jeremydaly / data-api-client

A "DocumentClient" for the Amazon Aurora Serverless Data API
MIT License
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Lambda on NodeJS v18 #127

Closed chessbyte closed 1 year ago

chessbyte commented 1 year ago

Trying to convert a Lambda from NodeJS v14 to v18, running into the following issue:

Uncaught Exception  
    "errorType": "Runtime.ImportModuleError",
    "errorMessage": "Error: Cannot find module 'aws-sdk'\nRequire stack:\n- /opt/nodejs/node_modules/data-api-client/index.js\n- /opt/nodejs/node_modules/knex-aurora-data-api-client/src/data-api.js\n- /opt/nodejs/node_modules/knex-aurora-data-api-client/src/postgres.js\n- /opt/nodejs/node_modules/knex-aurora-data-api-client/index.js\n- /var/task/index.js\n- /var/runtime/index.mjs",
    "stack": [
        "Runtime.ImportModuleError: Error: Cannot find module 'aws-sdk'",
        "Require stack:",
        "- /opt/nodejs/node_modules/data-api-client/index.js",
        "- /opt/nodejs/node_modules/knex-aurora-data-api-client/src/data-api.js",
        "- /opt/nodejs/node_modules/knex-aurora-data-api-client/src/postgres.js",
        "- /opt/nodejs/node_modules/knex-aurora-data-api-client/index.js",
        "- /var/task/index.js",
        "- /var/runtime/index.mjs",
        "    at _loadUserApp (file:///var/runtime/index.mjs:1000:17)",
        "    at async UserFunction.js.module.exports.load (file:///var/runtime/index.mjs:1035:21)",
        "    at async start (file:///var/runtime/index.mjs:1200:23)",
        "    at async file:///var/runtime/index.mjs:1206:1"

Looks like is trying to upgrade AWS JavaScript SDK v3, but there has been no activity on it in ~18 months.

tmbs commented 1 year ago

Add aws-sdk to your dependencies, Node.js 18 image has AWS SDK v3 not v2 (the one the exception is about) bundled.

vicary commented 1 year ago

Using aws-sdk v2 now generates a warning:

NOTE: The AWS SDK for JavaScript (v2) will be put into maintenance mode in 2023.

Please migrate your code to use AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3).
For more information, check the migration guide at

Gently ping @ffxsam, are you still working on #89?

ffxsam commented 1 year ago

@vicary Unfortunately this isn't something I have time for these days. I have my own copy of this code that I use, I just don't have the time to update it with Jeremy's changes. I'll attach the full code below and anyone else is welcome to reconcile the two pieces of code.

Off the top of my head, some important things to note:

Thinking about this now, it's probably easier to just start with the code on main and add the v3 changes. 🙂 They're not that complicated, it's just a matter of swapping out the SDK calls.

Full index.js code below:

