jeroenheijmans / advent-of-code-charts

Inject charts in your private leaderboard page for Advent of Code
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Improve graphs for "tight races" between individuals #88

Open jeroenheijmans opened 1 year ago

jeroenheijmans commented 1 year ago


In another issue @SuperTux88 commented on the recent updates to graphs where the "Logged in User" (if known) gets highlighted with a bit thicker line. They said:

I still have one leaderboard where I was racing with another person and we were pretty close for multiple days, but the new percentage view also already improves the visibility with close lines and it's visible as soon as we are 2 or more points apart. So probably good enough.

But continues:

I just had another idea: what if the highlighted line is done with hovering over the names/lines? That could help to also quickly highlight other lines in a big board (without needing to disable everybody else). But I also don't know how easy that is and what it does to performance on big boards? 🤔 So not sure if it's worth it, but if you think it is doable and could be useful, I can create a separate issue about it.

I think it's fair to put in some extra effort for users who are part of a "tight race". I think they are the "Power Users" of this browser extension: perhaps a small part of the user base, but also those who use it the most or to the max.

The Issue

Could we improve the situation for folks in a "tight race"? Can we somehow undo the fact that "only a thicker line for logged in users" now overshadows such a tight race? Without giving up the benefits of the extra highlight?

There's plenty of options to investigate, including but not limited to:

I welcome input and suggestions, either written or as proof of concepts. Take care however not to go overboard with a PR before we know if a direction is one we want to end up going in.

jeroenheijmans commented 1 year ago

TBD if this can and should be part of #79 (2023 udpates), which also depends on whether a 2023 edition of AoC will happen at all.