jeroen / mongolite

Fast and Simple MongoDB Client for R
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The handler parameter from find() is unclear or might need more documentation #236

Open ColinFay opened 2 years ago

ColinFay commented 2 years ago

It's unclear how find(handler = ) works.

The documentation says:

Retrieve fields from records matching query. Default handler will return all data as a single dataframe.

Which seems to imply that defining another handler would allow to return something else than a single dataframe.

Digging into the code, mongo_stream_in does the following:

   cb <- if (is.null(handler)) {
        out <- new.env()
        function(x) {
            if (length(x)) {
                count <<- count + length(x)
                out[[as.character(count)]] <<- x
    else {
        function(x) {
            count <<- count + length(x)

meaning that handler() is always called with post_process(), which does:

> mongolite:::post_process
function (x) 
    df <-

So it will always be a dataframe or a list of dataframe?

That raises the following questions:

the end of mongo_stream_in is

    if (is.null(handler)) {
        if (verbose) 
            cat("\r Imported", count, "records. Simplifying into dataframe...\n")
        out <- as.list(out, sorted = FALSE)
            FALSE, FALSE))
    else {

so if the handler is defined, nothing is returned?

My use case is the following :

con <- mongolite::mongo()
    list( y = data.frame(x = 1) )
# I want this to return list( y = data.frame(x = 1) )
    list( z = data.frame(x = 1) )
# I don't want this to return a data.frame

To sum up, I don't want the automatic dataframe conversion. How do we achieve that in find?

jeroen commented 2 years ago

I think find() assumes data frames indeed. If you don't want that, you may want to try iterate():

ColinFay commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot, that definitely matches what I wanted to do :)

I stil feel like the doc is a little bit unclear about what/how handler works, so do you want to keep this issue open?