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Learning nonadjacent sequences
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Karl's End-SPUR presentation #4

Open jensroes opened 2 years ago

jensroes commented 2 years ago

Karl will need to present the project at the end of his SPUR. We don't need to be stressed about this now and it is flexible when this can happen (ideally early in term 1). We can arrange that this is happening in the context of our "Language, Literacy, and Psycholinguistics" group. That's definitely a good context with friendly people that typically ask important questions. Alternatively we could look into presenting this in a uni-wide context: I'd think there is something like an event for UG presentations from different departments.

We'll probably want to present this on a larger conference as well such as the "International Conference on Interdisciplinary Advances in Statistical Learning" but this isn't happening before next year and my guess is that this is something that Linda, Mark or I should do.

Anyhoe, I thought it is useful to kick this off early as Karl probably wants to read a few related papers to get an idea of why he's getting people to look at dots. There is no need to start working on slides just yet.

One related read is

IAO, L.-S., ROESER, J., JUSTICE, L. and JONES, G., 2021. Concurrent visual learning of adjacent and nonadjacent dependencies in adults and children. Developmental Psychology, 57 (5), pp. 733-748. ISSN 0012-1649

Karl said he's already started reading it. This paper is the basis for why we're doing the current experiment.

Obviously Iao et al. (2021) used a different paradigm. To understand the bigger picture around the dot paradigm, I've sent Karl some relevant sections from a grant proposal that Gary Jones kindly allowed us to share (in parts). I didn't want to post this on github because it is confidential. I'd think that the proposal gives a good idea of why the dot paradigm is allowing us to answer new questions about learning of adjacent and nonadjacent dependencies and in particular when learning both adjacent and nonadjacent dependencies at the same time. Also, you will find up-to-date literature references in both Iao et al. (2021) and Gary's proposal.

An overview of the experiments we're (Karl is) currently running with our preliminary results can be found here:

@Lai-Sang is there anything you'd like to add which might be helpful for Karl to prepare the End-SPUR presentation?

jensroes commented 2 years ago

@karlnicholls I checked the SPUR ad and I could find any information about a SPUR conference. I might have missed something. If you find it, please post it here, so we have this on our radar.

karlnicholls commented 2 years ago

SPUR_project_adverts_2021_22..pdf I've highlighted the relevant section on page 2 in the PDF attached.

jensroes commented 2 years ago

After completion of projects, there is a SPUR conference where you will present your findings as a poster presentation. In addition, depending on the outcome of the work you may present the work at conferences and in some cases the research can lead to publication.

Okay thanks. Totally missed that. Sounds like this is expected, i.e. "where you will present", and I guess this can be fun. Even if we haven't got all the data yet, you can still use what we've got already to present this as a poster.

jensroes commented 2 years ago

@karlnicholls if you have access to the slides from yesterday, could you post them here? Would be good to have a reminder on when they want the poster to be presented.

karlnicholls commented 2 years ago

@jensroes I don't have access to the slides, but I recall them saying that the conference that the poster will be presented at would be the first week of November, but avoiding Bonfire night. I'm guessing the exact date isn't set yet.

jensroes commented 2 years ago

That's good enough for now. If you get an info about this, just leave a note here.

jensroes commented 2 years ago

I recall them saying that the conference that the poster will be presented at would be the first week of November

I just received a message of another SPUR student asking when they have to submit the posters to get them printed. Do you have any recollection about this. They said beginning September but that can't be true, right? If it is, we can just copy paste whatever we've already got from my rpubs page and put in some background. This isn't too difficult.

Just aside, there is now a tool to create posters in R:

templates here:

karlnicholls commented 2 years ago

@jensroes I checked the recording from the SPUR meeting and they said around the middle of October. The September thing was more of an "in an ideal world" sort of thing. They said as long as it's a few weeks before the event, then it's all good.

