jeroenheijmans / advent-of-code-charts

Inject charts in your private leaderboard page for Advent of Code
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Improved day numbers with preview of what the day's content is #63

Open jeroenheijmans opened 2 years ago

jeroenheijmans commented 2 years ago

It would be super nice if the various day numbers (especially in the "Podium per day" and "Stats per day" tables) would have some kind of (discoverable, accessible) tooltip or other extension to show what that day was about.

Especially looking at previous years, or even now in January looking back at past month, I struggle to know "what was that day again?". Being able to see "Day 21 'Dirac Dice'" and maybe a line or two fromt he page, would be nice.

Alternatively it could show, with a delay, a small popout window with the day in an iframe?

Need to be careful though as the days in the second table are already clickable button-like links. Not sure how the UX would work. In any case, leaving this trail/issue for myself for next year's edition.

jeroenheijmans commented 1 year ago

Gave this some thought, but it's not trivial to do this. Some concerns:

I'm letting this issue sit until at least fall, not spending time on it until I at least know there will be a next edition of AoC at all.