jeroennoten / Laravel-AdminLTE

Easy AdminLTE integration with Laravel
MIT License
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Submenu with query string not active. #693

Closed shankhadevpadam closed 3 years ago

shankhadevpadam commented 3 years ago

I have installed the latest version of the package. But I have a problem in the submenu with a query string.

            'text' => 'Posts',
            'url'  => 'javascript:;',
            'icon' => 'nav-icon far fa-edit',
            'can'  => 'view_posts',
            'submenu' => [
                    'text' => 'All Posts',
                    'url'  => 'admin/posts',
                    'icon' => 'nav-icon far fa-circle',
                    'active' => ['admin/posts/*/edit'],
                    'can'  => 'view_posts',
                    'text' => 'Add New',
                    'url'  => 'admin/posts/create',
                    'icon' => 'nav-icon far fa-circle',
                    'can'  => 'add_posts',
                    'text' => 'Categories',
                    'url'  => 'admin/terms?type=category',
                    'icon' => 'nav-icon far fa-circle',
                    'active' => ['admin/terms?type=category'],
                    'can'  => 'view_posts',
                    'text' => 'Tags',
                    'url'  => 'admin/terms?type=tag',
                    'icon' => 'nav-icon far fa-circle',
                    'active' => ['admin/terms?type=tag'],
                    'can'  => 'view_posts',

if i set active with query string in categories and tags, both menu are not active. If i set active without query string like ['admin/terms] then both menu will be selected if i click categories or tags. in categories and tags.

dfsmania commented 3 years ago

Hi @shankhadevpadam , thanks for this feedback. Please try the next fix to this issue:

Edit the file vendor/jeroennoten/laravel-adminlte/src/Menu/ActiveChecker.php on your local Laravel project and replace the method checkPattern() by the next new version:

 * Checks if an url pattern matches the requested url.
 * @param string $pattern
 * @return bool
protected function checkPattern($pattern)
    // First, check if the pattern is a regular expression.

    if (Str::startsWith($pattern, 'regex:')) {
        $regex = Str::substr($pattern, 6);

        return (bool) preg_match($regex, $this->request->path());

    // If pattern is not a regex, check if the requested url matches the
    // absolute path to the given pattern. When the pattern uses query
    // parameters, compare with the full request url.

    $pattern = preg_replace('@^https?://@', '*', $this->url->to($pattern));
    $request = $this->request->url();

    if (Str::contains($pattern, '?')) {
        $request = $this->request->fullUrl();

    return Str::is($pattern, $request);

And please, tell me if with this new version all works as you expected. Your commentaries about this will help to make a fix for this issue.

shankhadevpadam commented 3 years ago

Perfectly work. another problem, if I used route instead of URL how to set active for the route.

for eg

            'text' => 'Posts',
            'url'  => 'javascript:;',
            'icon' => 'nav-icon far fa-edit',
            'can'  => 'view_posts',
            'submenu' => [
                    'text' => 'All Posts',
                    'route'  => 'admin.posts.index',
                    'icon' => 'nav-icon far fa-circle',
                    'active' => ['admin/posts/*/edit'],
                    'can'  => 'view_posts',
                    'text' => 'Add New',
                    'route'  => 'admin.posts.create',
                    'icon' => 'nav-icon far fa-circle',
                    'can'  => 'add_posts',
                    'text' => 'Categories',
                    'route'  => ['admin.terms.index', ['type' => 'category']],
                    'icon' => 'nav-icon far fa-circle',
                    'can'  => 'view_posts',
                    'text' => 'Tags',
                    'route'  => ['admin.terms.index', ['type' => 'tag']],
                    'icon' => 'nav-icon far fa-circle',
                    'can'  => 'view_posts',

and prefix "admin" should be dynamic. In my case i want to active "All Posts" when i edit the post.

dfsmania commented 3 years ago

Hi @shankhadevpadam thanks for your feedback, I will make a fix soon for the first mentioned problem.

