x] Adding noise does not converge -> should experiment more before the meeting
documentation: The sky level in counts per pixel that was originally in the input image (By definition, the zeropoint of an instrument is the magnitude of an object that produces one count per second.)
I just changed to gaussian noise so that we do not have to worry about random generator
[x] errors are ironically not reproducable
[x] handle ellipticity! what is beta!!
-changed e=ellipticity phi=beta
I guess it is actually just a debug list 😅 I will try to fix it before the meeting tomorrow
:moments_sigma: size sigma=(det M)^(1/4) from the adaptive moments, in units of pixels; -1 if not measured.
http://galsim-developers.github.io/GalSim/classgalsim_1_1hsm_1_1_shape_data.html but SDSS gives I_xx+I_yy.