jensroes / nonadjacent-sequence-learning

Learning nonadjacent sequences
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Current version of paper on overleaf #13

Open jensroes opened 2 months ago

jensroes commented 2 months ago

@Mark-Torrance I've added a version of the draft on overleaf and invited you.

I think the methods and results are alright although slightly long and I don't have materials on OSF yet.

I'm working on the introduction at the moment on the basis of what I have from Linda. Linda's version of the discussion is commented out on overleaf too if you're interested.

I suggest targeting PBR as a short paper btw.

Mark-Torrance commented 1 month ago

Where are we at with this and how can I help?

jensroes commented 1 month ago

I've updated my version and I think I've included everything you changed in your version before you went on leaf. I suggest we keep working in my version.

I've updated the results sections. Maybe lets start there.

Then, I've written the introduction and GD but I think this needs help (i.e. I need help). I'm not quite sure about the aim of the study. I don't want to say "we are testing if adjacent and nonadjacent dependencies are learnt via different cognitive mechanisms" cause there is good evidence for this and a single mechnism view. I think a more humble approach is to think about as testing how concurrent presentation affects learning of adjacent and nonadjacent dependencies. i think there are interesting questions in this like, does concurrent learning make it harder, is there a preference for learning adjacent dependencies over nonadjacent dependencies but I think it might be too far of a stretch to suggest that any finding would be evidence for a single or dual learning mechanism. Also at the moment I think the results to no clearly favour either one theory but show results that are in support of both which is what I say in the GD. This might be a good thing though because we don't have to commit to one view.

jensroes commented 1 month ago

Also, I haven't asked Gary for feedback yet because I feel some parts still sound like a brain dump but maybe it's worth adding him to overleaf now?

Mark-Torrance commented 1 month ago

I've read some papers and have started to rearrange stuff in the introduction a bit - but nowhere near finished. I've written some comments about what argument I think you / we are making.

I think we need a chat about this before I do any more editing / damage. Can we find a time tomorrow (Tuesday?). Or another day this week.

jensroes commented 1 month ago

I was gonna ask you about a meeting too but also about the semantic scope paper (deadline is Aug 20 and I'm on leave Aug 17 for a week). Is 9am okay? Otherwise any time on Wednesday. Wednesday might actually be better cause I need to think about it too.

Mark-Torrance commented 1 month ago

Can we do Wednesday at about 11:00? I'll have a look at the semantic scope paper too. I've got a couple of big jobs that I need to get done before I go away, so realistically I don't have time to give to both of these papers before then. I'll have a look at the semantics scope paper before then.