jeremywillans / ha-rest980-roomba

HA iRobot Roomba Configuration using rest980
MIT License
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Getting error when creating docker (Step 4) #43

Open mermelmadness opened 2 years ago

mermelmadness commented 2 years ago

I'm following the instructions and get this error when trying to run the docker commands:

docker run --name rest980 -e BLID=***************************** -e PASSWORD=************************** -e ROBOT_IP= -e FIRMWARE_VERSION=2 -p 3000:3000 koalazak/rest980:latest

WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested standard_init_linux.go:228: exec user process caused: exec format error

Running on a Raspberry Pi 3

jeremywillans commented 2 years ago

The official repo does have have an ARM Image (compatible with RPi) - have a look at this thread where a community member provides a working image

mermelmadness commented 2 years ago

Ok, but I'm not sure what command I should be running. Is it the same as the one you listed but ...maramend/rest980 instead?

Because when I do that I get:

rest980@2.1.0 start /usr/src/app node ./bin/www WARNING: NODE_ENV value of 'production' did not match any deployment config file names. WARNING: See

jeremywillans commented 2 years ago

once you have the image online, step 5 is what you follow to get the room details from the ip address of the docker host running the rest980 container (on the port you specified, being 3000 unless changed)

mermelmadness commented 2 years ago

Step 5 I can do. I actually tried to do this earlier and got this, so I'm trying again, but more closely following the directions. I got all my info in a text document so I know the RIDs and everything (don't have any zones). I just can't get it to work. Seems that it's not too easy to start over, either. image Was hoping someone made a video of the step by step and put it online. I'm not too good with just knowing how to do something in code or where files are supposed to be. I have an MQTT broker since I use Z2M but I'm not sure what you mean by "A working MQTT Server with discovery is also needed" or how to set it up.

jeremywillans commented 2 years ago

if your use MQTT for Z2M then you should be set ready to go.

ok so if you have all the room ids, then move onto step 6 in which you do need to get your handy dirty with code and update the relevant secrets, input_booleans and input_texts to match what you have configured.

based on the above, im not sure if you have used packages yet to bring your vacuum.yaml file into the HA config. if you check the developer tab, do you see a sensor.rest980 ?

mermelmadness commented 2 years ago

No, no entity by that name.

I didn't complete step 4. The docker won't build on my Pi. Can I just install these integrations instead? image image image

I have a J7, btw

mermelmadness commented 2 years ago

I'd like to start over from scratch, but I'm not sure how to remove the original docker. I'm also still not sure how to build the armv7 on my Pi. Nothing seemed to work.

mermelmadness commented 2 years ago

The official repo does have have an ARM Image (compatible with RPi) - have a look at this thread where a community member provides a working image

So, I just ran a uname command and got this:

Linux a0d7b954-ssh 5.10.92-v8 #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Feb 8 17:24:27 UTC 2022 aarch64 Linux

Does this mean I have the 64-bit OS? Shouldn't the regular repo work, then?

jeremywillans commented 2 years ago

No, no entity by that name.

I didn't complete step 4. The docker won't build on my Pi. Can I just install these integrations instead?




I have a J7, btw

Yea you should just be able to use the j7 image.. in fact I recommend it!

mermelmadness commented 2 years ago

Yea you should just be able to use the j7 image.. in fact I recommend it!

I've been seeing this for over 20 minutes image

mermelmadness commented 2 years ago

It completely locked up my Pi and none of my devices were working. Had to shut down and restart.

jeremywillans commented 2 years ago

When you install the image, it need down actually build the image file so it could actually take a while spending on how much other stuff is running on the box.

iirc you have the j7 - so make sure you use that particular image variant

mermelmadness commented 2 years ago

Alright, I got rid of everything I don't use anymore and stopped all addons I don't actively use every day. Let's see what happens.

mermelmadness commented 2 years ago

Do you have a Discord?

mermelmadness commented 2 years ago

It just won't build on my Pi. Every time I try and install it completely locks it up. Gonna have to wait until I get better hardware. I'm either going to repurpose a NUC, MacBook Pro, or Mac Mini for my new setup.

mermelmadness commented 2 years ago

I'm up and running with newer hardware and no problems installing the addons. One question. Does vacuum.yaml belong in /config or /config/vacuum?

EDIT: More than one question. I followed the instructions again and still get "entity not found" errors.

jeremywillans commented 2 years ago

vacuum.yaml should go in /config/packages/

however you need to enable the packages feature in your main config file. check and either add/update the homeassistant section of the configuration.yaml as noted below -

  packages: !include_dir_named packages
mermelmadness commented 2 years ago

That was the missing piece.


Will test later this morning. I removed the schedule dropdown since I don't use any schedules. Now, you said the map view wasn't working anymore since iRobot changed their API?

jeremywillans commented 2 years ago

Glad its working!

Yeah maps aren't working until the robot is able to publish the positional data again.

mermelmadness commented 2 years ago

Ok, will check for updates periodically. Now, when initially setting up I got all my RIDs by doing a couple of groups of rooms and writing down the order. One thing I noticed is that you can’t select the order for the robot to vacuum from the Lovelace UI. You just select the rooms and it will do them in whatever order it wants to. Is that accurate? Did I miss something in the config that would let me select the room order for a new clean job?

jeremywillans commented 2 years ago

it will order then based on the order you enable the booleans

check out this item 👍

mermelmadness commented 2 years ago

Tried that. No matter what room I select first it tries to do my office first, then gives a navigation error and says the map is incorrect. I’ll redo the RIDs to make sure they’re accurate.

jeremywillans commented 2 years ago

Hmm, I haven’t tested this on the j7, but it should work the same. Can you confirm when you enable the booleans the order in the clean_rooms input text is correct?

Can you schedule a clean from the iRobot app and copy the api response for the lastCommand section? Just want to compare against the what I see from the i7

mermelmadness commented 2 years ago

Here's the result of the API from the last cleaning job I did, which was last night. Only did 3 rooms.


mermelmadness commented 2 years ago

Just tried it again. Definitely did not choose my office, but it started there anyway. And now I have to reboot it for some reason as the iRobot app can't connect.

mermelmadness commented 2 years ago

I'm still having the issue of selective room cleaning not being correct. It always starts with the room the dock is in.

jeremywillans commented 1 year ago

discussing 1:1