Closed David-Moreira closed 5 months ago
I don't see a web interface in that repository
Looks like they are injecting some javascript into the web interface on the server, so I can't simply pull in a web interface in my build. I've tried a solution in the current build, but if that fails, then this seems like it might require a lot of work essentially rebuilding the web interface with their code.
Right as far as I know that's it.
Ideally you'd need to automate by grabbing a web build & changing the index.html to include the script
But If it's not easy to automate I understand.
Please use your best judgment and if you're unable, feel free to close my request. Thanks!!
I have this build running now
It's just adding <script src="configurationpage?name=skip-intro-button.js"></script>
to head like they are. Hopefully this works.
Damn dude, you are fast haha. Great, let me know when you have something I can try out.
Will you give Jellyfin-10.9.z-intros.wgt
from a try? It should use this version now.
Sure give me a second
I tried this one Jellyfin-10.9.z-intros.wgt
, but I don't see the button on my tv. At least nothing is breaking.
I'm unsure if this is an issue on my end or not as sometimes I feel like intro-skipper can be a hit or miss. As long as you've injected the script I'm going to guess that you did everything ok on your end.
I'll keep using this version over the next couple of days and see if it shows up eventually... O.o
@jeppevinkel there's also no way to clear resource cache on tizen, would you know?
perhaps maybe we could be a little more sure if you temporarly added the web folder or the index.html as an artifact temporarly? I don't know if that would be feasible.
I tried clearing storage, cache in the app, and in the tizen os itself, in a way that I had to setup the jellyfin server again, still did not work. But I can't be too sure where the issue is. :(
The wgt file can be opened as a zip archive. Here's the index.html contents. It does have the javascript part in the head
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I may have another idea. It seems that src is really just referring to this file. Maybe I can just download this file and refer it directly as part of the build
Right, I didn't know that you could see the contnets so easily. It's in there alright... unfortunately debugging how a web page is working in tizen is not easy I guess...
That's a good idea, the only problem is that is more prone to getting stale then just grabbing from the url. Unless you mean, you just download the file from that git url everytime, so in that case the stale problem goes away.
But I'm not entirely sure how that would help over the current solution. Honestly both should just work... But we can still test that if you'd like.
I've tried editing my build workflow to download the file from that repository's master branch. I've started a build now.
If you have the time to test again
Sorry to leave the testing to you. I've never used the intros plugin myself.
That's ok. It might take me a while now, but I'll let you know once I have news. Thanks for your help.
No worries. I'm on EU time so I'll likely be asleep soon. I can give it another look another day.
Good news is that I've seen the skip credits button so the js is definitely working. I haven't seen the intro one though but that might be another issue. Like I said sometimes it feels like the intro skipper is a hit or miss. I'll keep testing it but it should be safe to have this in the build. Thank you
Guess I'll consider it partially functional for now and leave it in.
And I have seen the intro button finally... figures. I guess it's working. :)
Hi friends,
Nice to see more people are interested in bringing the skip intro button to Jellyfin on Samsung TV's. I would also like to add it to my system π
Can one of you please explain what command I should use when installing the app using Georift's docker command?
docker run --rm georift/install-jellyfin-tizen <samsung tv ip> <build option> <tag url>
I know my TV's IP address, and I already enabled developer mode. I just need help with the correct wording for the
I hope one of you can help π
I have personally never used this docker image, but It seems he has an example in there
docker run --rm georift/install-jellyfin-tizen Jellyfin-TrueHD ""
So for this feature specifically should it not be :
docker run --rm georift/install-jellyfin-tizen Jellyfin-10.9.z-intros " 23:28"
I have personally never used this docker image, but It seems he has an example in there
docker run --rm georift/install-jellyfin-tizen Jellyfin-TrueHD ""
So for this feature specifically should it not be :
docker run --rm georift/install-jellyfin-tizen Jellyfin-10.9.z-intros " 23:28"
Thank you very much, David. Looks like it's not working for me. I tried playing two tv shows, but the Skip Intro button didn't show up.
I think it's not working for me, because I didn't fulfill all prerequisites for the Intro-skipper plugin to work. Seems like I still need to fix this requirement:
Jellyfin's [fork]( of ffmpeg must be installed, version 6.0.1-5 or newer
jellyfin/jellyfin 10.9.z container: preinstalled
linuxserver/jellyfin 10.9.z container: preinstalled
I'm currently running hotio's Jellyfin docker container, which I installed using this repository address:
Sorry for the noob question, but is it possible to set hotio's repository address differently to auto grab the 10.9.z version, instead of the latest 10.9.4 stable version?
If possible, I prefer to continue working with hotio's container instead of switching to the linuxserver/jellyfin container.
Do I need to set the repository address to grab the nightly builds? ( )
I have personally never used this docker image, but It seems he has an example in there
docker run --rm georift/install-jellyfin-tizen Jellyfin-TrueHD ""
So for this feature specifically should it not be :docker run --rm georift/install-jellyfin-tizen Jellyfin-10.9.z-intros " 23:28"
Thank you very much, David. Looks like it's not working for me. I tried playing two tv shows, but the Skip Intro button didn't show up.
