jenssegers / laravel-rollbar

Rollbar error monitoring integration for Laravel projects
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Cannot get this to function in Laravel 5.0.17 #9

Closed olimorris closed 9 years ago

olimorris commented 9 years ago


For whatever reason, I just cannot get this to send any information to Rollbar in either production or local environments. No errors are shown with regards to installation. I can log errors just fine to my Laravel log file however I just cannot seem to send any data over to Rollbar.

Has this been tested with 5.0.17?

lowerends commented 9 years ago

You need to add a line in your exception handler (app/Exceptions/Handler.php):

public function report(Exception $e)

    return parent::report($e);
xitude commented 9 years ago

I had the same issue, the above comment fixed it.

olimorris commented 9 years ago

Agreed this is the solution. Worth adding this to your readme as countless other people may be experiencing this. Conversely Bugsnag worked first time...

jenssegers commented 9 years ago

I updated the installation instructions to be more clear.