jeroen / mongolite

Fast and Simple MongoDB Client for R
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Possible memory corruption in insert() #178

Closed atheriel closed 3 years ago

atheriel commented 5 years ago

We have a write-heavy workload that produces highly non-deterministic errors at the C level. For instance, this morning:

*** caught segfault ***
address 0x331, cause 'memory not mapped'

 1: mongo_collection_insert_page(mongo, mongo_to_json(x, collapse = FALSE,     ...), stop_on_error = stop_on_error)
 2: FUN(x[from:nr, , drop = FALSE], ...)
 3: jsonlite:::apply_by_pages(data, FUN, pagesize = pagesize, verbose = verbose)
 4: mongo_stream_out(data, col, pagesize = pagesize, verbose = verbose,     stop_on_error = stop_on_error, ...)
 5: m$insert(df)
 6: <omitted>

And another from the same process, about a week ago:

Error in mongo_collection_new(client, collection, db) : 
  Client has been destroyed

I have been unable to track down the source of this issue, but my suspicion at this point is that GC is running at an inopportune time in the C level, probably in the insert-related code. However, rchk does not report any possible PROTECT() issues, so that suspicion may be incorrect.

(For reference, this is mongolite 2.1.0 running on R 3.5.2 on Ubuntu.)

jeroen commented 5 years ago

This is hard to debug indeed. Somebody else reported that there may be an issue with connection pooling. Are you connecting to several collections in your workload?

atheriel commented 5 years ago

Yes, we are connecting to quite a lot of them (about 360 at the moment), one after the other. The basic pattern is

m <- mongo(...)
duncanhealy commented 4 years ago

I hit this issue as well on R version 3.6.1 - consistently crashing when the connection was outside the loop when it arrived at a large insert

moving the connection to mongo inside the loop and rm(m) is a workaround for the issue

atheriel commented 4 years ago

@duncanhealy Is there any chance you could put together a reproducible test case?

duncanhealy commented 4 years ago

I can put in a pull request with a test added like this? With around 900 rds files underneath a folder with some that are around ~500MB at the end of the list

r["CRAN"] = ""
options(repos = r)
install.packages('needs') ## ,repos = "")
m <- mongo(url = "mongodb://localhost/?ssl=false", options = ssl_options(weak_cert_validation = T))
files <- list.files(path="~/rdsfolder", pattern="*.rds", full.names=TRUE, recursive=TRUE)
lapply(files, function(x) {
name <- file_path_sans_ext(basename(x))
rdsdata <- readRDS(file = x)
mtest <-mongo(name)

I think the connection is dropped while it runs readRDS on a large file so it looks to me to be is a timeout issue on the connection pooling?! I ruled out the insert as the cause of the crash as it could be changed to a default data frame (small size) and still crash

jeroen commented 3 years ago

This problem should be fixed in mongolite 2.3.0. If not, please open a new issue.

atheriel commented 3 years ago
