jeremylhour / pensynth

A Penalized Synthetic Control Estimator for Disaggregated Data (JASA, 2021)
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minor modification of PSC codes for a SINGLE treated unit #5

Open JayERyu opened 3 years ago

JayERyu commented 3 years ago

Just in case PSC codes may pop up error signs regarding dimensional conformability for a SINGLE treated unit, you might want to try the attached codes below. I added just minor changes to "GeithnerConnections_CLUSTER.R," which Jérémy L'Hour originally posted. @JayERyu

EXAMPLE 4: Geithner connections

Jeremy L Hour

11 avril 2017

EDITED: 10/8/2018


Jay Ryu ( 5/20/2021 The codes below slightly modified the original codes for "ONE" TREATED UNIT to address

a potential violation of dimensional conformability. NO adjustment was made for replicating Acemoglue et al. (2016) -

disregard multiple error signs unless you want to replicate Acemoglue et al. The same for tables.

[JR] is added to alert the slight modification in relevant places.

setwd("//ulysse/users/JL.HOUR/1A_These/A. Research/RegSynthProject/regsynth") rm(list=ls())

Load packages

library("MASS") library("ggplot2") library("gtable") library("grid") library("reshape2") library("LowRankQP") library("R.matlab") library("stargazer") library("foreach") library("doParallel")

Load user functions

source("functions/wsoll1.R") source("functions/regsynth.R") source("functions/regsynthpath.R") source("functions/TZero.R") source("functions/synthObj.R") source("functions/perm.test.R") #[JR] For one treated unit, refer to function codes around the end of this file. source("functions/conf.interval.Geithner.R") source("functions/bias.R")

0. Loading data

data = readMat("//ulysse/users/JL.HOUR/1A_These/A. Research/RegSynthProject/regsynth/data/GeithnerConnexions/Matlab Files/Data.mat")

1. Data Cleaning and Setting

ticker = data$ticker # firms tickers

collect names and tickers

FirmID = data.frame() for(i in 1:603){ if(length(unlist(ticker[i])) > 0 & length(unlist(ticker[603+i])) > 0){ FirmID[i,"Ticker"] = unlist(ticker[i]) FirmID[i,"Name"] = unlist(ticker[603+i]) } else { FirmID[i,"Ticker"] = "Unknown" FirmID[i,"Name"] = "Unknown" } }

X = data.frame(data$num) # firms characteristics names(X) = c(unlist(data$VarNames)) # setting variable names row.names(X) = FirmID[,"Ticker"] # setting firms name

ind =[,8]) |[,9]) |[,10]) # eliminating firms with no data for 'ta2008_log','roe2008','tdtc2008' X = X[!ind,] y = as.matrix(data$Re) # Returns y = y[,!ind]

y[] = 0 # replacing missing returns with zero

Identification of the event

ConnMeasure = 3 # 1: Shared Board 2: NY Connection 3: Geithner Schedule 4: Geithner Schedule 2007, position in data frame GeiNomDate = 355 # Geithner nomination date EventDate = GeiNomDate-1 PreTreatPeriod = (GeiNomDate-281):(GeiNomDate-32) # Window of 250 days ending 30 days prior to Geithner nomination FalsifTest = c(340:353,357:389,395:447) # Window for falsification test

Correlation with Citi and BoA on Pre-treatment period

We want to exclude the effect of the CitiGroup bailout

No need to exclude BoA (tax problem after nomination, check page 29)

Citi = which(X[,5]==140) # Citi Group corrCiti = cor(y[PreTreatPeriod,Citi], y[PreTreatPeriod,])

Compute Q10 for correlation distributions

corrCitiTr = sort(corrCiti,decreasing=T)[58]

X = X[corrCiti<corrCitiTr,] y = y[,corrCiti<corrCitiTr]

Treatment variable

[JR] original for multiple treated units: d = X[,ConnMeasure] > 0 # one or more meetings in 2007-08

creating only one treated unit:

d = X[,ConnMeasure] >=13 ## [JR] just for one treated unit case

Who are the treated?