I mean... it took me using the version a couple of days until it showed up. I don't know if there's some hard caching going on or something... Edit: And of course you need to have the intro plugin well installed and working correctly. It's best if you can first verify it's working properly by using the web browser in your pc and checking the jellyfin renders the intro button, before going and trying it on the tv without fully knowing whether it's working or not.
I'm not familiar with hotio's
But the 10.9.z version should be compatible with the 10.9.4 version. Is that not the version that hotio's has installed for you?
Edit2: You should be ok to use the release or latest tag with hotio it seems to me? As that should keep up with the latest jellyfin releases. I'm not sure why you'd want to use nightly?
I'm not familiar with hotio's
But the 10.9.z version should be compatible with the 10.9.4 version. Is that not the version that hotio's has installed for you?
Yes, the recent update to hotioβs container updated the jellyfin server to 10.9.4.
Could it be that the container version Iβm using doesnβt have the necessary ffmpeg version?
I'd expect that the ffmpeg is bundled with jellyfin? Where does that ffmpeg version error comes from? O.o
Here's what I get, which should be the same as you:
So I don't know where you're getting that ffmpeg version error from, but seems unrelated to jellyfin's usage?
I think it's not working for me, because I didn't fulfill all prerequisites for the Intro-skipper plugin to work. Seems like I still need to fix this requirement:
Jellyfin's [fork]( of ffmpeg must be installed, version 6.0.1-5 or newer jellyfin/jellyfin 10.9.z container: preinstalled linuxserver/jellyfin 10.9.z container: preinstalled
I'm currently running hotio's Jellyfin docker container, which I installed using this repository address:
Sorry for the noob question, but is it possible to set hotio's repository address differently to auto grab the 10.9.z version, instead of the latest 10.9.4 stable version?
If possible, I prefer to continue working with hotio's container instead of switching to the linuxserver/jellyfin container.
Do I need to set the repository address to grab the nightly builds? ( )
Does the intro skipper work when you connect to your jellyfin server through a browser on the computer? And is it the intro skipper linked by @David-Moreira you are using?
Right, the one that I am using, should be the continuation of the support from the old one. (old one :
This is the new one, that's also supported on jellyfin 10.9.x :
Yep as @jeppevinkel says, and to reiterate, first try & see it working on your browser before even trying to make it work on your tv.
Thank you both for your suggestions @David-Moreira and @jeppevinkel ππ
I double checked and I did install the same Intro Skipper plugin from jumoog's repository.
However, although I installed the plugin, enabled it and scanned my library for the intro and end credits, the skip button does not show up in my computer's web browser.
I'm running Jellyfin as a docker container on UnRAID. Any suggestions for how I should troubleshoot this?
Thank you both for your suggestions @David-Moreira and @jeppevinkel ππ
I double checked and I did install the same Intro Skipper plugin from jumoog's repository.
However, although I installed the plugin, enabled it and scanned my library for the intro and end credits, the skip button does not show up in my computer's web browser.
I'm running Jellyfin as a docker container on UnRAID. Any suggestions for how I should troubleshoot this?
I recommend going through the maintainer's troubleshooting steps
In my case, jellyfin is installed in a linux container, and I had to modify the permission of my index.html in order for the plugin to be able to modify it and insert the javascript that it uses to display the skip button.
When the server restarts, you can see it in the logs when the plugin loads
You can also verify manually in the dev tools whether the script was loaded :
Thank you both for your suggestions @David-Moreira and @jeppevinkel ππ I double checked and I did install the same Intro Skipper plugin from jumoog's repository. However, although I installed the plugin, enabled it and scanned my library for the intro and end credits, the skip button does not show up in my computer's web browser. I'm running Jellyfin as a docker container on UnRAID. Any suggestions for how I should troubleshoot this?
I recommend going through the maintainer's troubleshooting steps
In my case, jellyfin is installed in a linux container, and I had to modify the permission of my index.html in order for the plugin to be able to modify it and insert the javascript that it uses to display the skip button.
When the server restarts, you can see it in the logs when the plugin loads
You can also verify manually in the dev tools whether the script was loaded :
Thank you, this helps π
Looks like I also need to fix the file permissions of the index.html file, as I have this message in the log:
[14:40:09] [ERR] [1] ConfusedPolarBear.Plugin.IntroSkipper.Plugin: Failed to add skip button to web interface. Try running
sudo chown jellyfin /usr/share/jellyfin/web/index.html(if this is a native installation) and restarting the server. Error: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path '/usr/share/jellyfin/web/index.html' is denied.
Sorry for being a complete noob, but do you know what terminal command I need to type to change the file permission when the jellyfin app is installed as a docker container?
Sorry I don't know you probably should configure it on unraid. Or you could manually change it by accessing the container, but whenever jellyfin gets updated the change will be lost I guess.