Expand ```js /* eslint-disable spaced-comment */ /* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */ /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */ 'use strict' /* * This module provides a simplified interface into the Aurora Serverless * Data API by abstracting away the notion of field values. * * More detail regarding the Aurora Serverless Data APIcan be found here: * * * @author Jeremy Daly * @author Sam Hulick * @version 1.2.0 * @license MIT */ import { RDSDataClient, ExecuteStatementCommand, BatchExecuteStatementCommand, BeginTransactionCommand, CommitTransactionCommand, RollbackTransactionCommand } from '@aws-sdk/client-rds-data' // Require sqlstring to add additional escaping capabilities import sqlString from 'sqlstring' // Supported value types in the Data API const supportedTypes = [ 'arrayValue', 'blobValue', 'booleanValue', 'doubleValue', 'isNull', 'longValue', 'stringValue', 'structValue' ] /********************************************************************/ /** PRIVATE METHODS **/ /********************************************************************/ // Simple error function const error = (...err) => { throw Error(...err) } // Parse SQL statement from provided arguments const parseSQL = (args) => typeof args[0] === 'string' ? args[0] : typeof args[0] === 'object' && typeof args[0].sql === 'string' ? args[0].sql : error('No \'sql\' statement provided.') // Parse the parameters from provided arguments const parseParams = (args) => Array.isArray(args[0].parameters) ? args[0].parameters : typeof args[0].parameters === 'object' ? [args[0].parameters] : Array.isArray(args[1]) ? args[1] : typeof args[1] === 'object' ? [args[1]] : args[0].parameters ? error('\'parameters\' must be an object or array') : args[1] ? error('Parameters must be an object or array') : [] // Parse the supplied database, or default to config const parseDatabase = (config, args) => config.transactionId ? config.database : typeof args[0].database === 'string' ? args[0].database : args[0].database ? error('\'database\' must be a string.') : config.database ? config.database : undefined // removed for #47 - error('No \'database\' provided.') // Parse the supplied hydrateColumnNames command, or default to config const parseHydrate = (config, args) => typeof args[0].hydrateColumnNames === 'boolean' ? args[0].hydrateColumnNames : args[0].hydrateColumnNames ? error('\'hydrateColumnNames\' must be a boolean.') : config.hydrateColumnNames // Parse the supplied format options, or default to config const parseFormatOptions = (config, args) => typeof args[0].formatOptions === 'object' ? { deserializeDate: typeof args[0].formatOptions.deserializeDate === 'boolean' ? args[0].formatOptions.deserializeDate : args[0].formatOptions.deserializeDate ? error('\'formatOptions.deserializeDate\' must be a boolean.') : config.formatOptions.deserializeDate, treatAsLocalDate: typeof args[0].formatOptions.treatAsLocalDate === 'boolean' ? args[0].formatOptions.treatAsLocalDate : args[0].formatOptions.treatAsLocalDate ? error('\'formatOptions.treatAsLocalDate\' must be a boolean.') : config.formatOptions.treatAsLocalDate } : args[0].formatOptions ? error('\'formatOptions\' must be an object.') : config.formatOptions // Prepare method params w/ supplied inputs if an object is passed const prepareParams = ({ secretArn, resourceArn }, args) => { return Object.assign( { secretArn, resourceArn }, typeof args[0] === 'object' ? omit(args[0], ['hydrateColumnNames', 'parameters']) : {} // merge any inputs ) } // Utility function for removing certain keys from an object const omit = (obj, values) => Object.keys(obj).reduce( (acc, x) => values.includes(x) ? acc : Object.assign(acc, { [x]: obj[x] }), {} ) // Utility function for picking certain keys from an object const pick = (obj, values) => Object.keys(obj).reduce( (acc, x) => values.includes(x) ? Object.assign(acc, { [x]: obj[x] }) : acc, {} ) // Utility function for flattening arrays const flatten = (arr) => arr.reduce((acc, x) => acc.concat(x), []) // Normize parameters so that they are all in standard format const normalizeParams = (params) => params.reduce( (acc, p) => Array.isArray(p) ? acc.concat([normalizeParams(p)]) : (Object.keys(p).length === 2 && && typeof p.value !== 'undefined') || (Object.keys(p).length === 3 && && typeof p.value !