jeremyhansen / rooksguide-cplusplus

The Rook's Guide to C++
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Remove temporary files from the repository #11

Closed LeviSchuck closed 10 years ago

LeviSchuck commented 10 years ago

Binaries such as the pdf really ought not to be put in the repository. It would be best to have a periodically uploaded document to share, rather than clutter the repository with these artifacts.

Also, log files and the such really don't have a place in the repo, since it also classifies as an artifact and changes per run in any arbitrary environment.

I'd like to make another branch within this repository to make sure that it can be pulled, generated and so forth, then submit a merge request at the review of another to try on their end.

jeremyhansen commented 10 years ago

The intermediate files are there because I was lazy about my first few commits and haven't bothered to fix it. I wanted to have the PDF there for reference and to make it clear to new folks what the final output looks like. I'm reasonably new to Github, so if there's a better way to do this, let me know (or just do it). Feel free to remove the junk from your fork and we'll clean it up when we merge yours back in.

LeviSchuck commented 10 years ago

jeremyhansen/rooksguide-cplusplus/pull/14 has been submitted.