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What's best for `prefers-reduced-motion`? #11

Open jensimmons opened 5 years ago

jensimmons commented 5 years ago

I wrote

/* Stop any animation if the user has set their device to "prefers reduced motion". */
@​media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
  * {
    animation: none !important;
    transition: none !important;
    animation-duration: 0.1s !important;
    transition-duration: 0.1s !important;

Or I should say, I snagged that code from discussions on Twitter. Which I'd linked to, but then erased the link. Hm, I should find it again.

@meyerweb raised a good point — why 0.1s and not 0?

Also, do browsers not do this already? Is there no mandate in the CSS spec for user agents to enforce this? Why not? Or if there is (and browsers just haven't implemented it yet), then what is it? What was the discussion about this?

Likely there's some back story with wisdom we can draw from.

olach commented 5 years ago

Here is another variant I have encountered (not tested):

@media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
  * {
    animation-duration: 0s !important;
    transition: none !important;
    scroll-behavior: auto !important;


jensimmons commented 5 years ago

I found the tweets I snagged this code from... by @scottjehl

jensimmons commented 5 years ago

The Media Queries 5 spec defines prefers-reduced-motion here:

The issue where this CSS feature was created is here:

There's a bit of discussion about enforcing this with the browser itself, but that idea was set aside:

The core reason this needs to expose a user preference rather than change something about the view is because UI varies greatly. There's no way a UA can reliably reduce or stop motion on behalf of the user and still guarantee an understandable interface. Exposing the pref gives authors a way to do this appropriately within the context of their own interfaces.

Reading the debate in the CSSWG issue is a good way to think about the use cases and options.

I'm left thinking we should include this in Remedy, not because the CSSWG "got it wrong", but because this is a good default for all of the web developers (Authors) who don't bother thinking about prefers-reduced-motion at all. It gives people who need animations eliminated or reduced what they need. And while this might potentially 'break' some UX, developers can easily fix those less-frequent cases by overriding Remedy's code.

Now if we could only make this apply to all the auto-play video/gif/animated advertisements. (UA's should enforce this by turning all gifs and videos into NOT autoplaying. Can we do that in the CSSWG @frivoal @fantasai ?)

Oh, which still leaves the question of how.... (I just also want to consider if, for a bit, too / think about why the CSSWG didn't put the burden of this on the browser to enforce.)

hiikezoe commented 5 years ago

How about this? transition-timing-function: steps(1, start) !important; animation-timing-function: steps(1, start) !important;

fantasai commented 5 years ago

No, CSS does not have control over autoplay.

Setting both transition/animation to none and transition/animation-duration to 0 seems redundant?

tigt commented 5 years ago

Setting transition/animation: none might break animations using the FLIP model, so *-duration: 0s would be more robust in light of that.

That said, an at-the-time WebKit engineer cautioned me against this sort of CSS when I mentioned it on Twitter 2 years ago:

Both of those are likely overkill, and depending on the context, could cause usability problems.

So this might be a thornier issue than it first seems.

rjgotten commented 5 years ago

@tigt It won't just break animations using the FLIP model. It would break anything using a transitionEnd or animationEnd event.

For instance: to detect from the JavaScript side when an element has changed state of one of its properties; or to detect that it has just switched from invisible to visible/rendered state.

The second in particular is a necessity for a few complicated solutions. Including some strategies used to polyfill or provide fallback solutions for the ResizeObserver API. You don't want to mess with this by specifying !important styles and start off a specificity war...

valhead commented 5 years ago

This is definitely a more complex problem than it initially seems as has been stated above. In my research so far I haven't found a blanket solution that isn't without issues. But trying for a "least risky" option to include in this reset could provide a decent starting point. (And help spread knowledge that such a media query exists.)

Here’s a CodePen example where I applied some of the common suggestions to see the results they have on some simple CSS animations and transitions.

Most have been mentioned in this thread already, but here's a summary based on my research so far that might be helpful for this decision:

The almost 0s duration:

 animation-duration: 0.001s !important;
 transition-duration: 0.001s !important;

Based on this test, animation events still fire, but the timing of when they fire may still be an issue for some uses.

This nearly 0s duration approach might be an acceptable way to go for this project. It’s not without issues or risks, but if it can be assume that this base stylesheet is being implemented at the beginning of a project, the author could be encouraged to compose all CSS-based animations with this reduced rule in mind from the start. (Admittedly, that is still a big assumption.)


animation: none !important;
transition: none !important;

Very short duration:

   animation-duration: 0.1s !important;
   transition-duration: 0.1s !important;


transition-timing-function: steps(1, start) !important;
animation-timing-function: steps(1, start) !important;

Two other points to consider:

Whatever this rule ends up being, it will be favoring stopping all animation by default which can be beyond what is needed in many situations. Both the WebKit blog post onprefers-reduced-motion and the WCAG point out that not all kinds of animation are potentially triggering, and define criteria for animations that should be reduced when requested.

prefers-reduced-motion can be respected for JS animation as well, but that would be separate effort. The combination of reduced CSS-based motion and non-reduced JavaScript motion could result in usability problems as well.

jensimmons commented 5 years ago

Thank you Val.

So, to be clear,

 animation-duration: 0s !important;
 transition-duration: 0s !important;

is likely a bad solution, because in certain browsers, the state change will never happen. So, for example, if someone has applied a fade to a hover color, instead of immediately getting the hover color (rather than a fade), with a 0 duration, the user might get no hover color — things just staying without a color change at all.

