jerabaul29 / OpenMetBuoy-v2021a

An easy to build, affordable, customizable, open source instrument for oceanographic measurements - with global Iridium coverage
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investigate lower power GPS module for future iterations of OMB with GPS waves measurements #85

Open jerabaul29 opened 1 year ago

jerabaul29 commented 1 year ago

Reproduced from the discussion at .

" Btw, the newest GPS modules should have quite a bit lower power consumption. Traditionally, GPS modules have had around 30mA consumption, but the newest series should go down to around 10mA in continuous mode (less in non continuous mode / using fewer satellite constellations). I think a power consumption of 30-35mA for 20 mins is a bit "expensive" for a low power buoy, but 10-15mA may be quite ok.

The GPS module I think about:

a few more words about it:
SF product:

It could be a good project for some student to look into this module in details and see how low power consumption is attainable in practice in different modes :) . "