jenssegers / laravel-rollbar

Rollbar error monitoring integration for Laravel projects
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Rollbar not working from AWS #48

Open MladenJanjetovic opened 8 years ago

MladenJanjetovic commented 8 years ago


I have issue only with my servers on AWS (EC2). When I want to log something from whatever environment (local, stage, production) on my local computer or on one shared hosting, it works.

But on AWS I have stage and production servers and none of them is passing the logs to Rollbar. I was on the email with Rollbar support and we did some pings, and it all looks ok. Can't find the source of the problem so if someone had the same issue it would be very helpful.

This stands for both, error handler in Laravel and just any other Log::error call in the app.

Here is services.php part:

'rollbar' => [
    'access_token'   => 'TAKEN FROM ROLLBAR ACCOUNT',
    'level'   => env('APP_ENV') == 'production' ? 'error' : 'debug',

Any ideas?

jeitnier commented 8 years ago
  1. Are you reporting errors in the Exceptions\Handler.php?
  2. How are you throwing exceptions?

I'm on an AWS EC2 and with zero effort I have it all working as intended.

MladenJanjetovic commented 8 years ago

I contacted Rollbar support and they told me that on some AWS they had issues with proxi or something like that. I had to send some ping results to find out what IP needs to be open.

These IPs needs to be reachable:

xitude commented 8 years ago

Since moving our sites to AWS we have lost all rollbar logging. Im unaware of why maybe to do with proxy or something internal.

RudyJessop commented 7 years ago

I would check the vps config on AWS. If that's not the issue check your directory permissions