Hi, the correct command (for currently latest version of Jellyfin Tizen with intros) is:
docker run --rm georift/install-jellyfin-tizen <your-TV-IP> Jellyfin-10.9.z-intros
Note: the time of commit is not " 22:31" but "-2231"
I would just like to thank you for adding the skip intro feature. It works great for me!
I have personally never used this docker image, but It seems he has an example in there
docker run --rm georift/install-jellyfin-tizen Jellyfin-TrueHD ""
So for this feature specifically should it not be :docker run --rm georift/install-jellyfin-tizen Jellyfin-10.9.z-intros " 23:28"
Hi David, I tried to install using version Jellyfin-10.9.z-intros but it seems it's installing the "default" version (Jellyfin.wgt)... Any other idea? Thanks! :-) (BTW... intro skipper working fine on my browser or JMP)
I am not the maintainer by the way, @jeppevinkel is. Why do you think it's the "default version"? Although to be fair, the only difference in the -intros, is that the js for intro-skipper is inserted to the index.html. Everything else should be pretty much the same.
Like I said before, it took a while before I could start seeing the buttons. No idea why. Maybe tizen has some kind of hard caching mechanism... I'd recommend just using it for a few days more and see if it eventually comes up I guess. Can't hurt using that version over the regular one anyway, as again, the only difference is the js that's inserted.
Specifically for the docker installer, if the installer isn't installing the version provided in the arguments, then it's likely an issue that should be raised in the appropriate repository for that installer.
I like the effort Tim put towards making a one-step installer, but I've never actually used it myself, and I haven't collaborated with him on it.
In the same vain, I haven't actually used the intro skipper on my own jellyfin instance, so I can't provide much support when it comes to actually using it. I've only just included the client side code of it into the Jellyfin-10.9.z-intros
I can't provide support if the installer from Georift ( is not installing the package you expect it to since I have nothing to do with that project and have never used it.
I only provide pre-built packages to be installed. The list of packages in the readme is only a way to help choose the most suitable package. The only thing that matters for any given release is the packages available for download in that release. I have no control over which version is installed by 3rd party installers.
Sorry I don't know you probably should configure it on unraid. Or you could manually change it by accessing the container, but whenever jellyfin gets updated the change will be lost I guess.
Hi @David-Moreira,
I managed to correct the index.html file permissions and now I can see and use the Skip Intro button on Jellyfin web on my desktop computer's browser.
Can you please explain how you installed the Jellyfin-10.9.z-intros.wgt on your tv? π (preferably instructions I can run on a Mac computer) π
From your earlier comments I understand you didn't use Georift's docker command. I tried to run his command, but like @PhilAllmighty wrote, it seems the regular Jellyfin.wgt file is installed and not the intros file we manually specify.
Do the installation instructions I have on the front page of this repository not work on mac?
Do the installation instructions I have on the front page of this repository not work on mac?
Hi @jeppevinkel ,
I tried to run the terminal command tizen install -n Jellyfin-10.9.z-intros.wgt -t <my tv name>
from within the folder /tizen-studio/tools/ide/bin/
But I got this error message:
zsh: command not found: tizen
And when I tried to install the app using Tizen Studio's Device Manager UI, I got this error:
Try running the command as /tizen-studio/tools/ide/bin/tizen install -n Jellyfin-10.9.z-intros.wgt -t <my tv name>
instead, so include the path to the tizen file. I unfortunately don't have any mac available to test on, so I can only guess.
Try running the command as
/tizen-studio/tools/ide/bin/tizen install -n Jellyfin-10.9.z-intros.wgt -t <my tv name>
instead, so include the path to the tizen file. I unfortunately don't have any mac available to test on, so I can only guess.
Unfortunately, that also didn't work.
Last login: Sat Jun 8 14:46:31 on ttys000 admin@MacBook-Pro ~ % /tizen-studio/tools/ide/bin/tizen install -n Jellyfin-10.9.z-intros.wgt -t QE65LS03RAUXSQ zsh: no such file or directory: /tizen-studio/tools/ide/bin/tizen
I just checked and the default install location for Tizen with CLI on Mac is the home directory, so the path to the tizen command would be $HOME/tizen-studio/tools/ide/bin/tizen
, assuming defaults.
Full command:
$HOME/tizen-studio/tools/ide/bin/tizen install -n Jellyfin-10.9.z-intros.wgt -t <my tv name>
I just checked and the default install location for Tizen with CLI on Mac is the home directory, so the path to the tizen command would be
, assuming defaults.Full command:
$HOME/tizen-studio/tools/ide/bin/tizen install -n Jellyfin-10.9.z-intros.wgt -t <my tv name>
Wonderful! That worked :))) Thank you so much, @penguintamer ππ
I've added the Mac command to the readme now. This issue has already been hijacked quite a bit off-topic so since the original issue was solved long ago, I'll close it now.
Could you please do a build with that's keeping the intro plugin up to date with latest jellyfin as opposed to the original intro-skipper that was archived.
Much appreciated!