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Open vs closed network functionality #6

Closed johnbillion closed 9 years ago

johnbillion commented 9 years ago

Functionality which could change depending on whether a network is open/closed/trusted/untrusted. Or depending on the network type, which we're discussing in #5.

Starting list:

earnjam commented 9 years ago

I feel like you could have multiple levels of access to themes and plugins and you might want to mix and match the two depending on your network. For each of them, you could have them operate how themes do now, or how plugins do now. But with plugins having the additional option of being network activated.


"Enabled" and "activated" are very close in terminology and they can be easily confused, so we might want to consider the verbiage, but I can easily see a use case for each type of access.

earnjam commented 9 years ago

Also curious how wp_is_large_network() would be affected by the network being open/closed/trusted/untrusted. My understanding is that function is based entirely on size ( > 10k users or > 10k sites)

cfoellmann commented 9 years ago

@earnjam the sites count is just shared between all networks. there is no difference in performance between 15k sites in 1 network || 15k sites in 10 network || 15k sites in 100 networks! Somewhere in there - watched that one last week

earnjam commented 9 years ago

Yeah, I guess my question is more why would the nature of the network (open/closed/etc) affect the determination of whether it's large or not.

jeremyfelt commented 9 years ago

If you're reading this comment, you would be perfect to—after becoming familiar with the material in this issue—chime in on the new thread at with your :thought_balloon:

:+1: :zap:

I'm going to close this as a way of moving the conversation. :)