Those R tools could be useful, I'll definitely give them a go.

jensroes commented 2 years ago

Right okay, no idea why that would be an ideal world :) Does middle October work for you? I suppose you don't want to wait until you have finished data collection but use the results we've already available.

Also cool you want to use R markdown for the poster. I'm using markdown for all sorts of things, but I haven't tried the poster function yet, so I'm happy to learn. What might help is if I share with you / explain the R markdown code that generates the results overview you saw on rpubs. That would give you an idea how markdown works and you would already have the code for the plots and the numbers. You would then need to get the intro from the grant proposal snippet I shared with, the SPUR project description, and from Linda et al.'s paper. The intro needs to be very brief for a poster. Ideally you want to get across what research question we are tackling and why that is important. I think

jensroes commented 1 year ago

@karlnicholls how are you getting on with the poster? Do you need any input, comments on the poster?

karlnicholls commented 1 year ago

@jensroes I'm hoping to finish the poster over the weekend. @Lai-Sang sent me a few points for the introduction a while ago, but I'm not sure what more I need for it. I need the conclusion stuff and could do with guidance on whether/what to include in the analysis method section. I've highlighted what I've already condensed in green and what I'm yet to condense in red. I've also highlighted bits I'm thinking of cutting in yellow. Also, I need a title. Research Poster.pptx

jensroes commented 1 year ago

Could you send me pdf of this? I don't have MS word on my laptop so when I often a ppt file everything is all over the place :)

Mark-Torrance commented 1 year ago

PDF attached.

jensroes commented 1 year ago

PDF attached.

Sorry where?

jensroes commented 1 year ago

What I'd do judging from the ppt file:

theme_set(theme_bw(base_size = 14) +
          theme(panel.grid = element_blank(),
                axis.title = element_blank(),
                axis.text = element_blank(),
                axis.ticks = element_blank()))

Hope this helps for now.

Mark-Torrance commented 1 year ago

Sorry, here: Research.Poster.pdf

Mark-Torrance commented 1 year ago

@karlnicholls Do as much of the following as your feel like (some are quicker wins than others).

All experiments - 2 blocks of 4 sequences of 3 elements, repeated 40 times per block. Experiment 1: One block of adjacent dependencies, one block of non-adjacent dependencies. Experiment 2: Same as Experiment 1 but participants explicitly told to predict next location. Experiment 3: Same as Experiment 2 but both blocks included both adjacent and non-adjacent dependencies.

Mark-Torrance commented 1 year ago

Oh, and I wrote that without reading Jens' comments. I hope we agree. If not, I'm right.

jensroes commented 1 year ago

I hope we agree. If not, I'm right.

Unless I'm right. In this case though there is a lot of overlap and as for the things that don't overlap I agree with you :)

karlnicholls commented 1 year ago

@jensroes @Mark-Torrance Thanks for all of the advice. How is this looking?

Research Poster.pdf

I'm aware that the background section has single line spacing and the rest is 1.5 spacing, but if I make it 1.5 spacing there, I'm out of room. Also, does it matter that I have no references in the poster?

jensroes commented 1 year ago

For title and authors, can you try to use white font. I think white font is easier to see on purple background (similar to NTU logo).

For the research aim (last points in intro section), I'd put that our research aims to test learning of adjacent and nonadjacent dependencies individually and simultaneously (Iao et al. paper) and that we focused on the time course of learning either type of dependency.

I'd put references in very tiny font on the bottom but if there is no room it's fine without references, I think.

You can remove "Control A-B-C" cause the control (baseline) condition in the analysis is the transitions to the random dot (red in your sequences).

Remove the table label "Table 2.2".

It might actually help readability if you create some white space between individual sections. I'd image that all figures look huge in print (which is great), so you might be able to reduce the size a little. Also maybe you can simplify the text in the introduction a little.