I'm not very familiarized with the usage of the route field, but for what I have seen, the name of the route used on that field will be used to generated the href attribute (an url) of the item's link. The ActiveChecker module is based on comparisons with the current requested URL, so you will need to know the URL's related to the routes. Knowing that, you can use regular expressions on the active field to cover very particular cases (and I believe this is what you are searching for). You can see an example on Active Menu Items Section. But, you can do things like this one:

    'text' => 'All Posts',
    'route'  => 'admin.posts.index',
    'icon' => 'nav-icon far fa-circle',
    'active' => ['regex:@^.*/posts/.*/edit$@'],
    'can'  => 'view_posts',

That one should match urls like next ones (If the regular expression is not wrong):

shankhadevpadam commented 3 years ago

All work perfectly now.

shankhadevpadam commented 3 years ago

This is works in local development perfectly but not work in a live server.

dfsmania commented 3 years ago

@shankhadevpadam Hi, can you provide more info, like the pattern with query parameters that should be active and the full url you see in the browser when it should be active. Also, have you tried the version applied on the fix?

shankhadevpadam commented 3 years ago (Local development) (My live testing server)

'menu' => [
            'text' => 'search',
            'search' => false,
            'topnav' => false,
            'text'        => 'Home',
            'route'       => 'admin.home',
            'icon'        => 'nav-icon fas fa-house-user',
            'label_color' => 'success',
            'text' => 'Posts',
            'url'  => 'javascript:;',
            'icon' => 'nav-icon far fa-edit',
            'can'  => 'view_posts',
            'submenu' => [
                    'text'   => 'All Posts',
                    'route'  => 'admin.posts.index',
                    'icon'   => 'nav-icon far fa-circle',
                    'active' => ['regex:@^.*/posts/.*/edit$@'],
                    'can'    => 'view_posts',
                    'text'   => 'Add New',
                    'route'  => 'admin.posts.create',
                    'icon'   => 'nav-icon far fa-circle',
                    'can'    => 'add_posts',
                    'text'   => 'Categories',
                    'route'  => ['admin.terms.index', ['type' => 'category']],
                    'icon'   => 'nav-icon far fa-circle',
                    'can'    => 'view_terms',
                    'text'   => 'Tags',
                    'route'  => ['admin.terms.index', ['type' => 'tag']],
                    'icon'   => 'nav-icon far fa-circle',
                    'can'    => 'view_terms',
            'text'        => 'Pages',
            'url'         => 'javascript:;',
            'icon'        => 'nav-icon far fa-sticky-note',
            'label_color' => 'success',
            'can'         => 'view_pages',
            'submenu'     => [
                    'text'     => 'All Pages',
                    'route'    => 'admin.pages.index',
                    'icon'     => 'nav-icon far fa-circle',
                    'active'   => ['regex:@^.*/pages/.*/edit$@'],
                    'can'      => 'view_pages',
                    'text'   => 'Add New',
                    'route'  => 'admin.pages.create',
                    'icon'   => 'nav-icon far fa-circle',
                    'can'    => 'add_pages',
            'text'        => 'Appearance',
            'url'         => 'javascript:;',
            'icon'        => 'nav-icon fas fa-paint-brush',
            'label_color' => 'success',
            'can'         => 'view_menus',
            'submenu' => [
                    'text'     => 'Menus',
                    'route'    => 'admin.menus.index',
                    'icon'     => 'nav-icon far fa-circle',
                    'active' => ['regex:@^.*/menus/.*/edit$@', 'regex:@^.*/menus/create$@'],
                    'can'      => 'view_menus',
            'text'        => 'Settings',
            'url'         => 'javascript:;',
            'icon'        => 'nav-icon fas fa-tools',
            'label_color' => 'success',
            'can'         => 'view_settings',
            'submenu'     => [
                    'text'     => 'General',
                    'route'    => ['admin.settings.index', ['option' => 'general']],
                    'icon'     => 'nav-icon far fa-circle',
                    'can'      => 'view_settings',
        ['header' => 'account_settings'],
            'text'          => 'Users',
            'route'         => 'admin.users.index',
            'icon'          => 'nav-icon far fa-user',
            'can'           => 'view_users',
            'text'          => 'Roles',
            'route'         => 'admin.roles.index',
            'icon'          => 'nav-icon fas fa-user-tag',
            'can'           => 'view_roles',
            'text'   => 'profile',
            'route'  => 'admin.users.profile',
            'icon'   => 'nav-icon fas fa-address-card',
dfsmania commented 3 years ago

Please, can you provide the route definition for ['admin.terms.index', ['type' => 'category']]? Also, can you temporarily change the checkPattern() method of the file vendor/jeroennoten/laravel-adminlte/src/Menu/ActiveChecker.php by next one:

 * Checks if an url pattern matches the requested url.
 * @param string $pattern
 * @return bool
protected function checkPattern($pattern)
    Log::error("#####> pattern is: {$pattern} ---------------------------");

    // First, check if the pattern is a regular expression.

    if (Str::startsWith($pattern, 'regex:')) {
        $regex = Str::substr($pattern, 6);

        return (bool) preg_match($regex, $this->request->path());

    // If pattern is not a regex, check if the requested url matches the
    // absolute path to the given pattern. When the pattern uses query
    // parameters, compare with the full url request.

