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Agenda 5/20 & 5/13 & 4/29 & 4/22 & 4/8 &4/1 & 3/25 & 3/18 & 3/11 2023 #919

Open jeremyjia opened 1 year ago

jeremyjia commented 1 year ago


jeremyjia commented 1 year ago


  1. 演示百度语音API集成效果(jeremyjia)
  2. ChatGPT demo(wangxu)
jeremyjia commented 1 year ago


  1. NLP语句词性识别demo
  2. 成功申请到一个chatGPT token(wangxu)


  1. 调试chatGPT API调用示例程序
  2. 集成POST功能
jeremyjia commented 1 year ago

Jeremy jia的Codespace:

jeremyjia commented 1 year ago

sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools sudo xcode-select --install

jeremyjia commented 1 year ago

github-cli doc: CLI下载地址:

jeremyjia commented 1 year ago


  1. 启动命令:java -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 -jar pbz-demo-1.0.68-SNAPSHOT.jar
  2. 在线剧本:
  3. java -cp ./lib/*:JavaStudy-0.0.3-SNAPSHOT.jar ChatGPTTest (codespace里运行测试用例)
jeremyjia commented 1 year ago


  1. sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer
  2. sudo apt-get install fontconfig
  3. cd 我们的项目的Games/Spring目录(我在这里保存了两个字体)
  4. sudo cp simsunb.ttf simhei.ttf /usr/share/fonts/winfonts/
  5. sudo mkfontscale
  6. sudo mkfontdir
  7. sudo fc-cache -fv
  8. sudo fc-list :lang=zh-cn (验证是否成功)
jeremyjia commented 1 year ago
jeremyjia commented 1 year ago


jeremyjia commented 1 year ago


ssh cs.jeremyjia-reimagined-invention-5g7qrpr67vw3vq9r.python -D 4567 ssh cs.jeremyjia-reimagined-invention-5g7qrpr67vw3vq9r.python -D 4567 -L 8080:localhost:8080 参考文档:

$ gh codespace ssh $ gh codespace ssh --config > ~/.ssh/codespaces $ printf 'Match all\nInclude ~/.ssh/codespaces\n' >> ~/.ssh/config

jeremyjia commented 1 year ago

Once that is set up (see the second example below), you can ssh to codespaces as if they were ordinary remote hosts (using 'ssh', not 'gh cs ssh').

jeremyjia commented 1 year ago

SSH下载链接: cs.jeremyjia-curly-robot-jjp57w76gq4f4rg.master

jeremyjia commented 1 year ago

To show a YouTube video in a webpage, start by copying the embed code from the YouTube video page. Next, paste the embed code into your HTML page, right where you want the video to appear. Lastly, save the changes you’ve made and view your page in a web browser to make sure the video was added correctly. To get the embed code, open the YouTube video you want to add, click the “Share” button, and select the “Embed” option. You can then copy the available iFrame code and paste it in a webpage. When you paste the code into your webpage, it will look something like this: < iframe width="854" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen> Make sure to replace YOUTUBE_VIDEO_ID with the correct ID for the video you’re trying to embed. You may also adjust the size of the video by changing the width and height values in the embed code.

waynexw commented 1 year ago

grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=%E4%BD%A0%E7%9A%84APIKey&client_secret=%E4%BD%A0%E7%9A%84Secret) Key

example command:***&ctp=1&tok=*** // cuid | 必填 | 用户唯一标识,用来计算UV值。建议填写能区分用户的机器 MAC 地址或 IMEI 码,长度为60字符以内; ctp 客户端类型选择,web端填写固定值1; tok 开放平台获取到的开发者access_token(见上面的“鉴权认证机制”段落)

use the real command: 结果:失败,应该是token错误


2023/5/1 update 通过双重认证后,依然无法打开网页,报错“无法访问此网站 的响应时间过长。” 也许需要翻墙回国才能登陆?

jeremyjia commented 1 year ago


  1. Chess插件程序自动走谱程序实现算法
  2. Windows10上实验”爬梯子“验证成功

Key Notes:

jeremyjia commented 1 year ago

2023/5/20会议记录: 讨论象棋插件程序相关内容 tmux工具 Todo:

  1. 升级剧本协议将“chess”换成更为通用的表达“option”,通过ID定义具体的功能,维护ID功能列表
  2. 升级剧本模版,实现象棋走棋的语音播报功能 (done)
  3. 实现象棋走棋的动画效果
  4. 编写JS插件的使用说明书,学习Canvas绘图相关知识(Jeremyjia, wangxu)
  5. 发布象棋视频到相关网站
  6. 调查Codespace中插件中文乱码的问题 (done and verify)
  7. 初始化棋局(中残局盘面),根据象棋的行业规则
  8. 插件管理器支持源码直接加载方式
  9. 象棋插件支持语音播报
waynexw commented 1 year ago

任务4:学习了Canvas相关知识,希望用chatgtp实现国际象棋游戏,但它只是画出了棋盘,再继续学习,还是希望在我的主页上用canvas实现国际象棋游戏。 image

jeremyjia commented 1 year ago

gh auth refresh -h -s codespace