jens-maus / RaspberryMatic

:house: A feature-rich but lightweight, buildroot-based Linux operating system alternative for your CloudFree CCU3/ELV-Charly 'homematicIP CCU' IoT smarthome central. Running as a pure virtual appliance (ProxmoxVE, Home Assistant, LXC, Docker/OCI, Kubernetes/K8s, etc.) on a dedicated embedded device (RaspberryPi, etc.) or generic x86/ARM hardware.
Apache License 2.0
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Support for RaspberryPi4 #650

Closed jens-maus closed 5 years ago

jens-maus commented 5 years ago

Now that a new RaspberryPi hardware generation (RaspberryPi4) is out we should add support for it ASAP.

friedpa commented 5 years ago

I just read that Eben Upton is announcing the delivery only in 2020 ….. nevertheless the performance is outstanding

MathiasJZ commented 5 years ago

I already ordered my Raspberry PI4. It will arrive my home approximately at 15th of July 2019. But my PI3 B+ is running very well. So I'll install IObroker at my new device. For what I need a computer with 4GB RAM for Raspberrymatic? I'm only a bit sad cause it supports only micro SD as well.

roessi commented 5 years ago

Hallo Jens Ich habe mir auch einen Pi4 bestellt, kommt am 27.06 an. Würd mich als Beta Tester anbieten. Lg Rudi

friedpa commented 5 years ago

Received my Raspberry PI 4 today. So ready for testing!

jens-maus commented 5 years ago

Anyone interested in testing the latest RaspberryPi4 version of RaspberryMatic (release candidate) can download the archive from here:

Any feedback on the RaspberryPi4 version would be highly appreciated.

friedpa commented 5 years ago

I have the problem that the RPI-RF-MOD doesn´t fit mechanically onto the Raspberry 4 anymore. I will look for an GPIO extension cable this week. Hope that I can start testing next week.

friedpa commented 5 years ago

Hallo Jens, habe nun heute die SW getestet. Bei mir startet die RM SW bleibt aber dann irgendwo hängen. Das RPI-RF-MOD Modul leuchtet grün und die Pi4 blinkt rot. Alle versuche über SSH auf den Pi4 zu kommen waren erfolglos. Habe es mit Putty und WinSCP probiert. Nachtrag: Am Router meldet sich der Pi4 auch nicht an.

jens-maus commented 5 years ago

An updated test version is now uploaded and the pi4 support is complete now for the upcoming release. Please note, however, that due to some unresolved RaspberryPi firmware problems the console does not show up on a HDMI connection. But you simply should have to wait until the pi4 booted up completely (green LED start heartbeat flashing) and then the pi4 should be up&running.

Upcoming versions will hopefully fix this minor issue in future. But in principle rpi4 support should work fine.

friedpa commented 5 years ago

Hi Jens, habe nun 3 Stunden getestet.

friedpa commented 5 years ago

Nachtrag: Auch der Neustart und das Herunterfahren des PI4 aus der WebUI heraus gehen bei mir nicht.