Looking at the code I see that there are some scripts to convert data formats.
convert_to_conllu.py in _baselines/graphparser.
convert_to_bio.py in _baselines/sequencelabeling.
convert_to_rels.py in _baselines/sequencelabeling.
With convert_to_conllu.py I can convert the JSON files to CoNLL-U but there is a script to convert from CoNLL-U to JSON or that script has to be made as part of the shared task?
In case of convert_to_bio.py and convert_to_rels.py I've some doubts, I can see that convert_to_bio.py is used within relation_prediction_module.py but for convert_to_rels.py I don't find where is used or for what is needed. What is each one used for?
Looking at the code I see that there are some scripts to convert data formats.
With convert_to_conllu.py I can convert the JSON files to CoNLL-U but there is a script to convert from CoNLL-U to JSON or that script has to be made as part of the shared task?
In case of convert_to_bio.py and convert_to_rels.py I've some doubts, I can see that convert_to_bio.py is used within relation_prediction_module.py but for convert_to_rels.py I don't find where is used or for what is needed. What is each one used for?