jensimmons / webahead-transcripts

Issues for organizing efforts to transcribe The Web Ahead
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Episode 36: Sass with Scott Kellum #109

Open nplayfair opened 8 years ago

nplayfair commented 8 years ago

Hi @jensimmons I sent a message through to contact form to enquire whether you're still looking for transcribers but I know you're probably very busy right now. Is it ok for me to get started on this one?

jensimmons commented 8 years ago

Sounds good to me! I just emailed you back. Sorry for the delay, yes, with writing and giving two new talks back to back I got behind on email. Catching up now. And thanks!

nplayfair commented 8 years ago

Cheers Jen! No need to apologise, I know you have a lot on with all the talks and everything. I'll get cracking on this tomorrow.

nplayfair commented 8 years ago

@jensimmons Quick update: I'm still working on this but it's taking a while because I've not done any transcribing before and I've been a bit busy. I've done up to around the 30 minute mark, could you have a quick look and see if I'm on the right track please? I don't know whether I've overdone it with the timestamps...

jensimmons commented 8 years ago

First, let me apologize for taking far too long to respond to this. I've been traveling a lot, and got behind on email.

Second, YAY!! I'm so happy to see this.

Third, you don't need to put in so many timestamps. I feel like one ever 5-8 minutes or so is plenty. In fact, maybe fewer. I figure if there's a timestamp at the beginning of each new idea / each new section of the conversation, that'll be great.

nplayfair commented 8 years ago

That's ok Jen, I have been quite busy myself but I'm determined to finish at least this episode!

I've taken out some timestamps so they are only where there's a new idea being mentioned, I hope this is an improvement. I've got up to about the 50 minute mark but I need to go back and tag a few things, find some pull quotes etc.