jeremy-compostella / org-msg

OrgMsg is a GNU/Emacs global minor mode mixing up Org mode and Message mode to compose and reply to emails in a Outlook HTML friendly style.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Jcompost/mu 1.12 support with backward compatibility #184

Open jeremy-compostella opened 7 months ago

danielfleischer commented 7 months ago

Testing this; after sending an email I get message-do-fcc: Text is read-only and buffer shows the draft email although the email was sent. Also, the signature is duplicated.

emacsomancer commented 7 months ago

I think a number of bits of functionality have been shifted to use Gnus's message mode, which is why some old mu4e functions seem to have disappeared without replacements.

gajama commented 7 months ago

I have a work-around for the "Text is read-only" error, but haven't yet identified the best plave to fix the problem in the code itself.

The cause is that mu4e--message-separator is propertized with read-only.

As this problem doesn't occur when using mu4e without org-msg, there must be somewhere where the removal of this property happens with plain mu4e but not when using org-msg. I haven't been able to pinpoint that yet, though.

The workaround is to add some advice around message-send to remove the read-only property. For example:

(defun `my--ensure-text-not-read-only` (orig &rest args)
  (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
  (remove-text-properties (point-min) (point-max) '(read-only nil))
  (apply orig args)))

(advice-add 'message-send :around #'my--ensure-text-not-read-only)

EDIT: Oh - I also had to comment out a line in org-msg-edit-mode which adds undo to message-sent-hook, as this was barfing on the undo being to a non-visible part of the buffer. I'm not sure what this undo does (or undoes, I suppose), but things seem to be working without it. Probably removing undo from the hook in some advice on org-msg-edit-mode would be better. The buffer gets destroyed anyway, so I can't figure out why the undo is needed.

Once I've done some more testing to check that things are working correctly (for me, at least), I'll try and figure out a patch that does the same couple of fixes, without interfering with any code shared with the other MUAs.

gajama commented 7 months ago

Also, it seems that org-msg-edit-mode-mu4e no longer needs the message-send-hook or meesage-sent-hook additions with this version of mu4e, as the actions preformed by those pieces of code are taken care of by mu4e itself via mu4e--compose-before-send and mu4e--compose-after-send which are added to those hooks while org-msg is active.

danielfleischer commented 7 months ago

@gajama it's here isn't it?

gajama commented 7 months ago

Yes - I meant that the read-only property must get over-ridden when using vanilla mu4e - because the "text is read-only" error doesn't happen then - but that doesn't happen when using org-msg. I've not yet been able to find where the critical difference is.

danielfleischer commented 7 months ago

I see this delimit/undelimit function is added to before/after-save hooks, maybe it's related.

gajama commented 7 months ago

I'll have to look at it again, but I think that still gets called when using org-msg, although maybe not, as it's on the save hook. But you're likely right and that is the function that stops the error with plain mu4e.

I guess adding that function to the before-save-hook in org-msg could work then.

gajama commented 7 months ago

I couldn't work out how to get that delimit/undelimit function to fix the read-only error. I guess it's probably possible, and I didn't try very hard - I'm pretty tired this evening.

Instead, I went back to my sledgehammer of simply removing all read-only text properties from the buffer.

And, I couldn't figure out what was causing the undo in message-sent-hook to fail. So, I just added a remove-hook in org-msg-edit-mode-mu4e to get rid of the undo.

I guess both of these decisions could cause problems if, for example, the message aborts before sending. I'm not sure how I can best simulate that. But, I just wanted things to work. I'm going to test some more tomorrow, to see that things are working. Then I'll create a PR, over the weekend possibly.

It's just occured to me that the undo might be failing because mu4e--compose-after-send gets in the way, so I'll see what happens if the undo is called first. And the hook order could also be the cause of the other problems... I wonder. Maybe it is just that the org-msg bits need to fire first in the hooks?

emacsomancer commented 7 months ago

with mu4e shifting more and more functionality to re-use Gnus' Message-mode, to what extent can org-msg's current Message mode support be leverage?