jeremylong / DependencyCheck

OWASP dependency-check is a software composition analysis utility that detects publicly disclosed vulnerabilities in application dependencies.
Apache License 2.0
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Get Version of artifact which is not vulnerable #1469

Closed hemanthacharya closed 5 years ago

hemanthacharya commented 5 years ago

Hi @jeremylong ,

Thanks for the great tool.

The report the tool generates gives out all the vulnerable softwares/artifacts. But, how do I find the version which is not vulnerable so that I can update it?

The information is critical in order to provide a patch to the vulnerable software. Please let me know.


jeremylong commented 5 years ago

At the moment - the only way to know what to upgrade to is to use a combination of reading the NVD advisory which generally states a version or version range that is vulnerable. Then use something like the Maven Versions report or gradle-versions-plugin and determine which versions are available for upgrade.

The option I like best is, if your code is on, use dependabot. Just keep everything as up to date as possible as not all vulnerabilities have a CVE (See the Snyk report on The State of Open Source Software). Dependabot will send in a PR when you are using a known vulnerable component (if the vulnerability is in one of the vulnerability repositories that they use).

hemanthacharya commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your suggestion. I have to go with the first option , where I need to read from the NVD and get the range of Vulnerable software's. Given that, is it possible from the tool to get all vulnerable versions of the vulnerable software or do I have to parse the report and then query the nvd for the range?


jeremylong commented 5 years ago

The list of vulnerable versions is in the HTML report - at the bottom of every CVE entry there is a section:

Vulnerable Software & Versions: (show all)

The show all is a button that will expand the list of vulnerable software & versions.

hemanthacharya commented 5 years ago

I am generating the report in JSON format and I do not see all the versions like in the html report. I need to be able to parse the report so I am generating in JSON format.

hemanthacharya commented 5 years ago

Hi Jeremy,

I followed your first suggestion and extended the dependency checker to get all the vulnerable versions. I did this:

For a dependency, I read the identifier to get the cpe, and then get all the cpes for that vendor and product. Eg: for this jar : org.springframework:spring-aop:4.3.4.RELEASE , cpes : cpe:/a:pivotal_software:spring_framework:4.3.4 and cpe:/a:pivotal:spring_framework:4.3.4 I fetched all the vulnerable versions by database.getCPEs("pivotal","spring_framework") , but I do not see versions 4.3.4 in it.

Is there a reason for 2 cpes for that Jar?

could you please guide?


jeremylong commented 5 years ago

The apparent duplicate CPEs listed are because the matching is primarily on the vendor and product (not the version number). There have been, historically, CPEs with many variations for products like Spring Framework that have had ownership changes (springsource->vmware->pivotal). The report includes all possible CPEs for the given version (not all will link to an actual CVE).

hemanthacharya commented 5 years ago

Your first statement : "The apparent duplicate CPEs listed are because the matching is primarily on the vendor and product (not the version number)"

and the last : "The report includes all possible CPEs for the given version"

are confusing. Did you mean "The report includes all possible CPEs for the given VENDOR"

jeremylong commented 5 years ago

No - I meant for the given version. See spring_framework 3.0.0 as an example:

See how the version number stays the same but the CPE vendor and product change? These all refer to the same framework.

hemanthacharya commented 5 years ago

ok got it. So if I have to get all the vulnerable versions of the spring_framework from the DB, then I have to query for all the above 3 vendor/product combinations from the DB?

hemanthacharya commented 5 years ago

Hi @jeremylong ,

Can you please confirm if this is the right thing to do to fetch all the vulnerabilities of a product?


jeremylong commented 5 years ago

All that complexity is taken care of in ODC. In the report when a CPE is identified each vulnerabililty (i.e. CVE) has a list of affected products (it is in the report).

hemanthacharya commented 5 years ago

I want to know all the Vulnerable versions of a Product, which is not shown in the JSON report. Then I believe I should be querying the DB with the Vendor/Product combination for all cpes correct?

jeremylong commented 5 years ago

You keep saying the vulnerable versions of a product is not in the JSON report - yet it absolutely is. See the example below (look for the vulnerableSoftware section):

