jeremy886 / learn_datascience

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Course: Mastering Data Analysis in Excel #1

Open jeremy886 opened 6 years ago

jeremy886 commented 6 years ago

Coursera 6 weeks

jeremy886 commented 6 years ago

week 2

Note: Interesting to further explore how to find the equivalent and write down example code of the linear equations and solver functionality in Python.

jeremy886 commented 6 years ago

Week 3

If independent, P(x, y) = P(x) * P(y) I(x; y) = 0

Monty Hall Problem (three doors, one prize) 🤗🏆

Learning from One Coin Toss

A: the coin comes up tails
~A: the coin comes up heads
B: the coin is fair
~B: the coin is crooked

P(Y=B) = 0.5
P(Y=~B) = 0.5

P(X=A | Y=B) = 0.5
P(X=A| Y=~B) = 0.4

P(B|A) = P(A|B)P(B) / P(A)

P(A) = P(A, B) + P(A, ~B) = P(A | B) * P(B) + P(A | ~B) * P(~B) = .5 * .5 + .4  * .5 = .45

P( coin is fair | observe TAILs) = p(B | A) = p(A | B) P(B) / P(A) = .5 * .5 / .45 = .556
P( coin is crooked | observe TAILs) = P (~B | A) = P(A | ~B) * P(~B) / P(A) = .4 * .5 / .45 = .444

(P fair, P crooked): (.5, .5) --data: TAILs--> (.556, .444)

H(.5, .5) - H(X|Y) = H(.5, .5) - H(.556, .444) = 1 - .9909 = .0091 bits PIG = .0091 / 1 = .91 %

jeremy886 commented 6 years ago

Week 4



Central Limit Theorem

Algebra with Gaussian

variance = δ**2

  1. covariance == 0 (independent distribution)

    • sum:
    • new mean = mean1 + mean2
    • new variance = variance1 + variance2
    • multiply by constant ß
    • new mean = mean * ß
    • new variance = ß*2 variance
  2. covariance != 0

    • ...

Markowitz Portfolio Optimization