print("Treated firms and number of meetings in 2007-08") cbind(FirmID[match(rownames(X[d==1,]), FirmID[,1]),2], X[d==1,ConnMeasure])

Control variable other than pre-treatment outcomes, useless for now


- ta2008_log : firm size

- roe2008 : profitability

- tdtc2009 : leverage

Z = cbind(X[,c(8,9,10)], X[,c(8,9,10)]^2, X[,c(8,9,10)]^3)

2. Some Descriptive Statistics (TO BE CONTINUED ?)

ConnReturns = ts(apply(y[PreTreatPeriod,d==1],1,mean),start=c(1), freq=365) #[JR] may not work for one treated unit NConnReturns = ts(apply(y[PreTreatPeriod,d==0],1,mean),start=c(1), freq=365)

Balance check





3. CV for selecting optimal lambda

[JR] original: X0 = y[PreTreatPeriod,d==0]; X1 = y[PreTreatPeriod,d==1]

[JR] original: Y0 = y[GeiNomDate+1,d==0]; Y1 = y[GeiNomDate+1,d==1]

[JR] added as.matrix to X1 and Y1 for a single treated unit but the following also works for multiple T units.

X0 = data.matrix(y[PreTreatPeriod,d==0]) X1 = data.matrix(y[PreTreatPeriod,d==1]) Y0 = data.matrix(y[GeiNomDate+1,d==0]) Y1 = data.matrix(y[GeiNomDate+1,d==1])

V = diag(1/diag(var(t(y[PreTreatPeriod,])))) # Reweight by inverse of variance

lambda = c(seq(0,0.1,.0025),seq(0.1,2,.1)) # sequence of lambdas to test estval = regsynthpath(X0,X1,Y0,Y1,V,lambda,tol=1e-6) MSPE = vector(length=length(lambda))

[JR] For a single T unit, this dimension differs from other multiple T unit cases.

Thus, for one T unit, take out t (transpose) in front of estval in the loop for MSPE below.

for(k in 1:length(lambda)){ MSPE[k] = mean(apply((y[324:354,d==1] - y[324:354,d==0]%*%(estval$Wsol[k,,]))^2,2,mean)) } lambda.opt.MSPE = min(lambda[which(MSPE==min(MSPE))]) # Optimal lambda is .1-.2 lambda.opt.MSPE min(MSPE)

Figure 1: MSPE

pdf("plot/Geithner_MSPE_CLUSTER.pdf", width=6, height=6) matplot(lambda, MSPE, type="b", pch=20, lwd=1, main=expression("MSPE, "lambda^{opt}"= .1, computed on 30-day window"), col="steelblue", xlab=expression(lambda), ylab="MSPE") abline(v=lambda.opt.MSPE,lty=2,lwd=2,col="grey")

4. Estimation

4.1 Penalized Synthetic Control

Psol = estval$Wsol[which(MSPE==min(MSPE)),,] colnames(Psol) = rownames(X[d==0,]) # [JR] might not work for a single treated unit

Number of active controls

apply(Psol>0,1,sum) # [JR] might not work for a single treated unit print("mean nb. active control units"); mean(apply(Psol>0,1,sum))

Compute the statistics (see paper)

TestPeriod = (GeiNomDate-15):(GeiNomDate+30) phiP = apply((y[TestPeriod,d==1] - y[TestPeriod,d==0]%*%(Psol)),1,mean) # [JR] took out t in front of (Psol) for a single treated unit phiP_bc = phiP - apply(bias(X0,X1,y[TestPeriod,],d,Psol),1,mean) # bias corrected

sigma = sqrt(apply((X1 - X0%*%(Psol))^2,2,mean)) # Goodness of fit for each treated over pre-treatment period, used in the original paper

[JR] took out t in front of (Psol) for a single treated unit

sigma_cutoff = mean(sigma) # for later use: correction during Fisher test mean(phiP_bc)

