jeroennoten / Laravel-AdminLTE

Easy AdminLTE integration with Laravel
MIT License
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ISSUE: Make Admintle Command is not definde #355

Closed intralix closed 4 years ago

intralix commented 5 years ago

When trying to run php artisan make:adminlte in Laravel 6:

Command "make:adminlte" is not defined.

Did you mean one of these?

shaan207 commented 5 years ago

Facing the same issue? @andcarpi When will you push it?

ulver2812 commented 5 years ago

Same issue here, I think that the alternative way is to use the laravel/ui Composer package, run php artisan ui vue --auth and then replace the blade template with the Laravel-Admin LTE ones.

andcarpi commented 5 years ago

You guys need to wait @lacodimizer accept the pull request or manually change the installed package with the commit. @ulver2812 solution is valid too.

resslinger commented 5 years ago

Hi guys! :) I created a new branch only for laravel 5 and a new branch for laravel 6. So we can support the project for this major versions easier and better. @andcarpi You can change the branch of your pr's to laravel-6 branch.

andcarpi commented 5 years ago

@lacodimizer even with the command now working in laravel-6 branch, i'm rebuilding It to be more like an all-in-one solution for the l6 version. It's adminlte:install and it should install everything needed. What u think? You can check an mvp done in my fork. (New-adminlte-install-command).

resslinger commented 5 years ago

Hi @andcarpi , I think it's a good point of view to refactor the install command. So we can remove the make:adminlte command in this way and the older notices in the readme for Laravel versions older than 5.5.

resslinger commented 5 years ago

@andcarpi can you add a upgrade guide and fix the trans calls in the blade templates please? :) I think we should work with __ instead of trans in the templates.

andcarpi commented 5 years ago

Sure... gonna check the translations on the views... About the upgrade guide... u mean from adminlte 2 to 3 or laravel 5.8 to 6.0?

resslinger commented 5 years ago

I mean the upgrade from Laravel 5.x to 6.x :)

jodavila commented 5 years ago

hi, I was trying and the new comand ' adminlte:install' doens't work

resslinger commented 5 years ago

Do you work with v2.0.0.rc1?

andcarpi commented 5 years ago

Working fine here on Laravel 6 and RC1 image

readysteadywhoa commented 5 years ago

Was about to revert back to Laravel 5 before I found this thread. Worked for me with Laravel 6.0.3 and v2.0.0.

If you previously ran the old vendor:publish command as per the documentation, this new command will prompt you to replace assets including the config file so be aware of that if you've already modified something.

Would be great if the README could be updated to reflect these changes as it's a bit of a showstopper and this issue was the only thing I could find to shed any light on it (I appreciate that this was a very recent change though). Cheers!

PlanetTheCloud commented 5 years ago

Okay, I've installed the laravel-6 branch to my Laravel 6 before v2.0.0. was released. Should I switch to v2.0.0. instead of laravel-6 branch?

resslinger commented 5 years ago


PlanetTheCloud commented 5 years ago

Okay @lacodimizer , can you tell me how to overwrite my existing laravel-6 branch with v2.0.0. properly?

resslinger commented 5 years ago

do you work with composer?

PlanetTheCloud commented 5 years ago

Yes I do work with Composer @lacodimizer

resslinger commented 5 years ago

You only have to change the version in the composer syntax, like "jeroennoten/laravel-adminlte": "^2.0"

PlanetTheCloud commented 5 years ago

Oh Nice, thanks @lacodimizer .

PiousVenom commented 5 years ago

I've got:

        "jeroennoten/laravel-adminlte": "^2.0",
        "laravel/framework": "6.0.*",

And the php artisan make:adminlte still doesn't work for me. Am I missing something?

resslinger commented 5 years ago

The command is removed in version 2.x. Please try the new command adminlte:install We change the readme. Sorry for that.