When using Laravel with Passport, we have enough knowledge of the environment
to be able to provide 2 useful routes our of the box:
a discovery endpoint at /.well-known/openid-configuration.
a JWKS endpoint at /oauth/jwks.
This greatly eases integrating with Laravel since clients can now
use auto-discovery to integrate with Laravel + PassPort + OpenID.
When using Laravel with Passport, we have enough knowledge of the environment to be able to provide 2 useful routes our of the box:
a discovery endpoint at /.well-known/openid-configuration. a JWKS endpoint at /oauth/jwks. This greatly eases integrating with Laravel since clients can now use auto-discovery to integrate with Laravel + PassPort + OpenID.
This PR has been successfully tested using the Javascript openid-client package. This PR is based on https://github.com/ronvanderheijden/openid-connect/pull/16
Ref: https://github.com/jeremy379/laravel-openid-connect/issues/9 Thanks go to @moufmouf