4.2 Non-Penalized Synthetic Control

NPsol = estval$Wsol[1,,] colnames(NPsol) = rownames(X[d==0,]) # [JR] might not work for a single treated unit phiNP = apply((y[TestPeriod,d==1] - y[TestPeriod,d==0]%*%(NPsol)),1,mean) # [JR] took out t in front of (NPsol) for a single treated unit phiNP_bc = phiNP - apply(bias(X0,X1,y[TestPeriod,],d,NPsol),1,mean) # bias corrected

sigma = sqrt(apply((X1 - X0%*%(NPsol))^2,2,mean)) # [JR] took out t in front of (NPsol) for a single treated unit sigma_cutoffNP = mean(sigma)

Number of active controls

apply(NPsol>0,1,sum) # [JR] might not work for a single treated unit print("mean nb. active control units"); mean(apply(NPsol>0,1,sum)) # [JR] might not work for a single treated unit

5. Fisher Test of No-Effect Assumption (C=0)

set.seed(1207990) R = 100 # Number of replications: original 20000 alpha = sqrt(3) # correction cut-off (see original paper) lambda.set = c(seq(0,0.1,.01),seq(.2,1.5,.1)) # sequence of lambdas to test comb <- function(x, ...) { lapply(seq_along(x), function(i) c(x[[i]], lapply(list(...), function(y) y[[i]]))) }

cores=detectCores() cl = makeCluster(20) #not to overload your computer registerDoParallel(cl)

t_start = Sys.time() Res_PAR <- foreach(r = 1:R,.packages='LowRankQP',.combine='comb', .multicombine=TRUE) %dopar% { dstar = sample(d) X0star = data.matrix(y[PreTreatPeriod,dstar==0]); X1star = data.matrix(y[PreTreatPeriod,dstar==1]) # [JR] added data.matrix different from original


estval = regsynthpath(X0star, X1star,Y0,Y1,V,lambda.set,tol=1e-6) MSPE = vector(length=length(lambda.set))

for(k in 1:length(lambda.set)){ MSPE[k] = mean(apply((y[324:354,dstar==1] - y[324:354,dstar==0]%*%(estval$Wsol[k,,]))^2,2,mean)) } # [JR] took out t before (estval)

Wsolstar = estval$Wsol[which(MSPE==min(MSPE)),,] # COLLECT W(lambda.opt)

Not corrected

ResultP = apply((y[TestPeriod,dstar==1] - y[TestPeriod,dstar==0]%*%(Wsolstar)),1,mean) # [JR] took out t before (Wsolstar)

Corrected (as in original paper)

sigmastar = sqrt(apply((X1star - X0star%%(Wsolstar))^2,2,mean)) # [JR] took out t before (Wsolstar) omegastar_C = rep(1,sum(d)) omegastar_C[sigmastar>alphasigma_cutoff] = 0 omegastar_C = omegastar_C/sum(omegastar_C) ResultP_C = (y[TestPeriod,dstar==1] - y[TestPeriod,dstar==0]%%(Wsolstar))%%omegastar_C # [JR] take out t before (Wsolstar)

Bias correction

ResultP_BC = ResultP - apply(bias(X0star,X1star,y[TestPeriod,],dstar,Wsolstar),1,mean)


NPsolstar = estval$Wsol[1,,]

Not corrected

ResultNP = apply((y[TestPeriod,dstar==1] - y[TestPeriod,dstar==0]%*%(NPsolstar)),1,mean) # [JR] take out t before (NPsolstar)


sigmastar = sqrt(apply((X1star - X0star%%(NPsolstar))^2,2,mean)) # [JR] take out t before (NPsolstar) omegastar_C = rep(1,sum(d)) omegastar_C[sigmastar>alphasigma_cutoffNP] = 0 omegastar_C = omegastar_C/sum(omegastar_C) ResultNP_C = (y[TestPeriod,dstar==1] - y[TestPeriod,dstar==0]%%(NPsolstar))%%omegastar_C # [JR] took out t before (NPsolstar)

