jeremylong / DependencyCheck

OWASP dependency-check is a software composition analysis utility that detects publicly disclosed vulnerabilities in application dependencies.
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override central.content.url and analyzer.central.retry.count #6636

Open tadlakha9 opened 2 weeks ago

tadlakha9 commented 2 weeks ago

Is there any way we can override the central.content.url and analyzer.central.retry.count variables.

Didn't find these variables in

jeremylong commented 2 weeks ago

You should be able to override them with -Danalyzer.central.retry.count=1.

jeremylong commented 2 weeks ago

not sure you can actually use a different central.content.url though... You may have to use the nexus analyzer instead.

tadlakha9 commented 2 weeks ago

we would like to point to '' instead of default '' while executing the dependencyCheckAggregate task. To use the nexus analyzer it should be pro version right?

jeremylong commented 2 weeks ago

Not sure if has the same API endpoints as Regarding nexus - I'm not sure, I didn't right the integration and I haven't tested it. it might work with the free version.

tadlakha9 commented 1 week ago

i have tried updating the repository url from '' to '' while executing the dependencyCheckAggregate task as dependencyCheckAggregate -Dcentral.content.url=http://testing but still it is reaching the, any other way to update the repository url.

aikebah commented 4 days ago

@tadlakha9 The central.content.url is the base URL for the central search API to deliver content pointed to by a file path as obtained from central search search-by-sha API. It should not be exchanged for the base URL for maven central repository itself.