jeppeman / mockposable

Mocking with Jetpack Compose - stubbing and verification of Composable functions
Apache License 2.0
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Add Gradle configuration option for Compose Compiler version #20

Closed jpetitto closed 3 months ago

jpetitto commented 3 months ago

I was wondering if it would be possible to add a configuration option that let's us specify the Compose Compiler version for mockposable to use? Molecule provides the ability to do this, which means both the Kotlin and Compose Compiler versions can be updated without also having to update the library each time.

jeppeman commented 3 months ago

Good suggestion @jpetitto, I can look into that in the weekend or early next week. Or if you feel like it you are welcome to submit a PR.

jeppeman commented 3 months ago

Apologies for the wait, but I've started working on this now. Should hopefully be done during the day.

jeppeman commented 3 months ago

@jpetitto version 0.8 is available now, you can configure the compose compiler version like so:

mockposable {
    composeCompilerVersion = "x.y.z"