jensroes / nonadjacent-sequence-learning

Learning nonadjacent sequences
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Recruiting participants #2

Open jensroes opened 2 years ago

jensroes commented 2 years ago

We need an active SONA page, that Linda is going to sort out, and information materials, posters etc, for recruitment.

Participants can choose between £5 Amazon Vouchers (I'm sorting them out) or 3 research credits (1 per 10 mins participation, I think, as we don't give 2 extra credits for lab based studies at the moment).

I'll add below a spreadsheet with the participant ids we need by study (number that needs to go into the pop-up box).

jensroes commented 2 years ago

As promised the list with participants ids we still need: participants_needed.csv

It looks like this:

# A tibble: 42 × 4
   `ppt id` Experiment1 Experiment2 Experiment3
      <dbl> <lgl>       <lgl>       <lgl>      
 1        1 TRUE        TRUE        TRUE       
 2        2 TRUE        TRUE        TRUE       
 3        3 TRUE        TRUE        TRUE       
 4        4 TRUE        TRUE        TRUE       
 5        5 TRUE        TRUE        TRUE       
 6        6 TRUE        TRUE        TRUE       
 7        7 TRUE        TRUE        TRUE       
 8        8 TRUE        TRUE        TRUE       
 9        9 TRUE        TRUE        TRUE       
10       10 TRUE        TRUE        TRUE       
# … with 32 more rows

ppt id is the number you need to give to the experiment programme. TRUE indicates that we have already got the data for this participant and FALSE indicates that we still need this particular participant. I've added ppt id from 1 to 42. I think 42 per experiment is a good goal for this and leaves some room for errors. Have have 20 (exp 1), 26 (exp 2), 27 (exp 3) participants already, so this is achievable too. We can still add more, if we feel there is a need. I'd actually think that adding a fourth experiment would be even better than getting more participants for exp 1-3 but again, this is something we can think about later on down the line.

karlnicholls commented 2 years ago

I have a few questions for setting up the SONA study. 1) Any suggestions for what to call the study that won't give away what we're looking for? Something like "Learning in young adults using eye tracking"? 2) Does it matter who out of yourself, Linda, or Mark that I put as the principle investigator? 3) What do I do about the time slots? The FAQ said I should book out the slots prior to setting up the SONA study, but that doesn't seem possible.

jensroes commented 2 years ago

Any suggestions for what to call the study that won't give away what we're looking for? Something like "Learning in young adults using eye tracking"?

The name should be something that gets the attention of possible participants and, as you said, doesn't give away what the study is about. So having "eye tracking" in the title is a good idea if this is something people are interested in. Other than that you could say "follow the dot" or something with "learning".

How about: "Follow the dot: an eye tracking study on your ability to learning"

Does it matter who out of yourself, Linda, or Mark that I put as the principle investigator?

I doubt it, and even if we could have this. Just make me PI because I think the PI needs to approve it before the psych admin is approving it.

What do I do about the time slots? The FAQ said I should book out the slots prior to setting up the SONA study, but that doesn't seem possible.

Not sure what you mean: I think you only need to make some time slots available before the study is being approved. Add some time slots that are in principle possible for you so people can sign up. I'd create timeslots that are 1-2 weeks in the future so you can organise your testing schedule around this. You only need to create some timeslots I think and this can be changed retrospectively.

karlnicholls commented 2 years ago

I have set up the SONA study. Can you have a look to make sure everything is in order?

jensroes commented 2 years ago

Looks good. I've asked Linda for the ethics code. That's optional information but good to include.

I made some minor changes and added studies that are similar to ours as exclusion criterion.

jensroes commented 2 years ago

@Lai-Sang and @Mark-Torrance. There used to be a paid participants panel (email list) or something like that. Does that still exist? Can we make use of this?

Lai-Sang commented 2 years ago

@jensroes We have already used the panel before. If we intend to use it again, we need to be able to identify those who have not participated before.

jensroes commented 2 years ago

I've asked Linda for the ethics code.

@karlnicholls no need to wait for this though.

We have already used the panel before. If we intend to use it again, we need to be able to identify those who have not participated before.

