jeroenjanssens / data-science-at-the-command-line

Data Science at the Command Line
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movies.txt does not exist - but it does? #63

Closed slacker298 closed 6 years ago

slacker298 commented 6 years ago

First of all, I would like to thank Crevax for solving the previous issue I had - I was able to pull the data and access the files in the book! But now, I am running into another issue. This may not be a problem with the data or files, but I believe it is a problem for those who are new to the command line because I am not able to resolve this issue myself.

Following the examples in Chapter 2 to get to the directory for chapter to and examine the 'movies.txt' file, I can see that the file is there, but when i try to run the command: head -n 3 data/movies.txt I get the error "head: cannot open 'data/movies.txt' for reading: No such file or directory" even though I can see the file with the ls command! I have included a screenshot of my command line prompt for someone better versed in docker to see if I have made a mistake. image I think it is worth noting that I cannot exactly follow the docker run command from the book as the ` symbol throws errors in the windows cmd, so maybe my arbitrary directory naming of "dsacm" is the problem. Also there is the fact that I have to take a roundabout path to get to the actual directory containing the data - not sure if this has something to do with it either.

If this is an issue with my docker experience I would greatly appreciate some sources of how to learn docker (preferably other than the official docker website, it's descriptions are a bit abstract for someone with 0 formal CS education). But really if anyone could shed some light on the issue I am having I would be very grateful. Thanks!

Additional info: I am running Windows 10 x64 with Docker version 17.12.0-ce, build c97c6d6

Crevax commented 6 years ago

Hey slacker, glad to see those changes worked out for you! It's strange that you're unable to read the files though. I'll have to poke around a bit to see what's going on.

In the meantime, this should help clear the air around the docker command: the v flag plus `pwd`:/data mounts whatever pwd resolves to on the host system to the /data drive on the container. Omitting the first part just creates that volume in the container.

So how that applies for you: you'll have to pardon me a second, as I haven't used Windows in a while( and when I did, I was running MinGW so I could run Unix commands). Instead of `pwd`, I'd try running %cd% instead (so docker run --rm -itv %cd%:/data datascienceworkshops/data-science-at-the-command-line. Otherwise I believe pwd will work in PowerShell.

Unfortunately I don't have any resources handy for learning docker beyond their docs. But if you have any other questions around docker I'd be happy to answer them!

gmichel-SMU commented 6 years ago

in Windows, if you use double-quote instead of one quote the command will work eventually:

docker run --rm -itv "pwd":/data datascienceworkshops/data-science-at-the-command-line

gmichel-SMU commented 6 years ago

I ran into the same issue you had and didn't find a solution so far, I think it is related to the structure of the data files inside Docker container.

jeroenjanssens commented 6 years ago

Fixed by datascienceworkshops/dockerfiles@d200080374145ac9cfab8e3159747d3fa9504cbf.