jeremyfelt / multisite-notes

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Existing multisite plugins which are good candidates to go into core #4

Open johnbillion opened 9 years ago

johnbillion commented 9 years ago

Leave a comment here with suggestions you have for existing plugins which provide some sort of functionality related to Multisite which you think would be a good addition to core.

boonebgorges commented 9 years ago or something like it

johnbillion commented 9 years ago

johnbillion commented 9 years ago

cfoellmann commented 9 years ago -> wp-admin/includes/mn.php

cfoellmann commented 9 years ago

About unconfirmed:

danhgilmore commented 9 years ago

As the Super Admin, I want to have some plugins only available/visible for use by other super admins, and I use this:

paaljoachim commented 9 years ago

Sharing media across the network is really important and very useful:

mantismamita commented 9 years ago

Something Multilingual?

cfoellmann commented 9 years ago

@mantismamita this is nothing that will get into core. There is much to do to improve the basis for these plugins to build on but providing UI and advanced functionality should always remain in plugins

bueltge commented 9 years ago

Not a plugin, but useful and important

cfoellmann commented 9 years ago


bueltge commented 9 years ago

A settings api would be great, but I know about a ready usable solution. This ticket is ready for merge with the core.

cfoellmann commented 9 years ago

I am eager to have the option to modify these tabs but these filters will have to be supported for sooo long that they will be a real pain when tabs are finally added to the WP core toolkit

Ipstenu commented 9 years ago

Downvote on Multilingual and sharing network media.

Multilingual requires the polyglots stuff Nacin's been working on to be finished first. Until we can rapidly, easily, deploy language packs, it's premature.

Network shared ''anything'' also is too soon. We have to sort out the 'types' of networks (shared, open etc) and how that structure will work before we can possibly tap into that sanely. Related, Join-my-multisite is a nice idea, but it's too per-site dependent and creates too many decisions for the users to make. Same goes for which I'd love to see in core one day, but really depends what KIND of Multisite you're running before you want it or not.

So let's step back and look at network features that would add functionality regardless of network type (this will help us not get caught up in things that require a LOT of 'if we're doing this, then the plugin has to do that...')

User management features:

Plugin Management Features:


peterchester commented 9 years ago

+1 on Ipstenu's notes

Duplicate: Ability to copy blogs seems like an obvious need.

Domain support: Almost all of our MS installs have this. But I'm not totally sure domain support should come stock unless it can be done super efficiently

Who has access to what?

soderlind commented 9 years ago

+1 on multisite-enhancements (should be part of the core)

also a big fan of and it's companion plugin

One feature missing is: When I create a subsite with a new admin, I'm not (as a super admin) added to the site and hence I don't see the site in "My Sites". I must manually add myself to the site as an admin. As far as I know, there's no hook/filter that makes it possible to create a plugin to this.

soderlind commented 9 years ago

Another one, popular by the site owners, is

cfoellmann commented 9 years ago

As far as I can see is a good candidate. Right? Should we get it started?

bueltge commented 9 years ago

For the topic domain support, mapping. The core support multi domain support. Only the use case of alias is a problem with the core. I think this is a extra issue on discussion to change the core, not only a enhancement. See more about the topic on this chapter of the public book

Ipstenu commented 9 years ago

soderlind - Multi-author comment notification is beyond just Multisite I think. Or rather, it's not only Multisite and should be treated on it's own merits for core.

"My Sites" is not an issue. It's acting exactly as it should. You're not added to a site, it's not 'your' site, but as super admin you have access to every site anyway and don't need it. You can go to wp-admin/network/sites.php and see all the sites. If anything, the only change you might want to make is have that page check 'If network admin, list all sites and somehow flag the ones you ARE a member of' - being a member of a site is, after all, different than being a multisite network admin :) (of note, I don't log in to my own network as super admin)

misfist commented 9 years ago

paaljoachim +1: "Sharing media across the network is really important and very useful" The functionality provided by:

would be super useful to core.

bueltge commented 9 years ago

Also a new plugin to create network share of media of one site inside the network:

The network share media plugin was helpful, but the maintenance us not very fine and also the ui.

jazbek commented 9 years ago

+1 to @cfoellmann's suggestion of building multi-network UI into core. something like or

Not sure why this secret feature of wp has been kept hidden for so long :)

I somewhat agree about My Sites. When you are a super admin, you don't need to add yourself to each site to get access -- but you do want to be able to use the My Sites menu to quickly access different sites. So you either have to add yourself as a superfluous extra step, or go somewhere else to access sites you're not a member of as a superfluous second step.

soderlind commented 9 years ago

@jazbek ref "my sites", you decribed what I want better than me :)

paaljoachim commented 9 years ago

Take a look at:

bueltge commented 9 years ago

please continue to discuss here: