jeongmin / Composely

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[Refactor] Modularize Project Structure for Improved Scalability and Maintenance #9

Open godomin opened 2 months ago

godomin commented 2 months ago

Description: The current project structure lacks proper modularization, making it challenging to scale and maintain the codebase effectively. This issue aims to refactor the project by modularizing the code into logical components, ensuring better organization, reusability, and maintainability.


1. Modularize the project structure to promote code reusability and maintainability.
2. Improve scalability by breaking down the codebase into separate modules.
3. Enhance developer productivity by creating a more organized and structured project layout.


1. Analyze the existing project structure and identify components that can be modularized.
2. Define clear boundaries and interfaces for each module to encapsulate related functionality.
3. Reorganize the codebase by moving related components into separate modules.
4. Update import paths and dependencies to reflect the new modular structure.
5. Test the refactored project to ensure that the functionality remains intact after modularization.
6. Update documentation and provide guidelines for developers on working with the new modularized structure.

Acceptance Criteria:

- Project structure is modularized into distinct, reusable components.
- Modules are implemented with clear interfaces and encapsulation of related functionalities.
- Codebase is reorganized to reflect the new modular structure.
- The refactored project builds successfully and maintains its original functionality.
- Documentation is updated to explain the modularization approach and provide guidance on working with the new structure.

Additional Context: Consider the dependencies between different modules and how they will be managed. Evaluate the impact of modularization on build times and project performance. Ensure that the new structure enhances code readability and developer productivity. Solicit feedback from team members on the refactored project structure to gather suggestions for further improvements.