    $pattern = preg_replace('@^https?://@', '*', $this->url->to($pattern));
    $request = $this->request->url();

    if (isset(parse_url($pattern)['query'])) {
        $request = $this->request->fullUrl();

    Log::error("#####> normalized pattern is: {$pattern}");
    Log::error("#####> request is: {$request}");
    return Str::is($pattern, $request);

and add use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log; at the begin of the same file. Then after clicking on the categories menu item, open the file storage/logs/laravel.log and locate the debug related to the categories pattern to show me that information. The debug should be something like this:

[2020-09-20 14:41:23] local.ERROR: #####> pattern is: <categories_pattern> ---------------------------
[2020-09-20 14:41:23] local.ERROR: #####> normalized pattern is: <normalized_categories_patetrn>
[2020-09-20 14:41:23] local.ERROR: #####> request is: https://easycms...
shankhadevpadam commented 3 years ago

I get this one.

[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR:   
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> pattern is: # ---------------------------  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> normalized pattern is: #  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> request is:  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR:   
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> pattern is: ---------------------------  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> normalized pattern is: *  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> request is:  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR:   
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> pattern is: regex:@^.*/posts/.*/edit$@ ---------------------------  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR:   
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> pattern is: ---------------------------  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> normalized pattern is: *  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> request is:  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR:   
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> pattern is: ---------------------------  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> normalized pattern is: *  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> request is:  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR:   
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> pattern is: ---------------------------  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> normalized pattern is: *  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> request is:  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR:   
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> pattern is: ---------------------------  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> normalized pattern is: *  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> request is:  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR:   
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> pattern is: ---------------------------  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> normalized pattern is: *  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> request is:  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR:   
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> pattern is: ---------------------------  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> normalized pattern is: *  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> request is:  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR:   
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> pattern is: regex:@^.*/pages/.*/edit$@ ---------------------------  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR:   
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> pattern is: ---------------------------  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> normalized pattern is: *  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> request is:  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR:   
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> pattern is: ---------------------------  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> normalized pattern is: *  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> request is:  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR:   
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> pattern is: ---------------------------  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> normalized pattern is: *  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> request is:  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR:   
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> pattern is: ---------------------------  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> normalized pattern is: *  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> request is:  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR:   
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> pattern is:; ---------------------------  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> normalized pattern is: *;  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> request is:  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR:   
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> pattern is: javascript:; ---------------------------  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> normalized pattern is: *;  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> request is:  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR:   
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> pattern is: regex:@^.*/menus/.*/edit$@ ---------------------------  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR:   
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> pattern is: ---------------------------  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> normalized pattern is: *  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> request is:  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR:   
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> pattern is: ---------------------------  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> normalized pattern is: *  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> request is:  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR:   
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> pattern is:; ---------------------------  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> normalized pattern is: *;  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> request is:  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR:   
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> pattern is: javascript:; ---------------------------  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> normalized pattern is: *;  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> request is:  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR:   
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> pattern is: ---------------------------  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> normalized pattern is: *  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> request is:  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR:   
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> pattern is: ---------------------------  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> normalized pattern is: *  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> request is:  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR:   
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> pattern is:; ---------------------------  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> normalized pattern is: *;  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> request is:  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR:   
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> pattern is: javascript:; ---------------------------  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> normalized pattern is: *;  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> request is:  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR:   
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> pattern is: ---------------------------  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> normalized pattern is: *  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> request is:  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR:   
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> pattern is: ---------------------------  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> normalized pattern is: *  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> request is:  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR:   
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> pattern is: ---------------------------  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> normalized pattern is: *  
[2020-09-21 04:04:53] local.ERROR: #####> request is:  
dfsmania commented 3 years ago

That is really strange, for what I can see on the next lines it should work:

#####> pattern is: ---------------------------
#####> normalized pattern is: *
#####> request is:

Just in case, try adding trim() method on the return sentence and an extra log:

Log::error('#####> check result: ' . Str::is($pattern, $request));
return Str::is(trim($pattern), trim($request));

Also, what is the order of filters on the filters configuration option of the adminlte.php file in the production environment?