== 'undefined' && p.cast) ? acc.concat(p) : acc.concat(splitParams(p)), [] ) // end reduce // Prepare parameters const processParams = ( engine, sql, sqlParams, params, formatOptions, row = 0 ) => { return { processedParams: params.reduce((acc, p) => { if (Array.isArray(p)) { const result = processParams( engine, sql, sqlParams, p, formatOptions, row ) if (row === 0) { sql = result.escapedSql row++ } return acc.concat([result.processedParams]) } else if (sqlParams[]) { if (sqlParams[].type === 'n_ph') { if (p.cast) { const regex = new RegExp(':' + + '\\b', 'g') sql = sql.replace( regex, engine === 'pg' ? `:${}::${p.cast}` : `CAST(:${} AS ${p.cast})` ) } acc.push(formatParam(, p.value, formatOptions)) } else if (row === 0) { const regex = new RegExp('::' + + '\\b', 'g') sql = sql.replace(regex, sqlString.escapeId(p.value)) } return acc } return acc }, []), escapedSql: sql } } // Converts parameter to the name/value format const formatParam = (n, v, formatOptions) => formatType(n, v, getType(v), getTypeHint(v), formatOptions) // Converts object params into name/value format const splitParams = (p) => Object.keys(p).reduce((arr, x) => arr.concat({ name: x, value: p[x] }), []) // Get all the sql parameters and assign them types const getSqlParams = (sql) => { // TODO: probably need to remove comments from the sql // TODO: placeholders? // sql.match(/\:{1,2}\w+|\?+/g).map((p,i) => { return (sql.match(/:{1,2}\w+/g) || []) .map((p) => { // TODO: future support for placeholder parsing? // return p === '??' ? { type: 'id' } // identifier // : p === '?' ? { type: 'ph', label: '__d'+i } // placeholder return p.startsWith('::') ? { type: 'n_id', label: p.substr(2) } // named id : { type: 'n_ph', label: p.substr(1) } // named placeholder }) .reduce((acc, x) => { return Object.assign(acc, { [x.label]: { type: x.type } }) }, {}) // end reduce } // Gets the value type and returns the correct value field name // TODO: Support more types as the are released const getType = (val) => typeof val === 'string' ? 'stringValue' : typeof val === 'boolean' ? 'booleanValue' : typeof val === 'number' && parseInt(val) === val ? 'longValue' : typeof val === 'number' && parseFloat(val) === val ? 'doubleValue' : val === null ? 'isNull' : isDate(val) ? 'stringValue' : Buffer.isBuffer(val) ? 'blobValue' : // : Array.isArray(val) ? 'arrayValue' This doesn't work yet // TODO: there is a 'structValue' now for postgres typeof val === 'object' && Object.keys(val).length === 1 && supportedTypes.includes(Object.keys(val)[0]) ? null : undefined // Hint to specify the underlying object type for data type mapping const getTypeHint = (val) => (isDate(val) ? 'TIMESTAMP' : undefined) const isDate = (val) => val instanceof Date // Creates a standard Data API parameter using the supplied inputs const formatType = (name, value, type, typeHint, formatOptions) => { return Object.assign( typeHint != null ? { name, typeHint } : { name }, type === null ? { value } : { value: { [type ? type : error(`'${name}' is an invalid type`)]: type === 'isNull' ? true : isDate(value) ? formatToTimeStamp( value, formatOptions && formatOptions.treatAsLocalDate ) : value } } ) } // end formatType // Formats the (UTC) date to the AWS accepted YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS[.FFF] format // See const formatToTimeStamp = (date, treatAsLocalDate) => { const pad = (val, num = 2) => '0'.repeat(num - String(val).length) + val const year = treatAsLocalDate ? date.getFullYear() : date.getUTCFullYear() const month = (treatAsLocalDate ? date.getMonth() : date.getUTCMonth()) + 1 // Convert to human month const day = treatAsLocalDate ? date.getDate() : date.getUTCDate() const hours = treatAsLocalDate ? date.getHours() : date.getUTCHours() const minutes = treatAsLocalDate ? date.getMinutes() : date.getUTCMinutes() const seconds = treatAsLocalDate ? date.getSeconds() : date.getUTCSeconds() const ms = treatAsLocalDate ? date.getMilliseconds() : date.getUTCMilliseconds() const fraction = ms <= 0 ? '' : `.${pad(ms, 3)}` return `${year}-${pad(month)}-${pad(day)} ${pad(hours)}:${pad(minutes)}:${pad( seconds )}${fraction}` } // Converts the string value to a Date object. // If standard TIMESTAMP format (YYYY-MM-DD[ HH:MM:SS[.FFF]]) without TZ + treatAsLocalDate=false then assume UTC Date // In all other cases convert value to datetime as-is (also values with TZ info) const formatFromTimeStamp = (value, treatAsLocalDate) => !treatAsLocalDate && /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}(\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(\.\d{3})?)?$/.test(value) ? new Date(value + 'Z') : new Date(value) // Formats the results of a query response const formatResults = ( { // destructure results columnMetadata, // ONLY when hydrate or includeResultMetadata is true numberOfRecordsUpdated, // ONLY for executeStatement method records, // ONLY for executeStatement method generatedFields, // ONLY for INSERTS updateResults // ONLY on batchExecuteStatement }, hydrate, includeMeta, formatOptions ) => Object.assign( includeMeta ? { columnMetadata } : {}, numberOfRecordsUpdated !