jeroen / protolite

Fast and Simple Object Serialization to Protocol Buffers
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Support map vector tile? #6

Open sckott opened 6 years ago

sckott commented 6 years ago

I think the canonical proto file is here

not sure if you want to include any more here ...

jeroen commented 6 years ago

Is there an existing R class or json schema that has a corresponding one-on-one mapping into this structure? Can you elaborate a bit how/where we would use this?

sckott commented 6 years ago

There's a PR to rgbif pkg that i maintain integrating with GBIF API for maps and one format option they give back is MVT, map vector tiles, which is a binary protobuf format. We'd want a way to allow users of rgbif to read in this mvt format and use it to make maps in R - it seems we might have another option to use the GDAL stuff, but i'd rather avoid that if we can

a good reference doc:

looking into conversions/mappings to other formats

sckott commented 4 years ago

You can get GBIF mvt data e.g, like

x <- map_fetch(taxonKey = 2480498, year = 2010, format = ".mvt")
jeroen commented 4 years ago

Maybe here is more demo data:

jeroen commented 4 years ago

I have started with an implementation in the mapbox branch:


This parses the protobuf and extracts features and attributes but I am unsure how to treat the geometry vector. Currently it just returns the vector of integers from the data, I suppose we should transform that as described in section 4.3 of the spec?

sckott commented 4 years ago

there looks to be some c++ stuff in here for parsing mvt - though i imagine it's easy enough for you to do from scratch

sckott commented 4 years ago

there's some good examples here - run npm install in the root of the repo, then node script.js within the example dir, and it generates a bunch of .mvt files in a the tiles dir, some of which are empty files, but many have data. e.g.,

[1] 1

[1] "layer0"

[1] 4096

[1] 0

[1] 2

[1] "FAA61A"

[1] 479

[1] "Q50"

[1] "Co-Op City/Pelham Bay - Flushing"

  [1]    9  140 8320   10    9   27    9    0    0   10    7   25    9    0    0   10    7   29    9    0    0   10    7   19    9    0
 [27]    0   10    1    3    9    0    0   34   35   83   13   69    2   77   18   71    9    0    0   10    2    5    9    0    0   10
 [53]   10   45    9    0    0   10    6   25    9    0    0   10    4    9    9    0    0   10    2    7    9    0    0   10   11    3
 [79]    9    0    0   10    3    1    9    3    0   10    7    1    9    0    0   10    5   20    9    0    4   10    9   38    9    0
[105]    0   18    9   38   20    2    9    0    0   10   10    2    9   24   95   66   20   41    0   35   29   81   13  113   27  115
[131]   27   71   97  175   47  111    9    0  819  202   20   16   56   14  258  103   28    0   22   24    5   58   57  104   23   76
[157]    0  206   17   52   47   60   15   54    2   10  190   42   42   30   14   22    0   40   47   12   23   18  161  244   10   20
[183]   60   32   36   86   52   23    7   19    9  145  898   34   31   53   25   81    0   89   18   79    9    0    0   10   22   97

// .... cutoff
jeroen commented 4 years ago

I have merged an initial implementation in master:

Hopefully you can test this and see if there are any issues.

sckott commented 4 years ago

sweet, trying it out now

sckott commented 4 years ago

This isn't working as expected:

#>      [,1] [,2] [,3]
#> [1,] 8100 1958    1

Using this node cli tool

vt2geojson example/tiles/17/38589/49274.mvt
  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "features": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [
      "properties": {
        "stop_id": "903079",
        "stop_name": "SPRING ST/GREENWICH ST"
sckott commented 4 years ago

Ah, i guess all of them turn out like above. I assume there's another step required to convert the matrix to coordinates?

sckott commented 4 years ago

while testing this, seems like the read_mvt methods should allow query parameters beyond the .mvt ending, e.g.,

#> works fine
#> Error in parse_mvt_params(data) :
#>   Input path does have standard /{z}/{x}/{y}.mvt format so you must provide zxy parameters manually

this doesn't affect the rgbif usage, but it would be good for this to work more generally, and not just with urls without query params

sckott commented 4 years ago

other than the above about query params with urls, i think it's good to go.

Did some rough comparisons, comparing read_mvt_sf converted to geojson to the cli tool vt2geojson on the same mvt tiles created in the labs-geojson2mvt repo. Spot checked many of the same files visually and the coordinates and I couldn't see any differences.

jeroen commented 4 years ago

OK I added something to strip the URL params