jeremydaly / serverless-cloudside-plugin

Serverless plugin for using cloudside resources during local development
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!Ref AWS:AccountId returns 'RESOURCE NOT PUBLISHED' #4

Open MattNguyen opened 5 years ago

MattNguyen commented 5 years ago

Hi Jeremy,

Appreciate your work on this. I can see this being quite valuable but running into some roadblocks.

I'm attempting to construct an arn for an AWS::RDS::DbCluster which is passed to the environment of a lambda function.

Originally I was using serverless-pseudo-parameters to return a string like so :

  DbClusterArn: "arn:aws:rds:${self:provider.region}:#{AWS::AccountId}:cluster:#{AuroraCluster}"

However it appears that serverless-pseudo-parameters + serverless-cloudside-plugin don't play well together.

So I broke out each parameter into a separate env var and constructed the arn in the lambda function:

  DbClusterId: !Ref AuroraCluster
  AccountId: !Ref "AWS::AccountId"
  Region: ${self:provider.region}

However the AccountId returns <Resource Not Published>.

My questions are:

  1. Should this work nicely with serverless-pseudo-parameters?
  2. Should refs to pseudo parameters work?
jeremydaly commented 5 years ago

Hi Matt,

I don't believe that !Ref "AWS::AccountId" is actually valid CloudFormation syntax. I could totally be wrong, but I think using pseudo parameters would be better in that case. What were the conflicts with the serverless-pseudo-parameters plugin? I will have to run some tests to figure out what the issue is.

Thanks, Jeremy

MattNguyen commented 5 years ago

I don't believe that !Ref "AWS::AccountId" is actually valid CloudFormation syntax

I see, I was going off of the pseudo parameters docs but wasn't sure how it was supposed to be represented in the serverless.yml file.

What were the conflicts with the serverless-pseudo-parameters plugin?

If I were to use serverless-pseudo-parameters, like so:

      AccountId: "#{AWS::AccountId}"

Then the variable resolves to the literal string "#{AWS::AccountId}" in my function.

davegariepy commented 4 years ago

Hey Jeremy, thanks for making this.

I ran into the same problem as Matt. I ended up using the Serverless Framework Pro deployment profile feature to inject the account ID as a parameter like: ${param: ACCOUNT_ID}

I assigned that to an environment variable and constructed the RDS cluster ARN inside the function code like this: arn:aws:rds:${REGION}:${ACCOUNT_ID}:cluster:${CLUSTER_ID}

Now I can run sls offline cloudside and use RDS Aurora Serverless in local dev.

I tried outputting the aurora cluster ARN in the resources section using Fn:Join to construct but that didn't seem to work. From what I understand the cloudside plugin is looking for Ref and GetAtt so thinking the Fn:Join wasn't getting pulled in.

matjamesymj commented 4 years ago

@MattNguyen did you resolve your issue. i'm getting TypeError: bucketName.charAt is not a function when using "#{AWS::StackName}-my-bucket"