jerabaul29 / OpenMetBuoy-v2021a

An easy to build, affordable, customizable, open source instrument for oceanographic measurements - with global Iridium coverage
MIT License
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request for specific binary files of firmware #31

Closed CatherineTaelman closed 2 years ago

CatherineTaelman commented 2 years ago

Hi Jean,

We will be deploying 3 drifters on icebergs. These drifters have only GPS (no wave sensor). We would like to have two different sampling and transmission rates because of two different scenarios:

The question is: could you compile 2 different binary files with these specific sampling and transmission rates?

Thank you so much already!

jerabaul29 commented 2 years ago

That sounds reasonable :) .

The compiled binaries are available in the repo now.

I have never used GPS sampling rate less often than 1 hour before now. This should not cause any issue that I know of, but may be a good idea to test a bit thoroughly the drifters with 12hr resolution and 48hr latency :) .

jerabaul29 commented 2 years ago

PS: how are things going, have you been able to test that all works well? :) .

CatherineTaelman commented 2 years ago

Hi and thank you so much for providing the new binary files! We are right now doing the final assembly of all the drifters. There are some struggles with getting the Iridium package through the university finance system, so that has delayed the testing fase. But I will be putting out 3 drifters this evening to start testing over the weekend. I will let you know on Monday if everything works well:)

CatherineTaelman commented 2 years ago

small other question: what is the transmission rate in 'steval_gps_waves_drifter.bin'? That is the one we will use for the 17 drifters in large boxes.

CatherineTaelman commented 2 years ago

From the logging file I read out in Arduino IDE, I assume the transmission rate is every 2 hours (after initial GNSS fix fail, it goes to sleep for 7200 seconds).

When checking the other variables in 'steval_gps_waves_drifter.bin', I noticed the variable 'interval_between_wave_spectra_measurements: 7200'. So that means it measures wave spectra every 2h, right? In the description of the binary files it says every 3h, just want to check what is the correct value :)

jerabaul29 commented 2 years ago

Sorry, away from my computer.

The 'true' answer is, as you say, the serial output :) . The 7200s after failed GPS fix is not the frequency of GPS measurements, but a way to save battery if not GPS reception, for example if switched on while in a container by mistake.

If I remember well, the GPS measurements frequency should be 30 minutes, and transmission every 2 hours. That should be visible in the serial output.

If you are in doubt, just copy paste here the start of the serial output, and I can go through it for you here :) .

CatherineTaelman commented 2 years ago

Check, GPS every 30 mins and transmission every 2h is indeed what the serial output says :) Thanks for double-checking!

CatherineTaelman commented 2 years ago
jerabaul29 commented 2 years ago

This will actually be around every 3 hours, since 6 messages minimum per GPS packet :) .

CatherineTaelman commented 2 years ago

Okay I see, thank you!

jerabaul29 commented 2 years ago

Seems to be confirmed to work well, closing :) .