Bias corrected

ResultNP_BC = ResultNP - apply(bias(X0star,X1star,y[TestPeriod,],dstar,NPsolstar),1,mean)

list(list(ResultP),list(ResultP_C),list(ResultP_BC),list(ResultNP),list(ResultNP_C),list(ResultNP_BC)) } print(Sys.time()-t_start) stopCluster(cl)

ResultP = t(matrix(unlist(Res_PAR[[1]]),ncol=R)) ResultP_C = t(matrix(unlist(Res_PAR[[2]]),ncol=R)) ResultP_BC = t(matrix(unlist(Res_PAR[[3]]),ncol=R)) ResultNP = t(matrix(unlist(Res_PAR[[4]]),ncol=R)) ResultNP_C = t(matrix(unlist(Res_PAR[[5]]),ncol=R)) ResultNP_BC = t(matrix(unlist(Res_PAR[[6]]),ncol=R))

5.1 Tables

Penalized / Non-Corrected

cumphiP = cumsum(phiP[16:length(phiP)]) cumResultP = t(apply(ResultP[,16:length(phiP)],1,cumsum)) cumphi_q = t(mapply(function(t) quantile(cumResultP[,t], probs = c(.005,.025,.05,.95,.975,.995)), 1:ncol(cumResultP)))

TableP = data.frame("Estimate"=cumphiP,"Q"=cumphi_q)

print("Event day 0"); print(TableP[1,]) print("Event day 10"); print(TableP[11,])

Penalized / Corrected

cumResult_C = t(apply(ResultP_C[,16:length(phiP)],1,cumsum)) cumphi_qC = t(mapply(function(t) quantile(cumResult_C[,t], probs = c(.005,.025,.05,.95,.975,.995)), 1:ncol(cumResult_C)))

TableP_Corrected = data.frame("Estimate"=cumphiP,"Q"=cumphi_qC)

Penalized / Bias Correction

cumphiP_BC = cumsum(phiP_bc[16:length(phiP_bc)]) cumResult_BC = t(apply(ResultP_BC[,16:length(phiP_bc)],1,cumsum)) cumphi_qBC = t(mapply(function(t) quantile(cumResult_BC[,t], probs = c(.005,.025,.05,.95,.975,.995)), 1:ncol(cumResult_BC)))

TableP_BC = data.frame("Estimate"=cumphiP_BC,"Q"=cumphi_qBC)

Non-Penalized / Non-Corrected

cumphiNP = cumsum(phiNP[16:length(phiNP)]) cumResultNP = t(apply(ResultNP[,16:length(phiNP)],1,cumsum)) cumphi_q = t(mapply(function(t) quantile(cumResultNP[,t], probs = c(.005,.025,.05,.95,.975,.995)), 1:ncol(cumResultNP)))

TableNP = data.frame("Estimate"=cumphiNP,"Q"=cumphi_q)

Non-Penalized / Corrected

cumResult_C = t(apply(ResultNP_C[,16:length(phiNP)],1,cumsum)) cumphi_qC = t(mapply(function(t) quantile(cumResult_C[,t], probs = c(.005,.025,.05,.95,.975,.995)), 1:ncol(cumResult_C)))

TableNP_Corrected = data.frame("Estimate"=cumphiNP,"Q"=cumphi_qC)

Non-Penalized / Bias Correction

cumphiNP_BC = cumsum(phiNP_bc[16:length(phiNP_bc)]) cumResultNP_BC = t(apply(ResultNP_BC[,16:length(phiNP_bc)],1,cumsum)) cumphiNP_qBC = t(mapply(function(t) quantile(cumResultNP_BC[,t], probs = c(.005,.025,.05,.95,.975,.995)), 1:ncol(cumResultNP_BC)))

TableNP_BC = data.frame("Estimate"=cumphiNP_BC,"Q"=cumphiNP_qBC)

