jens-maus / RaspberryMatic

:house: A feature-rich but lightweight, buildroot-based Linux operating system alternative for your CloudFree CCU3/ELV-Charly 'homematicIP CCU' IoT smarthome central. Running as a pure virtual appliance (ProxmoxVE, Home Assistant, LXC, Docker/OCI, Kubernetes/K8s, etc.) on a dedicated embedded device (RaspberryPi, etc.) or generic x86/ARM hardware.
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Update from (rpi3) to doesn't work #1731

Closed hodiet closed 2 years ago

hodiet commented 2 years ago

Describe the issue you are experiencing

CCU3 with Raspberrymatic (rpi3)

In the WebGUI seen, that there is an Update to available.

Followed both procedure.

First: loaded from

as zip file, choose load zip-file for upload to CCU, agreed to license, made backup, started update after two hours the LED of CCU was stable pink.

Removed power, ccu3 bootet into former version (rpi3)

Next try: update from inside the webgut, with out downloading the zip file (the internal update option)

Result: same, after two hours....

Tried the first option again, did a fresh download of the zip file, followed the same procedure as in first try.

Result: after two hours the CCU3 LED was stable pink.

At this point I am lost, don't know what to make different to get the new version running onto my ccu3.

If there is a different procedure please let me know

I removed any usb hardware I front of the update

Describe the behavior you expected

Expected behavior: internal update procedure should run without problems within some minutes and boot into the new version

Steps to reproduce the issue

1. 2. 3. ...

As described in the problem description

What is the version this bug report is based on? (rpi3)

Which base platform are you running?

rpi3 (RaspberryPi3)

Which HomeMatic/homematicIP radio module are you using?


Anything in the logs that might be useful for us?


Additional information

No response

rucksman commented 2 years ago

Same for me. Unttil now all the updates worked flawlessly.

After the update my ELV-Charly is not reachable via the regular IP address but via some kind of emergency IP. There I can choose on a blue page whether I want a normal reboot or restore or ...

When I do a normal boot, the raspberry boots just fine to the old version.

rucksman commented 2 years ago

At least in my case the problem results from unsufficient disk space. This can be seen during the update process on a webpage via the "emergency" IP address. But I wonder why, because I did not change anything since the last update and all of a sudden around 600MB free disk space is missing. This means that during the last month or so an additional 600MB+ where written to the SC card. Really strange. Bigger SD card won't help (very long) in this case if the increase in disk usage is continuing like this.

hodiet commented 2 years ago

Hello rucksman,

what is this "emergency IP"?

my space available with the former system:

root@ccu3-webui:~# df -k
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root               996780    580608    347360  63% /
devtmpfs                454896         0    454896   0% /dev
tmpfs                   489296         0    489296   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                   489296      1384    487912   0% /tmp
tmpfs                   489296       124    489172   0% /run
tmpfs                   489300      4460    484840   1% /var
tmpfs                   489296         0    489296   0% /media
/dev/mmcblk0p3         1998672    450636   1426796  24% /usr/local
/dev/mmcblk0p1          261868     70840    191028  27% /boot
/dev/sda1              7756612   2672820   5083792  34% /media/usb1

Which filesystem does not have sufficient space? /dev/root ?

jens-maus commented 2 years ago

@hodiet It's obviously your /usr/local filesystem that does not have enough space. There is only 1.3GB left which unfortunatley is not enough. As I can spot, this is a CCU3 device, right? So my guess is that you simply forgot to do a manual factory reset during the CCU3 firmware -> RaspberryMatic upgrade process back when you switched to RaspberryMatic. See the documentation once more ( and take special note of point 9 of the installation documentation there ("Notwendigen System-Reset durchführen") and then perform accordingly!

hodiet commented 2 years ago

thank you for your answer, yes, as mentioned in the initial description it’s a ccu3 device.

you are probably right that I didn’t did this factory reset. And the reason is, that I have a don’t want to do a fresh install and config of all my devices. Is it possible to avoid this ‚from scratch‘ configuration with a restore of a backup after the factory reset and update?

One more question, there are two different images, the zip for upgrade and a tgz for change from original OS to the raspberry OS. Which one do I need after factory reset? I assume the tgz, right?

jens-maus commented 2 years ago

you are probably right that I didn’t did this factory reset. And the reason is, that I have a don’t want to do a fresh install and config of all my devices.

Ok, then please read the documentation again and try to understand that before doing this "factory reset" you are supposed to take a backup and then restore it afterwards. So you will lose nothing and don't have to start from scratch. This is s clear misunderstanding.

BTW: Please refrain from replying to github ticket emails directly as this will mess up things. GitHub is supposed to be used via its web page and nothing else.

rucksman commented 2 years ago

@hodiet : "emergency" IP address is probably the wrong description. My CCU3 (ELV Charly) usually has a fixed IP address, but during update it is available via a different IP address (probably only a fresh DHCP address?). I discovered this only when I checked my home network to see the status of my CCU3 when I was not able to reach it anymore via the fixed IP address. Still unclear where all my disk space has gone.

hodiet commented 2 years ago

Thank you all for your help.

after the factory reset the update worked. (free space at /usr/local is now 5.xGB) after restoring the backup most parts are as before, CUx-Daemon, HM-pdetect, HomeKit. The entire RedMatic AddOn is missing. All zigbee devices are gone. Probable I didn't read some part of the documentation again. Again what learned.

Thank you, Holger

jp112sdl commented 2 years ago

Maybe it could be useful to show the free space on the maintenance page? grafik

(This was just a quick code c&p of the USERFSFREE var from the help.cgi)

jens-maus commented 2 years ago

Maybe it could be useful to show the free space on the maintenance page?

Looks good to me. Feel free to submit a PR ;-)

jp112sdl commented 2 years ago

Sure... give me a few days.