Closed jensimmons closed 9 years ago
Oh, here's the topic!
I'd love to have any of you post questions / comments for the show a head of time.
Hey — in the past, we've always done the transcripts from the edited shows... but you could grab the raw recording and listen to that. It's at:
Now, it's very likely that the sounds levels are different — that I'm super quiet while the guest is much louder. That's one of the things the sound mixer fixes. So feel free to not use the raw recording and wait for the edit...
It just occurred to me that this is an option that we could consider.
Ah, 104 is edited and uploaded!
It's at
Who wants to transcribe this episode?
I can do this one. I'll post it by tomorrow night.
Posted! Last week was hectic — I didn't see this thread until yesterday. I definitely would have posted questions. I posted a comment on the show page though.
Great topic and episode, @jensimmons! Are you thinking about a Q&A for future shows?
Yay! Thanks!
I don't know that a 100% Q&A show would be interesting... but definitely willing to consider it.
What? A new episode? YES! The next episode of The Web Ahead is recording tomorrow, Friday Aug 7, at 10am eastern. We can hopefully get the show edited the same day, and be ready to get the transcript done. I'd love to publish the show early next week — Monday maybe? Or Tuesday... or Wed... or at least sometime next week. (And not the week after!)
@jennschlick ready?