Ah of course. That's a shame.

karlnicholls commented 2 years ago

@jensroes I did think about the exclusion criteria, but when I looked up "eye tracking" it showed a lot of hazard perception studies and figured I would leave it for now.

jensroes commented 2 years ago

Yes that was not obvious at all. I found those studies by searching for dots but even then you would need to know how is doing the dots studies (Ben, Sofia). I think I've covered all of them though.

karlnicholls commented 2 years ago

Any idea how long it'll take to get the study approved on SONA?

jensroes commented 2 years ago

Not sure if you requested approval. I just did.

jensroes commented 2 years ago

I got the following message back. We need to fill out a form and copy it into the message to ask for approval. I need to ask for approval apparently.

we’ve changed the process in January (Updated the FAQ and the approval Form) and you still needs to do this (Filling in the Form) but using the old approval method (From within SONA on the study), where a Supervisor (PI) clicks on the approval request from within the study and pastes the form in there (the message box). Only if this has been done, will we approve. All SONA rules still apply. Approval requests will not be granted without the form and the request coming from within SONA. Please see the updated FAQ on SONA and the new form on SharePoint, as the email to contact has also changed, It is now As a reminder, NO TIMESLOTS = No Approval. ONLY Supervisors can ask for approval (NOT students).

The approval form is the following:

  1. The name of your study as it appears on SONA:
  2. Your name (and student number):
  3. You are... teaching staff / research staff / PhD student / other student (delete as appropriate)
  4. You supervisor’s name (masters and undergraduate students only): About your study - credits
  5. How long will it take for a participant to complete your study?
  6. How many credits will you award to each participant?
  7. How many participants do you anticipate giving credits to?
  8. What is the maximum number of credits that you will therefore award, in total?
  9. Please describe briefly how you will know that someone who has signed up for your study has actually completed it (see note below). About your study – other
  10. Please confirm that you have specified timeslots. (This to applies to all studies. See note.) Y / N
  11. Please confirm that you have NTU ethical approval for your study. Y / N
  12. Please confirm that the description of your study on the SONA system gives potential participants a clear understanding of what they will be asked to do it they participate. Y / N About your other SONA studies (if any)
  13. How many credit-granting studies have you initiated on SONA in the current academic year? You can ignore studies where you were the PI (supervisor) for another researcher.
  14. When all of these studies are complete, what is the maximum total number of credits that you will have awarded? Supervisor approval (masters and undergraduate students only)
  15. I have checked the details of this study on SONA and can confirm that the responses to the previous questions are correct. I am therefore requesting approval for this study. Y / N

@karlnicholls could you please fill this out for me, so I can copy it into the approval email?

karlnicholls commented 2 years ago

The name of your study as it appears on SONA: Follow the dot: an eye tracking study on your ability to learn Your name (and student number): Karl Nicholls - N0965126 You are... other student You supervisor’s name (masters and undergraduate students only): Jens Roeser About your study - credits How long will it take for a participant to complete your study? 30 minutes How many credits will you award to each participant? 3 credits How many participants do you anticipate giving credits to? 60 What is the maximum number of credits that you will therefore award, in total? 180 credits Please describe briefly how you will know that someone who has signed up for your study has actually completed it (see note below). The research is conducted in person and administered by the researcher About your study – other Please confirm that you have specified timeslots. (This to applies to all studies. See note.) Y Please confirm that you have NTU ethical approval for your study. Y Please confirm that the description of your study on the SONA system gives potential participants a clear understanding of what they will be asked to do it they participate. Y About your other SONA studies (if any) How many credit-granting studies have you initiated on SONA in the current academic year? You can ignore studies where you were the PI (supervisor) for another researcher. Just this one. When all of these studies are complete, what is the maximum total number of credits that you will have awarded? 180 Supervisor approval (masters and undergraduate students only) I have checked the details of this study on SONA and can confirm that the responses to the previous questions are correct. I am therefore requesting approval for this study. Y

jensroes commented 2 years ago

Nice one.

karlnicholls commented 2 years ago

Just wondering if there is any update on the Amazon vouchers, are they ready to distribute when participants take part? I took part in someone else's study today and they sent me a voucher within the hour. Just wondering if I'm able to do that.

jensroes commented 2 years ago

Yes, ready to go. I sent you an email.