ToPrint = t(rbind(TableP[1,],TableP[11,],TableP_Corrected[1,],TableP_Corrected[11,],TableP_BC[1,],TableP_BC[11,], TableNP[1,],TableNP[11,],TableNP_Corrected[1,],TableNP_Corrected[11,],TableNP_BC[1,],TableNP_BC[11,])) colnames(ToPrint) = c("Penalized, NC, Day 0","Penalized, NC, Day 10","Penalized, C, Day 0","Penalized, C, Day 10","Penalized, BC, Day 0","Penalized, BC, Day 10", "Non-Penalized, NC, Day 0","Non-Penalized, NC, Day 10","Non-Penalized, C, Day 0","Non-Penalized, C, Day 10","Non-Penalized, BC, Day 0","Non-Penalized, BC, Day 10") stargazer(t(ToPrint))

fileConn = file("plot/GeithnerResultTable_CLUSTER.txt") writeLines(stargazer(t(ToPrint)), fileConn) close(fileConn)

A. Not corrected

Compute .025 and .975 quantiles of CAR for each date

phi_q = t(mapply(function(t) quantile(ResultP[,t], probs = c(.005,.025,.975,.995)), 1:length(TestPeriod))) #[JR] ResultP_BC for bias-correction ATTdata = ts(cbind(phi_q[,1:2],phiP,phi_q[,3:4]),start=c(-15), freq=1) #[JR] phiP_bc for bias-correction

Figure 2: Geithner connected firms effect vs. random permutations (Currently in paper)

pdf("plot/GeithnerAR_FisherTest_CLUSTER.pdf", width=10, height=6) plot(ATTdata, plot.type="single", col=c("firebrick","firebrick","firebrick","firebrick","firebrick"), lwd=c(1,1,2,1,1), lty=c(3,4,1,4,3),xlab="Day", ylab="AR, in pp", ylim=c(-.15,.15)) abline(h=0, lty=2,col="grey") lim <- par("usr") rect(0, lim[3], lim[2], lim[4], col = rgb(0.5,0.5,0.5,1/4)) axis(1) ## add axes back axis(2) box() legend(-15,-.075, legend=c("Estimate", ".95 confidence bands of Fisher distrib.",".99 confidence bands of Fisher distrib."), col=c("firebrick","firebrick"), lwd=c(2,1,1), lty=c(1,4,3))

6. .95 Confidence interval for CAR[0] and CAR[10]

GeiCI0 = conf.interval.Geithner(d,as.matrix(y[GeiNomDate,]),t(y[PreTreatPeriod,]),V,lambda=lambda.opt.MSPE,B=20000,alpha=.05) fileConn = file("plot/outputCI0_CLUSTER.txt") writeLines(paste(GeiCI0$, fileConn) close(fileConn)

GeiCI10 = conf.interval.Geithner(d,t(y[GeiNomDate:(GeiNomDate+10),]),t(y[PreTreatPeriod,]),V,lambda=lambda.opt.MSPE,B=20000,alpha=.05) fileConn = file("plot/outputCI10_CLUSTER.txt") writeLines(paste(GeiCI10$, fileConn) close(fileConn)

Permutation distributions

[JR] modify for one treated unit

For the functions below, some arguments are assumed invoked somewhere above (like V, Psol, d)

Auxiliary function: [JR] modified L'Hour's original codes.

permutation.iter.C=function(d,y,V,lambda.perm.set){ dstar=sample(d) SX0=data.matrix(y[PreTreatPeriod,dstar==0]) SX1=data.matrix(y[PreTreatPeriod,dstar==1]) SSY0=data.matrix(y[GeiNomDate+1,dstar==0]) SSY1=data.matrix(y[GeiNomDate+1,dstar==1]) SY0=data.matrix(y[TestPeriod,dstar==0]) SY1=data.matrix(y[TestPeriod,dstar==1])


lambda.perm.set = c(seq(0,0.1,.01),seq(.2,1.5,.1)) # sequence of lambdas to test estval=regsynthpath(SX0,SX1,SSY0,SSY1,V,lambda.perm.set,tol=1e-6) MSPE = vector(length=length(lambda.perm.set)) for(k in 1:length(lambda.perm.set)){ MSPE[k] = mean(apply((y[324:354,dstar==1] - y[324:354,dstar==0]%*%(estval$Wsol[k,,]))^2,2,mean)) } # [Jay Ryu] take out t before (estval) - do the same in all the relevant places.