Other than that, I think it looks great.

karlnicholls commented 1 year ago

@jensroes I've done most of what you've suggested, but I'm not entirely sure how to simplify the introduction bit further. I've had a go though. Also, I'm not sure where you meant with the Iao paper, I've put it where I thought you meant, but let me know if that wasn't correct. Research Poster.pdf

jensroes commented 1 year ago

Sorry, with "simplify" I mean turn sentences into phrases for bullet points and turn jargon into normal language but its fine as long as you can explain what statistical regularities and implicit learning means. (the trick is, instead of defining everything you're saying, just use words that people generally understand)

I'd remove the reference section. It just looks a little lost :) The citation can stay where it is.

Other than that I think it looks great. I hope we're too late with printing it. Do you know how to get it printed? I think the SPUR people sent out instructions.

karlnicholls commented 1 year ago

This was the email regarding posters. image Maybe it's just a case of going to the print shop and saying it's for this event?

Shall we say this is the final version? Research Poster final.pdf

jensroes commented 1 year ago

Oops, just found the email. Apparently I've got to send it to the print shop :) I'll do that tomorrow morning, so @Mark-Torrance and @Lai-Sang any last suggestions now :)

karlnicholls commented 1 year ago

I don't suppose we know what the dress code for the event is?

jensroes commented 1 year ago

I don't suppose we know what the dress code for the event is?

I didn't expect that question.

My experience from psycholinguistics conferences is, the higher you're up in the food chain, the more you tend to wear shorts, an old t-shirt and flip-flops. Psychologists are very diverse from people that wear tie, shit and waistcoat every day and other people that are happy with t-shirts. Most staff will come to the event as part of their coffee break so they won't dress up unless they are always dressed up. So no need for tie and top-hat :) Simple but not fancy I guess.

Mark-Torrance commented 1 year ago

Normally mourning suits. But don't hire anything specially. A well-cut suit should be fine.

jensroes commented 1 year ago

Mark and I have very different ideas about this apparently.

Mark-Torrance commented 1 year ago

When I attend events of this sort I try and remember to change out of my sweaty running gear, and may even put on a clean t-shirt.

jensroes commented 1 year ago

So lets say no athletic clothing (e.g. running, hiking, riding, swimming gear)

Mark-Torrance commented 1 year ago

One of the reasons that I became an academic was so that I would never have to wear a suit to work. I am very suspicious of anyone who walks round universities in a jacket and / or a tie. Or, actually, even in a proper shirt. I feel they are hiding something.

jensroes commented 1 year ago

One of the reasons that I became an academic was so that I would never have to wear a suit to work. I am very suspicious of anyone who walks round universities in a jacket and / or a tie. Or, actually, even in a proper shirt. I feel they are hiding something.

I've said exactly that before, a lot, word for word. I agree especially with the last sentence. Apart from graduations, I've not come across a dress code at the university. For the latter, there is always a tie in my drawer.

karlnicholls commented 1 year ago

I didn't expect that question.

I like to ask the hard questions

So lets say no athletic clothing (e.g. running, hiking, riding, swimming gear)

So, leave the budgie smugglers at home? Got it.

One of the reasons that I became an academic was so that I would never have to wear a suit to work. I am very suspicious of anyone who walks round universities in a jacket and / or a tie. Or, actually, even in a proper shirt. I feel they are hiding something.

Despite how dapper he looks, Andrew Dunn must set alarm bells ringing for you then.

I was thinking more because this is meant to be a conference (albeit, more informal). I wouldn't want to arrive over/under dressed compared to others presenting.

Mark-Torrance commented 1 year ago

I was thinking more because this is meant to be a conference (albeit, more informal). I wouldn't want to arrive over/under dressed compared to others presenting.

In my experience some people dress up a bit for conferences. I tend to find a shirt with a collar. But in every conference I've been to you'd stand out if you wore a tie, for example. I would just wear what you'd normally wear. Personally, I also tend to avoid budgie smugglers between November and March.

jensroes commented 1 year ago

I've place the order (poster, not budgie smugglers). Lets see how quick they are :)