jensmeder / Phoenx

A ruby gem to automate Xcode project generation.
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Automatically copy dSYM files into product #10

Closed simonseyer closed 8 years ago

simonseyer commented 8 years ago

From the carthage docs:

  1. On your application target’s “Build Phases” settings tab, click the “+” icon and choose “New Copy Files Phase”.
  2. Click the “Destination” drop-down menu and select “Products Directory”.
  3. For each framework you’re using, drag and drop its corresponding dSYM file.

It would be very useful if phoenx could automatically check if a dSYM file is present in the same folder a framework is referenced in and include all of them a new copy build phase as described above. Example:

target.frameworks = ["../Frameworks/SZTextView.framework"]

Check if ../Frameworks/SZTextView.framework.dSYM exist and include it if possible.