Wsol_perm = estval$Wsol[which(MSPE==min(MSPE)),,] # COLLECT W(lambda.opt)

MSPE_post=mean(apply((SY1-SY0%%(Wsol_perm))^2,2,mean)) MSPE_pre=mean(apply((SX1-SX0%%(Wsol_perm))^2,2,mean)) ratio_star=MSPE_post/MSPE_pre ATT_star=mean(apply((SY1-SY0%*%(Wsol_perm)),1,mean)) return(ratio_star) }

perm.test=function(d,y,V,lambda.perm.set,R=1000){ PX0=data.matrix(y[PreTreatPeriod,d==0]) PX1=data.matrix(y[PreTreatPeriod,d==1]) PY0=data.matrix(y[TestPeriod,d==0]) PY1=data.matrix(y[TestPeriod,d==1]) #use Psol for the following MSPE_po_A=mean(apply((PY1-PY0%%(Psol))^2,2,mean)) MSPE_pr_A=mean(apply((PX1-PX0%%(Psol))^2,2,mean)) ratio=MSPE_po_A/MSPE_pr_A ATT=mean(apply((PY1-PY0%*%(Psol)),1,mean))

theta.reshuffled =replicate(R,permutation.iter.C(d,y,V,lambda.perm.set),simplify = "vector")

compute p-value

p.val=mean(abs(theta.reshuffled)>=abs(ratio)) print(paste("p_value:",p.val)) return(list(p.val=p.val,theta.obs=ATT)) }

perm.test(d,y,V,lambda.perm.set,10) # [JR] R=10 here to shorten running time.

Permutation distributions -- Bias Corrected

[JR] modify for one treated unit

For the functions below, some arguments are assumed invoked somewhere above (like V, Psol, d)

Auxiliary function: [Jay Ryu] modified L'Hour's original codes.

permutation.iter.C_BC=function(d,y,V,lambda.perm.set){ dstar=sample(d) SX0=data.matrix(y[PreTreatPeriod,dstar==0]) SX1=data.matrix(y[PreTreatPeriod,dstar==1]) SSY0=data.matrix(y[GeiNomDate+1,dstar==0]) SSY1=data.matrix(y[GeiNomDate+1,dstar==1]) SY0=data.matrix(y[TestPeriod,dstar==0]) SY1=data.matrix(y[TestPeriod,dstar==1]) SX=data.matrix(y[PreTreatPeriod,]) SY=data.matrix(y[TestPeriod,])


lambda.perm.set = c(seq(0,0.1,.01),seq(.2,1.5,.1)) # sequence of lambdas to test estval=regsynthpath(SX0,SX1,SSY0,SSY1,V,lambda.perm.set,tol=1e-6) MSPE = vector(length=length(lambda.perm.set)) for(k in 1:length(lambda.perm.set)){ MSPE[k] = mean(apply((y[324:354,dstar==1] - y[324:354,dstar==0]%*%(estval$Wsol[k,,]))^2,2,mean)) } # [Jay Ryu] take out t before (estval) - do the same in all the relevant places.

Wsol_perm_BC = estval$Wsol[which(MSPE==min(MSPE)),,] # COLLECT W(lambda.opt)

tau_post=SY1-SY0%%(Wsol_perm_BC) tau_post_BC=tau_post - bias(SX0, SX1, SY, dstar, Wsol_perm_BC) tau_pre=SX1-SX0%%(Wsol_perm_BC) tau_pre_BC=tau_pre - bias(SX0,SX1,SX,dstar,Wsol_perm_BC) MSPE_post_BC=mean(apply((tau_post_BC)^2,2,mean)) MSPE_pre_BC=mean(apply((tau_pre_BC)^2,2,mean))

ratio_star_BC= MSPE_post_BC / MSPE_pre_BC phiP_perm = apply((SY1-SY0%*%(Wsol_perm_BC)),1,mean) # [Jay Ryu] took out t in front of (Psol) for a single treated unit ATT_star_BC = mean(phiP_perm - apply(bias(SX0,SX1,SY,dstar,Wsol_perm_BC),1,mean)) return(ratio_star_BC) }

