jeremyjh / dialyxir

Mix tasks to simplify use of Dialyzer in Elixir projects.
Apache License 2.0
1.69k stars 141 forks source link

Failed to parse warning #433

Open filipeherculano opened 3 years ago

filipeherculano commented 3 years ago



Current behavior

[{:"{", 1}, {:atom_full, 1, '\'ok\''}, {:",", 1}, {:"{", 1}, {:_, 1}, {:atom_part, 1, 'a'}, {:atom_part, 1, 't'}, {:atom_part, 1, 'o'}, {:atom_part, 1, 'm'}, {:atom_part, 1, 'i'}, {:atom_part, 1, 'c'}, {:_, 1}, {:atom_part, 1, 't'}, {:atom_part, 1, 'x'}, {:atom_part, 1, '@'}, {:int, 1, 1}, {:",", 1}, {:<, 1}, {:<, 1}, {:_, 1}, {:atom_part, 1, 'n'}, {:atom_part, 1, 'u'}, {:atom_part, 1, 'm'}, {:_, 1}, {:atom_part, 1, 'c'}, {:atom_part, 1, 'r'}, {:atom_part, 1, 'e'}, {:atom_part, 1, 'd'}, {:atom_part, 1, '@'}, {:int, 1, 1}, {:":", 1}, {:int, 1, 32}, {:",", 1}, {:_, 1}, {:atom_part, 1, 'p'}, {:atom_part, 1, 'a'}, {:atom_part, 1, 'y'}, {:atom_part, 1, 'l'}, {:atom_part, 1, 'o'}, {:atom_part, 1, 'a'}, {:atom_part, 1, 'd'}, {:atom_part, 1, '@'}, {:int, 1, 3}, {:atom_part, 1, '/'}, {:atom_part, 1, 'b'}, {:atom_part, 1, 'i'}, {:atom_part, 1, 'n'}, {:atom_part, 1, ...}, {:atom_part, ...}, {...}, ...]

Expected behavior

Not “Please file a bug”.

filipeherculano commented 3 years ago

mix dialyzer --format raw {:warn_matching, {'lib/blockchain/avax_c/parser.ex', 37}, {:pattern_match, ['pattern {\'ok\', {_atomic_tx@1, <<_num_cred@1:32,_payload@3/binary>>}}', '{\'error\',{\'atomic_tx\',binary()}}']}}