jeremy-compostella / org-msg

OrgMsg is a GNU/Emacs global minor mode mixing up Org mode and Message mode to compose and reply to emails in a Outlook HTML friendly style.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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inline images in parent message have the wrong content-disposition (attached) when replying #177

Open molok opened 6 months ago

molok commented 6 months ago

I receive a lot of emails with inline images (usually in the signature), when replying an email with inline images I've noticed that the MIME message generated by org-msg sets Content-Disposition as "attached" instead of "inline", this looks weird in clients like Outlook Web.

the only workaround I've found so far is to set

(setq mml-content-disposition-alist
          '((text (rtf . "attachment") (t . "inline"))
            (".*tmp.*cid.*image.*png" . "inline")
            (t . "attachment"))))

this way mml forces content-disposition inline for attachments with paths matching the ".tmp.cid.image.png"" regex, which matches where org-msg stores that kind of attachments on my machine.

I'm sure there are lots of way this can break, but at least it I won't spam my colleagues with "fake" attachments.

I'm using the latest org-msg, mu4e 1.10.8 and Emacs 29.1

jeremy-compostella commented 6 months ago

Is working for you ?