perm.test_BC=function(d,y,V,lambda.perm.set,R=1000){ PX0=data.matrix(y[PreTreatPeriod,d==0]) PX1=data.matrix(y[PreTreatPeriod,d==1]) PY0=data.matrix(y[TestPeriod,d==0]) PY1=data.matrix(y[TestPeriod,d==1]) #use Psol for the following PX=data.matrix(y[PreTreatPeriod,]) PY=data.matrix(y[TestPeriod,])

tau_A_po=PY1-PY0%%(Psol) tau_A_po_BC=tau_A_po - bias(PX0, PX1, PY, d, Psol) tau_A_pr=PX1-PX0%%(Psol) tau_A_pr_BC=tau_A_pr - bias(PX0,PX1,PX,d,Psol) MSPE_po_A_BC=mean(apply((tau_A_po_BC)^2,2,mean)) MSPE_pr_A_BC=mean(apply((tau_A_pr_BC)^2,2,mean)) ratio_BC=MSPE_po_A_BC/MSPE_pr_A_BC phiP_perm_A = apply((PY1-PY0%*%(Psol)),1,mean) # [Jay Ryu] took out t in front of (Psol) for a single treated unit ATT_BC = mean(phiP_perm_A - apply(bias(PX0,PX1,PY,d,Psol),1,mean))

theta.reshuffled_BC =replicate(R,permutation.iter.C_BC(d,y,V,lambda.perm.set),simplify = "vector")

compute p-value

p.val=mean(abs(theta.reshuffled_BC)>=abs(ratio_BC)) print(paste("p_value_BC:",p.val)) return(list(p.val_BC=p.val,theta.obs_BC=ATT_BC)) }

perm.test_BC(d,y,V,lambda.perm.set,30) # [JR] R=30 here to shorten running time.

jeremylhour commented 3 years ago

Great, thanks a lot!

JayERyu commented 3 years ago

I found that the * sign for matrix multiplication disappeared in many places when I copied the codes in the above window.....

JayERyu commented 2 years ago

If anybody wants to apply PSC codes to single-treated-unit projects, the above code may help. I would make some changes, though, to be in line with Abadie/L'Hour's original paper (JoASA 2021, 116(536)).

1: In the "bias" function, "W=matrix(Psol,nrow=1)" needs to be replaced with "W=matrix(0,nrow=1,ncol=dim(Y0)[1])" -- for single-treated unit projects, this adjustment seems needed to avoid a nonconformability issue while running the above code (note: the above code is already a modified file for single-treated cases).

2: To be consistent with the original paper, in the permutation test for bias correction for PSC_BC, "tau_pre_BC=tau_pre - bias(SX0,SX1,SX,dstar,Wsol_perm_BC)" needs to be replaced with "tau_pre_BC=tau_pre" -- "tau_A_pr_BC=tau_A_pr - bias(PX0,PX1,PX,d,Psol)" needs to be replaced with "tau_A_pr_BC=tau_A_pr" -- make similar changes for NPSC_BC. Bias correction seems to be needed only for post-treatment periods. Abadie & Vives-i-Bastida (2021, working paper, "Synthetic Controls in Action") criticize some potential bias from bias correction methods including Abadie & L'Hour (JoASA 2021, 116(536)). However, one might still want to apply the above bias correction method at least for some comparison.

3: To align with #2, two more adjustments are in order. Y0_hat_psc_bc=c(Y0_hat_psc[PreTreat],(Y0_hat_psc[TestPeriod] + data.bias))

Y0_hat_npsc_bc=c(Y0_hat_npsc[PreTreat],(Y0_hat_npsc[TestPeriod] + data.bias))

4: Fisher randomization may need some modification as needed.

5: A minor adjustment - "[which.min(MSPE==min(MSPE))]" should be used instead of "[which(MSPE==min(MSPE))]" in all relevant places. If not, whenever there are ties in minimum values of MSPE, the above code pops up an error message.