shankhadevpadam commented 3 years ago
    'menu' => [
            'text' => 'search',
            'search' => false,
            'topnav' => false,
            'text'        => 'Home',
            'route'       => 'admin.home',
            'icon'        => 'nav-icon fas fa-house-user',
            'label_color' => 'success',
            'text' => 'Posts',
            'url'  => 'javascript:;',
            'icon' => 'nav-icon far fa-edit',
            'can'  => 'view_posts',
            'submenu' => [
                    'text'   => 'All Posts',
                    'route'  => 'admin.posts.index',
                    'icon'   => 'nav-icon far fa-circle',
                    'active' => ['regex:@^.*/posts/.*/edit$@'],
                    'can'    => 'view_posts',
                    'text'   => 'Add New',
                    'route'  => 'admin.posts.create',
                    'icon'   => 'nav-icon far fa-circle',
                    'can'    => 'add_posts',
                    'text'   => 'Categories',
                    'route'  => ['admin.terms.index', ['type' => 'category']],
                    'icon'   => 'nav-icon far fa-circle',
                    'can'    => 'view_terms',
                    'text'   => 'Tags',
                    'route'  => ['admin.terms.index', ['type' => 'tag']],
                    'icon'   => 'nav-icon far fa-circle',
                    'can'    => 'view_terms',
            'text'        => 'Pages',
            'url'         => 'javascript:;',
            'icon'        => 'nav-icon far fa-sticky-note',
            'label_color' => 'success',
            'can'         => 'view_pages',
            'submenu'     => [
                    'text'     => 'All Pages',
                    'route'    => 'admin.pages.index',
                    'icon'     => 'nav-icon far fa-circle',
                    'active'   => ['regex:@^.*/pages/.*/edit$@'],
                    'can'      => 'view_pages',
                    'text'   => 'Add New',
                    'route'  => 'admin.pages.create',
                    'icon'   => 'nav-icon far fa-circle',
                    'can'    => 'add_pages',
            'text'        => 'Appearance',
            'url'         => 'javascript:;',
            'icon'        => 'nav-icon fas fa-paint-brush',
            'label_color' => 'success',
            'can'         => 'view_menus',
            'submenu' => [
                    'text'     => 'Menus',
                    'route'    => 'admin.menus.index',
                    'icon'     => 'nav-icon far fa-circle',
                    'active' => ['regex:@^.*/menus/.*/edit$@', 'regex:@^.*/menus/create$@'],
                    'can'      => 'view_menus',
            'text'        => 'Settings',
            'url'         => 'javascript:;',
            'icon'        => 'nav-icon fas fa-tools',
            'label_color' => 'success',
            'can'         => 'view_settings',
            'submenu'     => [
                    'text'     => 'General',
                    'route'    => ['admin.settings.index', ['option' => 'general']],
                    'icon'     => 'nav-icon far fa-circle',
                    'can'      => 'view_settings',
        ['header' => 'account_settings'],
            'text'          => 'Users',
            'route'         => 'admin.users.index',
            'icon'          => 'nav-icon far fa-user',
            'can'           => 'view_users',
            'text'          => 'Roles',
            'route'         => 'admin.roles.index',
            'icon'          => 'nav-icon fas fa-user-tag',
            'can'           => 'view_roles',
            'text'   => 'profile',
            'route'  => 'admin.users.profile',
            'icon'   => 'nav-icon fas fa-address-card',

    | Menu Filters
    | Here we can modify the menu filters of the admin panel.
    | For more detailed instructions you can look here:

    'filters' => [
dfsmania commented 3 years ago

The filters are ok. Test with the mentioned changes, you shoud see something like next for the categories comparison log:

#####> pattern is: ---------------------------
#####> normalized pattern is: *
#####> request is:
#####> check result: 1 (or true)

If you see that, then the problem arises in other place. If the result is a 0 or false we should check why this is happening.

shankhadevpadam commented 3 years ago

Now this work fine.

dfsmania commented 3 years ago

@shankhadevpadam Can you explain what fixed it? or what was the problem? So I can know if a fix is needed...

shankhadevpadam commented 3 years ago

I don't know what the problem. But when I paste the code you send last one, that fix the problem.

dfsmania commented 3 years ago

@shankhadevpadam Please, can you confirm the next line fixed the problem?

return Str::is(trim($pattern), trim($request));

By executing next steps:

  1. Use return Str::is($pattern, $request); and confirm the categories menu is not active.
  2. Use return Str::is(trim($pattern), trim($request)); and confirm the categories menu is now active.

That will be very helpful for us. Also, take in mind you should delete all the added debug lines.

shankhadevpadam commented 3 years ago
return Str::is(trim($pattern), trim($request));

This one fix the problem. And I already deleted the log.

dfsmania commented 3 years ago

Ok, thanks @shankhadevpadam . However, it is very strange that you ended with whitespaces characters or other non-visible characters on the URLs. Read trim() for reference.