jeroen / mongolite

Fast and Simple MongoDB Client for R
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Undefined BSON Type 6 for undefined data #208

Closed ralmond closed 4 years ago

ralmond commented 4 years ago

I made an error in a javascript data import routine, which left one field "undefined." When I tried to use col$find(), it generated an error about an undefined BSON type.

I think this should be changed into a warning, and an NA returned for the value. (This would make the problem in the database easier to find).

Here is some javascript code (run in the mongo shell) to generate a problematic collection:

var apps = [{"app":"ecd://",doc:"Test application"},
                   {"app":"ecd://",doc:"Fred's app.}];
apps.forEach(function (row) {

This will create a table that has value "undefined" for appStem. Now in R,

col <- mongo("Apps")

What I think should happen here is that this should report a table as usual, with the missing fields set as NAs.

jeroen commented 4 years ago

I guess that makes sense. Can you construct a minimal example that creates such a field (using the js client or what it was that you used), so that I can test the problem?