Currently I am unable to use this library with ecto@3.
» mix deps.get
Running dependency resolution...
Failed to use "ecto" (version 3.0.7) because
ecto_fields (versions 1.1.0 to 1.1.5) requires ~> 2.0
ecto_sql (version 3.0.5) requires ~> 3.0.6
phoenix_ecto (version 4.0.0) requires ~> 3.0
mix.lock specifies 3.0.7
** (Mix) Hex dependency resolution failed, change the version requirements of your dependencies or unlock them (by using mix deps.update or mix deps.unlock). If you are unable to resolve the conflicts you can try overriding with {:dependency, "~> 1.0", override: true}
Currently I am unable to use this library with
.Do you have any plans to release a new version?