So that's off the table. It's good to know why.

Seems to me like we should do this:

@​media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
  * {
      animation-duration: 0.001s !important;
      transition-duration: 0.001s !important;

and nothing else is required. (Unlike the recent code in the project that was more complex.

There are many, many situation where that won't work, but it's also likely that 90% of websites only use animations at this point for things like hover color transitions, and other slight details. Hopefully anyone building more complex animations will know to think through what happens when prefers-reduced-motion: reduce is applied.

In fact, the alarm that people might have from us doing this might generate enough buzz and conversation that the message will get around. Pay attention to prefers-reduced-motion: reduce. Don't just allow the default from Remedy or other similar projects.

The other choice is to not do this at all. To leave it all up to the developers. I just don't like that. I'd rather risk breaking fancy animations than risk no websites bothering to write good code for people who can't take motion very well.

(And I say this as one of those people — motion on websites makes me nauseous. Really any looping motion, like repeating animated gifs in conference presentations. Ugh. Sadly, this setting will not help with the worst problems — ads with motion. Reader Mode is the only solution to that, atm.)

Sadly using !important will make it hard to override this default. If anyone has ideas about that, let's discuss. If I were a developer planning to do a lot of animation, it's likely I'd fork Remedy, and remove this code in order to not be stuck trying to override an !important statement. Not everyone will have the ability to do that.

I'm going to change the code. Let's keep talking about it.

tigt commented 5 years ago

Should the code also apply to ::before, ::after, and other pseudo-elements? (Though, I think ::first-line and friends only accepting certain typography-based styles means they don’t allow transition and animation set directly on them.)

jensimmons commented 5 years ago

@valhead What do you think about pseudo-elements?

valhead commented 5 years ago

Two additional note on the 0.001s duration idea:

Applying the rule to ::before and ::after seems smart. Those are often used in animations.

Related to your button hover example, @jensimmons : It looks like a 0s duration on transitions still functions in Safari (test here), so the 0.01s would only be needed for CSS keyframe animations written with implied styles for the 0% (and possibly other) keyframes.

Adjusting for not allowing infinitely repeating animations and the fact that only keyframe animations appear to fail with the 0s duration in Safari:

 animation-duration: 0.01s !important;
 animation-iteration-count: 1 !important;
 transition-duration: 0s !important;
scottkellum commented 5 years ago

For animation, what if the duration was set to a really large value instead of a really small value to effectively pause it? On that note, animation-play-state: paused will do this.

@​media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
  * {
      animation-play-state: paused !important;
      transition: none !important;

animation: none will break is related to a project I’m working on a project now. It leverages CSS animations for spacial, not time, based events. A paused state would be ideal to not break animations used to display things that aren’t time based. A similar technique could be used to blend two CSS variables like tint a primary color (pause an animation between var(--primary) and white).

This still may run into the case of animations that start by hiding content through opacity: 0 or off screen. Therefore pausing the content in an unavailable state.

scottkellum commented 5 years ago

Thoughts on this? I’m liking @valhead’s direction but modified with a delay to fast forward the animation.

@media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
  *::after {
      animation-delay: -1s !important;
      animation-duration: 1s !important;
      animation-iteration-count: 1 !important;
      transition-duration: 0.01s !important;

example here:

Malvoz commented 5 years ago

In addition to animations and transitions, I too, think the impact of scroll-behavior: smooth as suggested by should be strongly considered.

Also, here's an opinion on parallax motion effect due to background-attachment: fixed from

there are no words to describe just how bad a simple parallax effect, scrolljacking, or even background-attachment: fixed would make me feel. I would rather jump on one of those 20-G centrifuges astronauts use than look at a website with parallax scrolling.

So perhaps:

::after {
  background-attachment: initial !important;
Malvoz commented 5 years ago

Was there an explicit decision made not to include scroll-behavior: auto !important;? Disabling potential scroll-behavior: smooth occurrences could be just as important (if not more so, particularly on long pages) than perhaps other types of motion through animation/transition/background-attachment.

mirisuzanne commented 5 years ago

@Malvoz good catch, see PR #55

Malvoz commented 4 years ago
*, ::before, ::after {
  animation-delay: -1s !important;
  animation-duration: 1s !important;

As I understand it, the negative animation-delay is used to break even with the animation-duration of 1s, however there's a bug in Safari where negative animation-delay is treated as 0s, resulting in (I assume) an effective animation-duration of 1s and not 0s - just an FYI. If we have to choose which bug to avoid, I guess it's still better to have a potential 1s animation-delay than setting animation-delay (and animation-duration) to 0s which would break stuff using transitionEnd or animationEnd events in Safari (as suggested in

Also I noticed there's no transition-delay: 0s !important, I don't think that's intentional... is it?

rjgotten commented 4 years ago


If you have to choose the lesser of two evils; you can make a significantly less evil, lesser evil:

*, ::before, ::after {
  animation-delay: -1ms !important;
  animation-duration: 1ms !important;

That should still produce a net 0s duration except for bugged Safari, where a 1ms duration is still far more acceptable than a 1s duration.

Malvoz commented 4 years ago

@rjgotten I agree.

@mirisuzanne do you mind checking out, and Thanks!

mirisuzanne commented 4 years ago

@Malvoz That all makes sense to me. Do you want to open a PR?

ZachSaucier commented 3 years ago

This has already been included in the PR above, but for those looking at this thread, make sure to also zero out the transition delay.