== undefined && !records ? { numberOfRecordsUpdated } : {}, records ? { records: formatRecords( records, columnMetadata, hydrate, formatOptions ) } : {}, updateResults ? { updateResults: formatUpdateResults(updateResults) } : {}, generatedFields && generatedFields.length > 0 ? { insertId: generatedFields[0].longValue } : {} ) // Processes records and either extracts Typed Values into an array, or // object with named column labels const formatRecords = (recs, columns, hydrate, formatOptions) => { // Create map for efficient value parsing const fmap = recs && recs[0] ? recs[0].map((x, i) => { return Object.assign( {}, columns ? { label: columns[i].label, typeName: columns[i].typeName } : {} ) // add column label and typeName }) : {} // Map over all the records (rows) return recs ? => { // Reduce each field in the record (row) return rec.reduce( (acc, field, i) => { // If the field is null, always return null if (field.isNull === true) { return hydrate // object if hydrate, else array ? Object.assign(acc, { [fmap[i].label]: null }) : acc.concat(null) // If the field is mapped, return the mapped field } else if (fmap[i] && fmap[i].field) { const value = formatRecordValue( field[fmap[i].field], fmap[i].typeName, formatOptions ) return hydrate // object if hydrate, else array ? Object.assign(acc, { [fmap[i].label]: value }) : acc.concat(value) // Else discover the field type } // Look for non-null fields Object.keys(field).forEach((type) => { if (type !== 'isNull' && field[type] !== null) { fmap[i].field = type } }) // Return the mapped field (this should NEVER be null) const value = formatRecordValue( field[fmap[i].field], fmap[i].typeName, formatOptions ) return hydrate // object if hydrate, else array ? Object.assign(acc, { [fmap[i].label]: value }) : acc.concat(value) }, hydrate ? {} : [] ) // init object if hydrate, else init array }) : [] // empty record set returns an array } // end formatRecords // Format record value based on its value, the database column's typeName and the formatting options const formatRecordValue = (value, typeName, formatOptions) => formatOptions && formatOptions.deserializeDate && ['DATE', 'DATETIME', 'TIMESTAMP', 'TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE'].includes( typeName ) ? formatFromTimeStamp( value, (formatOptions && formatOptions.treatAsLocalDate) || typeName === 'TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE' ) : value // Format updateResults and extract insertIds const formatUpdateResults = (res) => => { return x.generatedFields && x.generatedFields.length > 0 ? { insertId: x.generatedFields[0].longValue } : {} }) // Merge configuration data with supplied arguments const mergeConfig = (initialConfig, args) => Object.assign(initialConfig, args) /********************************************************************/ /** QUERY MANAGEMENT **/ /********************************************************************/ // Query function (use standard form for `this` context) const query = async function (config, ..._args) { // Flatten array if nested arrays (fixes #30) const args = Array.isArray(_args[0]) ? flatten(_args) : _args // Parse and process sql const sql = parseSQL(args) const sqlParams = getSqlParams(sql) // Parse hydration setting const hydrateColumnNames = parseHydrate(config, args) // Parse data format settings const formatOptions = parseFormatOptions(config, args) // Parse and normalize parameters const parameters = normalizeParams(parseParams(args)) // Process parameters and escape necessary SQL const { processedParams, escapedSql } = processParams( config.engine, sql, sqlParams, parameters, formatOptions ) // Determine if this is a batch request const isBatch = processedParams.length > 0 && Array.isArray(processedParams[0]) // Create/format the parameters const params = Object.assign( prepareParams(config, args), { database: parseDatabase(config, args), // add database sql: escapedSql // add escaped sql statement }, // Only include parameters if they exist processedParams.length > 0 ? // Batch statements require parameterSets instead of parameters { [isBatch ? 'parameterSets' : 'parameters']: processedParams } : {}, // Force meta data if set and not a batch hydrateColumnNames && !isBatch ? { includeResultMetadata: true } : {}, // If a transactionId is passed, overwrite any manual input config.transactionId ? { transactionId: config.transactionId } : {} ) // end params try { // attempt to run the query // Capture the result for debugging const result = await (isBatch ? config.RDS.send(new BatchExecuteStatementCommand(params)) : config.RDS.send(new ExecuteStatementCommand(params))) // Format and return the results return formatResults( result, hydrateColumnNames, args[0].includeResultMetadata === true, formatOptions ) } catch (e) { if (this && this.rollback) { const rollback = await config.RDS.send( new RollbackTransactionCommand( pick(params, ['resourceArn', 'secretArn', 'transactionId']) ) ) this.rollback(e, rollback) } // Throw the error throw e } } // end query /********************************************************************/ /** TRANSACTION MANAGEMENT **/ /********************************************************************/ // Init a transaction object and return methods const transaction = (config, _args) => { const args = typeof _args === 'object' ? [_args] : [{}] const queries = [] // keep track of queries // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function let rollback = () => {} // default rollback event const txConfig = Object.assign(prepareParams(config, args), { database: parseDatabase(config, args), // add database hydrateColumnNames: parseHydrate(config, args), // add hydrate formatOptions: parseFormatOptions(config, args), // add formatOptions RDS: config.RDS // reference the RDSDataService instance }) return { query(...args) { if (typeof args[0] === 'function') { queries.push(args[0]) } else { queries.push(() => [...args]) } return this }, rollback(fn) { if (typeof fn === 'function') { rollback = fn } return this }, async commit() { return commit(txConfig, queries, rollback) } } } // Commit transaction by running queries const commit = async (config, queries, rollback) => { const results = [] // keep track of results // Start a transaction const { transactionId } = await config.RDS.send( new BeginTransactionCommand( pick(config, ['resourceArn', 'secretArn', 'database']) ) ) // Add transactionId to the config const txConfig = Object.assign(config, { transactionId }) // Loop through queries for (let i = 0; i < queries.length; i++) { // Execute the queries, pass the rollback as context const result = await query.apply({ rollback }, [ config, queries[i](results[results.length - 1], results) ]) // Add the result to the main results accumulator results.push(result) } // Commit our transaction const { transactionStatus } = await txConfig.RDS.send( new CommitTransactionCommand( pick(config, ['resourceArn', 'secretArn', 'transactionId']) ) ) // Add the transaction status to the results results.push({ transactionStatus }) // Return the results return results } /********************************************************************/ /** INSTANTIATION **/ /********************************************************************/ // Export main function /** * Create a Data API client instance * @param {object} params * @param {'mysql'|'pg'} [params.engine=mysql] The type of database (MySQL or Postgres) * @param {string} params.resourceArn The ARN of your Aurora Serverless Cluster * @param {string} params.secretArn The ARN of the secret associated with your * database credentials * @param {string} [params.database] The name of the database * @param {boolean} [params.hydrateColumnNames=true] Return objects with column * names as keys * @param {object} [params.options={}] Configuration object passed directly * into RDSDataService * @param {object} [params.formatOptions] Date-related formatting options * @param {boolean} [params.formatOptions.deserializeDate=false] * @param {boolean} [params.formatOptions.treatAsLocalDate=false] * @param {boolean} [params.keepAlive] DEPRECATED * @param {boolean} [params.sslEnabled=true] DEPRECATED * @param {string} [params.region] DEPRECATED * */ const init = (params) => { // Set the options for the RDSDataService const options = typeof params.options === 'object' ? params.options : params.options !== undefined ? error('\'options\' must be an object') : {} // Update the AWS http agent with the region if (typeof params.region === 'string') { options.region = params.region } // Disable ssl if wanted for local development if (params.sslEnabled === false) { options.sslEnabled = false } // Set the configuration for this instance const config = { // Require engine engine: typeof params.engine === 'string' ? params.engine : 'mysql', // Require secretArn secretArn: typeof params.secretArn === 'string' ? params.secretArn : error('\'secretArn\' string value required'), // Require resourceArn resourceArn: typeof params.resourceArn === 'string' ? params.resourceArn : error('\'resourceArn\' string value required'), // Load optional database database: typeof params.database === 'string' ? params.database : params.database !== undefined ? error('\'database\' must be a string') : undefined, // Load optional schema DISABLED for now since this isn't used with MySQL // schema: typeof params.schema === 'string' ? params.schema // : params.schema !== undefined ? error(`'schema' must be a string`) // : undefined, // Set hydrateColumnNames (default to true) hydrateColumnNames: typeof params.hydrateColumnNames === 'boolean' ? params.hydrateColumnNames : true, // Value formatting options. For date the deserialization is enabled and (re)stored as UTC formatOptions: { deserializeDate: typeof params.formatOptions === 'object' && params.formatOptions.deserializeDate === false ? false : true, treatAsLocalDate: typeof params.formatOptions === 'object' && params.formatOptions.treatAsLocalDate }, // Create an instance of RDSDataService RDS: new RDSDataClient(options) } // end config // Return public methods return { // Query method, pass config and parameters query: (...x) => query(config, ...x), // Transaction method, pass config and parameters transaction: (x) => transaction(config, x) } } // end exports module.exports = init ```
ffxsam commented 1 year ago