  "source": "NVD",
  "name": "CVE-2015-7940",
  "cvssScore": "5.0",
  "cvssAccessVector": "NETWORK",
  "cvssAccessComplexity": "LOW",
  "cvssAuthenticationr": "NONE",
  "cvssConfidentialImpact": "PARTIAL",
  "cvssIntegrityImpact": "NONE",
  "cvssAvailabilityImpact": "NONE",
  "severity": "Medium",
  "cwe": "CWE-200 Information Exposure",
  "description": "The Bouncy Castle Java library before 1.51 does not validate a point is withing the elliptic curve, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain private keys via a series of crafted elliptic curve Diffie Hellman (ECDH) key exchanges, aka an \"invalid curve attack.\"",
  "notes": "",
  "references": [
      "source": "FEDORA",
      "url": "",
      "name": "FEDORA-2015-7d95466eda"
      "source": "SUSE",
      "url": "",
      "name": "openSUSE-SU-2015:1911"
      "source": "MLIST",
      "url": "",
      "name": "[oss-security] 20151022 Re: CVE Request: invalid curve attack on bouncycastle"
      "source": "REDHAT",
      "url": "",
      "name": "RHSA-2016:2036"
      "source": "CONFIRM",
      "url": "",
      "name": ""
      "source": "CONFIRM",
      "url": "",
      "name": ""
      "source": "SECTRACK",
      "url": "",
      "name": "1037053"
      "source": "BID",
      "url": "",
      "name": "79091"
      "source": "CONFIRM",
      "url": "",
      "name": ""
      "source": "CONFIRM",
      "url": "",
      "name": ""
      "source": "CONFIRM",
      "url": "",
      "name": ""
      "source": "MISC",
      "url": "",
      "name": ""
      "source": "REDHAT",
      "url": "",
      "name": "RHSA-2016:2035"
      "source": "CONFIRM",
      "url": "",
      "name": ""
      "source": "UBUNTU",
      "url": "",
      "name": "USN-3727-1"
      "source": "MLIST",
      "url": "",
      "name": "[oss-security] 20151022 CVE Request: invalid curve attack on bouncycastle"
      "source": "DEBIAN",
      "url": "",
      "name": "DSA-3417"
      "source": "SECTRACK",
      "url": "",
      "name": "1037046"
      "source": "SECTRACK",
      "url": "",
      "name": "1037036"
  "vulnerableSoftware": [
      "software": "cpe:/a:bouncycastle:bouncy_castle_crypto_package:1.50",
      "allPreviousVersion": "true"
      "software": "cpe:/a:oracle:peoplesoft_enterprise_peopletools:8.54"
      "software": "cpe:/a:oracle:peoplesoft_enterprise_peopletools:8.55"
      "software": "cpe:/a:oracle:enterprise_manager_ops_center:12.1.4"
      "software": "cpe:/a:oracle:virtual_desktop_infrastructure:3.5.2"
      "software": "cpe:/a:oracle:application_testing_suite:"
      "software": "cpe:/a:oracle:enterprise_manager_ops_center:12.2.2"
      "software": "cpe:/a:oracle:application_testing_suite:"
      "software": "cpe:/a:oracle:application_testing_suite:"
hemanthacharya commented 5 years ago

Ok. Thanks for the explanation. Could you please confirm if my understanding is correct for the below example? -

For the JAR - spring-core-4.3.1.RELEASE.jar CPE's : 1. "name": "cpe:/a:pivotal:spring_framework:4.3.1", "confidence": "LOW" - I can suppress this

  1. "name": "cpe:/a:pivotal_software:spring_framework:4.3.1", "confidence": "HIGHEST"

If I have to get all the vulnerable versions for pivotal_software/spring_framework, I need to collect all the vulnerableSoftware section for each item in the vulnerabilities array?

jeremylong commented 5 years ago

Why would you want to suppress CPE 1? It is a low confidence match - that ends up resulting in zero vulnerabilities. However, the NVD has previously used pivotal:spring_framework for other CVEs and it may get used again - suppressing this finding does nothing to the current report and risks introducing false negatives in the future.

hemanthacharya commented 5 years ago

ok got it.

One last clarification though. In the example you have given and for the example I have for spring_framework, in the vulnerableSoftware I was expecting only software with spring_framework cpes , but I also see

"vulnerableSoftware": [ { "software": "cpe:/a:pivotal_software:spring_framework:5.0.3" }, { "software": "cpe:/a:pivotal_software:spring_framework:5.0.4" }, { "software": "cpe:/a:pivotal_software:spring_framework:5.0.1" }, { "software": "cpe:/a:redhat:openshift:-" }, ...

"software": "cpe:/a:redhat:openshift:-" , is it a false negative that I should be suppressing?

Even in your example, I suppose the vulnerabilities is for the bouncy castle Jar, but I see entry in the vulnerableSoftware for other software's as well. So if I have to get all the versions for just bouncy castle , I should ignore other entries?

jeremylong commented 5 years ago

The vulnerable software comes from the NVD. If you read the description of the vulnerability it likely references Redhat's Openshift. You can't suppress openshift as it is not one of the matches to the JAR in the ODC report. Openshift shows up as another affected platform.

hemanthacharya commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the clarification Jeremy. Appreciate your time.

lock[bot] commented 5 years ago

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