Further recommendations for Jeremy: Maybe we sunset this library, archive it, modify the README? Seems like AWS is not supporting Data API going forward (w/ RDS Proxy being the new guy in town).

vicary commented 1 year ago

@ffxsam We use AppSync with Aurora Serverless v1 and they are only pieced together with data API.

Although TBH I am not sure what they're doing by launching Aurora Serverless V2 without data API, while actively pushing for Amplify.

If you are sunsetting this, what would be the best alternative for our Lambda + TypeORM resolvers in AppSync?

ffxsam commented 1 year ago

@vicary As I understand it, RDS Proxy is the intended replacement for Data API, though I've done zero research on it, so I can't give any advice there!

I seem to recall looking into TypeORM some time ago, but I don't remember if there was a driver to make it connect to RDS Data API.

EDIT: Ahh, this was my issue:

vicary commented 1 year ago

@ffxsam TypeORM driver supports the type of "aurora-mysql" and "aurora-postgres", which I believe uses typeorm-aurora-data-api-driver under the hood.

Until ArsenyYankovsky/typeorm-aurora-data-api-driver#148 is resolved, sunsetting this one before they could maybe migrate to the built-in data api in v3, leaves us no viable alternatives but to spin up an RDS Proxy (for Lambda) in parallel with Data API (for AppSync RDS resolvers).

IMO RDS Proxy is less of an attractive choice because it adds extra costs upfront (with minimum charges and Data API is free), and running two similar components in parallel also adds unnecessary maintenance cost in the long run.

Sorry for the ranting, but please hold on until we have a choice.

ffxsam commented 1 year ago

We're simply abandoning this library, not removing it or anything. I've posted the changes to make it work with AWS JS SDK v3. As soon as someone merges that with the latest main branch, Jeremy can publish, and that'll probably be the last update. The library will continue to work indefinitely.

QAnders commented 1 year ago

@ffxsam We use AppSync with Aurora Serverless v1 and they are only pieced together with data API.

Although TBH I am not sure what they're doing by launching Aurora Serverless V2 without data API, while actively pushing for Amplify.

If you are sunsetting this, what would be the best alternative for our Lambda + TypeORM resolvers in AppSync?

With the sad news that this is abandoned we built a "replacement" @vicary , to use with our Aurora Serverless V1 instances.

It works as a native knex instance with teh code from data-api-client included. We also updated it to use AWS SDK v3 to get rid of that annoying warning from teh AWS SDK...

See if it suits your needs:

We'll keep it up to date, and update as newer knex versions are coming out, at least as long as we'll figure out where AWS is heading with Data-API...

vicary commented 1 year ago

@QAnders my team is on the move to kysely, will definitely keep an eye on knex for future greenfield contracts.

ffxsam commented 1 year ago

drizzle is also worth checking out.

stefanotauriello commented 12 months ago

@chessbyte @vicary @ffxsam Hello, in Lambda from NodeJS v14 to v18, how have I to rewrite it? (data-api-client 1.3.0 + dependencies AWS SDK3)

const data = require('data-api-client')({ secretArn: 'xxxx', resourceArn: 'yyy', database: 'zzz', engine: 'pg' });

Thank you!

stefanotauriello commented 12 months ago
